As An Immortal, I Only Learn Forbidden Skills

Chapter 16 Nobody Can Stop Me From Going On

Jiang Ming didn't know that because of his own caution, he accidentally avoided a trouble.

He was humming a little song on the way back to the mountain. He was in a good mood. He was already fantasizing about how to build a house and where to dig the vegetable fields.

After all, no matter where you go, the desire to "build a yard, dig a garden, and plant a seedling" in the heart of a flower grower is always unavoidable...


Jiang Ming's footsteps suddenly stopped, and trouble seemed to be coming.

At this time, the sky was dark, and there was a forest on both sides of the road, and the shadows of the trees were dark, like a black abyss.

But Jiang Ming has already sensed blood energy, and his five senses are much sharper, and he can hear some abnormal small voices behind those tree shadows.

"Boy, what a high level of vigilance."

A slightly familiar voice sounded, and several figures jumped out from both sides of the road, three in front and two behind, blocking him on the road.

Jiang Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at these people: "Are you...the people who collect mountain goods?"

A few people were the vendors who bought his hazel mushrooms in the market in the morning.

However, at this moment, they were all holding gleaming fine iron long knives in their hands, obviously coming to kill people.

"It's still not cautious enough..." Jiang Ming sighed. These people were able to chase him out of the city to kill him, which meant that he must have been exposed somewhere.

"However, you really shouldn't come." Jiang Ming sighed incomprehensibly.

He likes to hang around and doesn't like to cause trouble... But if he encounters this kind of trouble today, there is only one way to deal with it.

Because even if you pay money to pretend to be cowardly at this time, it can't change the status quo that these people have already found out that he has a problem...

If they survived tonight, they would only cause him more trouble.

"Boy, it's crazy!" The leader smiled calmly, but his eyes showed contempt, as if he was looking at a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in a cage: "Leave everything, take off your clothes... and then I will ask you a few questions and you will be fine." let you go."

This kind of tranquility is not pretended, they have been wandering in the prefecture and the mountains all year round, and have done all kinds of shady things. It is just commonplace to rob such fat sheep that are left alone.

As for letting you go... Naturally, they are talking nonsense with their eyes open. They have never left anyone alive in this business.

The other vendors suddenly laughed jokingly, and surrounded them with long knives.

"I'll give you everything, but I also want to ask a question." Jiang Ming seemed to be frightened, and quickly put down the medicine basket, took out a few strings of copper coins from his arms and threw them on the ground, then asked curiously:

"How do you know I still have money?"

"Don't play dumb with me!" The leading vendor glanced at the strings of copper coins, and said with a sneer, "All the hazel mushrooms you picked have silver and white patterns, which only grow in the deep forests, and ordinary mountain pickers can't pick them at all... ... Tell me about your safe route for picking hazel mushrooms, and I will leave you a way to survive, otherwise... hum..."

He swung his long knife with a fierce look in his eyes.

In the eyes of these traders, Jiang Ming must have found a safe route because of his good luck, so that he could enter the deep mountains and pick the best quality hazel mushrooms.

The price of this kind of hazel mushroom is several times that of ordinary hazel mushrooms, and it is the peak growing season. If they have such a route, they will not be fully developed...

"Oh I got it."

Jiang Ming suddenly realized that the way of thinking is really separated like a mountain. He is very familiar with picking herbs, but he knows nothing about picking mushrooms, and he has never noticed these differences at all.

"However... you have misunderstood one thing!" Jiang Ming figured out the truth, so he simply stopped pretending and smiled: "I didn't rely on safe routes to pick mushrooms, and your efforts were wasted."

"Toast, don't eat fine wine!" All the vendors yelled and cursed, and they rushed up with long knives, and two sword lights flashed first, slashing at Jiang Ming's arms alternately.

Until now, they were still playing tricks, trying to force Jiang Ming to reveal the safe route...

Jiang Ming's eyes were calm, and he rushed out obliquely, his upper body leaned back like a spring, and suddenly straightened up after avoiding the light of the knife, and his punch was as fast as lightning, and hit a person's neck fiercely.

Hearing a "click", the man's head was tilted immediately, and his body flew out like a rotten sack, and he died before landing.

The peddler still had his eyes wide open, his mouth and nose were bleeding continuously, and he seemed to be unbelievable that he was punched and killed by a fat sheep in his eyes.

At the same time, Jiang Ming has already jumped back, lifted the ax he just bought from the medicine basket, and stood like a pine.

"It's not right, kill him quickly!" This sudden change made the leading merchant feel shocked and angry, and immediately roared sharply.

"Fuck, little brat!"

The four of them came to kill together from the front and back, and as the strong wind howled, the four long knives seemed to form a net of knives, facing Jiang Ming under the hood.

During the battle, Jiang Ming's comprehension of Fuhu Fist seemed to be much more profound in an instant.

The body is like a tiger, and the knife and ax are also extensions of the body!

At this moment, the ax seemed to have a spirituality suddenly, and it bypassed a long knife that was about to block.


The ax was powerful and heavy, and it slashed across a merchant's chest and abdomen, bringing up a large cloud of blood and bone fragments.

A hole was torn open in that person's chest, blood flowed like a column, his hot heart was still beating in his chest cavity, but his body was already powerless and fell to the ground, motionless.

"Fuck, fourth child!"

"This kid has practiced martial arts!"

There was a messy exclamation, and the face of the leading trader was even more gloomy, and he was no longer calm and freehand at the beginning. Today they killed a fat sheep and killed a tiger.

Jiang Ming also had two scars on his arms and back, which stained his clothes red with blood, but he didn't care, and shouted: "Come on!"

"He's injured...give it to me!" The leader of the merchant shouted angrily. Tonight, he lost two people because of a fat sheep. It's really a big loss.

However, after only ten breaths...

When the third person's head was chopped off and fell to the ground, the leader of the trader and the only other person were already terrified.

"Why...why didn't you die?"

He looked at the long knife sticking out of Jiang Ming's stomach, his face full of horror.

Jiang Ming sighed: "Your shortcoming is that your eyes are too sharp..."

"Ah..." The other person was completely frightened, the blade in his hand fell to the ground, and he turned around and ran away.

"Run's too late!" Jiang Ming pulled out the long knife from his belly, threw it out, pierced the fleeing man's chest, and nailed him to a big tree.

In the blink of an eye, only the leading merchant was left in the group of five who had been robbing money just now. He was so frightened that he fell to the ground and said incoherently, "Don't, don't kill me... I won't say it..."

Jiang Ming's eyes were blank: "From the moment you came to me, this matter has only one ending."


The ax fell into his neck, and the begging for mercy stopped abruptly.

"Huh~ I was scared to death, I was almost exposed."

Jiang Ming took a long breath, looked at the five motionless people, and nodded with satisfaction:

"I can continue to drag on..."

So late...trying to make early tomorrow! !

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