Ancient wizards return to Hogwarts

Chapter 80 I actually have quite a lot of research on fire dragons (Merry Christmas

Chapter 80 I actually have quite a lot of research on fire dragons (Merry Christmas!)

From Rice's perspective, now was a perfect opportunity to bring him and Hagrid closer together. §§After the relationship between the two of them is close enough, he can ask for the materials on Hagrid's fire dragon, and he can also talk to Hagrid about the precautions for raising dragons, which is killing two birds with one stone.

What's even better is that Hagrid must have saved a lot of good things over the years as a gamekeeper. As long as the connections are in place, these things can be obtained to help Les expand his potion material reserve.

Really precious potion ingredients are difficult to buy on the market, such as African tree snake skin, the main ingredient in polyjuice. The moment this thing is discovered, it will be divided up by all the potion masters, and it will never be released on the market. It is almost impossible to buy it with money, and you can only exchange raw materials of the same level with other potion masters.

Thinking of these benefits, Les couldn't help but quicken his pace.

No Potions Master could turn down the opportunity to expand his stash of ingredients. If he refuses, it means his love of Potions isn't deep enough.

Under the leadership of Ron, the three of Les quickly arrived outside Hagrid's hut.

All the curtains in Hagrid's hut were drawn tightly. After Ron knocked on the door, Hagrid first confirmed his identity before opening the door.

Then he was stunned, because behind Ron there were Les and Daphne.

"Hagrid, they can be trusted!" Ron saw Hagrid's concerns and quickly vouched for Les. He raised his bandaged hand to show that Les had helped take care of his wound.

With Ron's endorsement, Hagrid let Les in. After they entered the house, he did not forget to immediately close the door firmly.

The smell of blood was extremely strong in Hagrid's house, and a large number of chicken feathers and empty wine bottles were scattered on the floor.

Les saw the culprit of all this at a glance, the fire dragon that was about the size of a hound, tearing something wildly under Hagrid's bed. Judging from its scales and tail fin, it is indeed a Norwegian Ridgeback.

After confirming the status of the fire dragon, Rice began to observe Hagrid's living environment.

Hagrid's cabin was quite cramped. There was only one room in the cabin. There were some game animals such as ham, pheasant and hare hanging on the ceiling. The fireplace was close to the wall, with a kettle on it, where Hagrid usually boiled water. His bed was in the corner of the room, and the rag quilt on the bed had been torn by the fire dragon.

The fluctuation of magic power in the house was quite strong, only slightly less than that in Snape's potion storage room, which made Les secretly frightened.

He looked around, and finally his attention was drawn to something hanging from the ham and pheasant. It was a bunch of silver hairs, hidden among various bacons, very inconspicuous. Les took a closer look, and his pupils dilated for a moment: that was actually a lot of unicorn hair!

This bundle of precious animal hair, which could be exchanged for a large bag of gold Galleons, was hung so casually on the ceiling that even Les almost ignored it.

Les took another serious look at the furnishings in the room, and then made more surprising discoveries: the handful of hay placed next to the firewood in the corner looked more and more like feather grass; the basket containing sundries seemed to be made of Laurel wood; there seemed to be a few fire core stones among the stones used to build the fireplace; the wooden sticks used to hang prey on the ceiling, Les judged to be oak tree cores that were no less than three hundred years old...

Les took a deep breath. He felt that if he didn't sell the "funeral objects", Hagrid would be much richer than him.

"Sit down, everyone, do you want some tea?" Hagrid warmly greeted the three of them to sit down and brought a huge teapot over.

"Hagrid, that fire dragon..." Les tried to get to the point.

"It's called Norbert, haha, I didn't expect you to find it." A trace of embarrassment flashed across Hagrid's face.

"Well, I know. I guessed it when you borrowed the book that day." Les took the steaming teacup from Hagrid's hand.

"Is that so?" Hagrid scratched his head, "I thought I hid it well."

"Hagrid, what preparations have you made to raise a dragon? Have you only read those few books?" Les put the teacup back on the table and asked seriously.

"Well, I checked out as many books as possible." Hagrid also became serious.

"Your preparations are far from enough." Les's words were quite rude. "Ron's injury is just the beginning. If you continue to do this, a more serious accident will happen sooner or later. This time he was just bitten. , he might lose an arm next time."

Ron's face became a little pale, and he remembered the rumors his brother Charlie told him.

Les glanced at Norbert who was biting the foot of the bed, "It needs training. You need to let it know what is right and what is wrong."

"Norbert is just a kid, he's still young—"

"It will be too late when it grows up." Les felt that his patience was being exhausted little by little.

"You know what's going to happen if it grows up to look like this."

Hagrid was silent.

Rice's words are cruel, but they are reality. When Norbert becomes an adult fire dragon, if it is still so disobedient, there is a high probability that it will be killed - even the fire dragon sanctuary will not take in a fire dragon that is too angry.

"Also, it's illegal to keep dragons now."

Hagrid pursed his lips, and the room fell into a long silence. The only sounds were the fire dragon Norbert and the flames in the fireplace.

"I, I..." Hagrid opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

"I can contact my brother Charlie. He is studying fire dragons in Romania. He will definitely be willing to accept Norbert." Ron quickly spoke to smooth things over for everyone.

Les glanced at him. He originally wanted Hagrid to release Norbert into the Forbidden Forest. Judging from the area and products of the Forbidden Forest, it was more than enough to accommodate a dozen fire dragons.

"Training a fire dragon is actually not difficult," Daphne also spoke. "I should have some ancient information at home. I'll get it to you later."

"Great, great!" Hagrid became excited and thanked him repeatedly. However, he was so excited that he was at a loss for words and could only say a few words over and over again.

"Very good." A smile broke out on Les's face. He looked at Hagrid and asked him if he would mind giving Norbert a physical examination.

"To tell you the truth, I actually have quite a lot of research on fire dragons."

Les didn't lie.

When the four of them first moved here, there were many fire dragons living in the Forbidden Forest next to Hogwarts. These energetic beasts often come out to attack Helga's livestock. So out of the need to expand the potion storage room and guard the corral, Les dealt with all the fire dragons in the Forbidden Forest.

In the process, he did gain a deep understanding and research on fire dragons.

"Really? That's great, go ahead!" Hagrid didn't know these old things. He waved his hand and agreed to Les's request.

"Thank you." The smile on Les's face made Hagrid suddenly shiver.

He was a little confused: Which window was left open? It looks like the fire needs to be brighter.

As for the fire dragon Norbert, he raised his head alertly, seeming to have noticed something unusual.


The third update is here. Good night, guys! By the way, I wish you all a Merry Christmas!

New 𝘹.𝘤𝘰𝘮

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