I Shall Defy Heaven's Expectations

I Shall Defy Heaven's Expectations

52 Chapters Ongoing Status


I Shall Defy Heaven's Expectations,

Chu Fan, in his previous life, lived to become a wizard in our realm of existence. He was a huge introvert and xianxia fanatic.

He was struck by lightning at his most pitiable hour of existence; with a heart filled with regret, he was given a chance to live again.

His soul was sent to another realm, that of cultivators and limitless worlds.

Looking at his hands and feet he noticed he was fat. "I've become the token fat guy of this Xianxia?"

He knew this role too well. He was born into the world of his dreams not to become the hero, but the fat guy.

He swore to change his destiny and the course of this story by his own means, even if it meant defying the heaven's will.

Join him in his adventures as he struggles to try and become the hero of his dreams.

Author's note:

I thank you on behalf of myself as the author of this series. It means a lot to me to have people willing to read my work.

I hope you like my story and have fun reading, as I have fun telling this tale of the underdog.

I will try and release between 3-5 chapters a week.

With utmost gratitude to my readers,


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