Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 868 850 Death

Chapter 868 850. Death

They were quite polite.

This made Lan En relax.

Maybe this group of people before really just had dull personalities.

The witcher thought optimistically.

These people were so thin and tall that they looked like skinny, malnourished men.

But in terms of height alone, they can indeed keep eye level with Lan En.

There were about ten loggers in this group, and the one who took off his hat in response to Lan En's greeting was probably a small foreman. After he stood up, many loggers focused their attention on him.

After taking off the straw hat, the image of the little foreman was very different from Lan En's expectation.

His rough and messy hair was still covered with damp heat from working.

The cheeks are thin and even sunken.

"I'm a lost traveler. After sleeping, I can't even tell whether it's morning or afternoon."

Lan En said naturally, while taking out a loaf of bread from the alchemy leather bag on his waist and passing it over.

"Can you help me? This person is unfamiliar with this place, but he is very sad."

The foreman looked at the large loaf of bread in Lan En's hand, and then looked up at Lan En himself.

Finally he took out the towel tied around his neck, wiped his dark hands, and took the bread.

He turned around and greeted: "Du, take a rest and have something to eat."

This was the first time that this group of people spoke after Lan En arrived.

Stiffness and dryness don’t just refer to the voice and vocal cords. Lan En even felt that the thinking in their heads was very difficult.

"This is the Zhenpu Forest. And now it's morning. No. Afternoon?"

The foreman waved his stiff arms and first asked his group to sit down and rest, and then introduced Lan En.

But as he spoke, he seemed to have no sense of time. There was still hesitation in his stiff and dry voice.

This made Lan En's eyes narrow slightly.

Judging from the way the foreman greeted his companions for food just now, he should at least be a normal person with emotional intelligence and experience in leading a team.

But so far, whether it's movement or speech performance, even people with Down syndrome are better than him.

What's happening here?

"Zhen Punishing Forest?"

But Lan En didn't express his real doubts openly. Instead, he asked about the name of the place first.

Zhe punishment, also known as Zhe punishment.

This is an ancient saying, in vernacular it means - piercing punishment.

A kind of punishment with a big gap between the upper and lower limits. The lower limit is to be stabbed to death with a single shot, which is clean and neat. And the upper limit.

Some were like Jesus’ crucifixion, where his limbs were nailed first and then stabbed to death. There are also cases where, like in the heavy flavor legend, the spear head is inserted into the victim's lower body, and then he stands up, using gravity to slowly penetrate the whole body and protrude from the mouth.

"You don't know? Oh. By the way, you are a traveler."

The leading woodcutter, like his men, sat on the ground with the bread Lan En gave them, and the wood they chopped was placed at their feet.

The bread given by Lan En was very big. Even if it was divided among nearly ten people, each person still had a piece as big as half a palm.

Thick, strong, and very filling.

This group of lumberjacks had been working very hard, and the hair on their heads was lying on their foreheads due to sweat.

But I don’t know why, each of these people dressed themselves up.

Even if she is naked, only her wrists and ankles are exposed.

Lan En saw that they had been wiping sweat, but no one was willing to take off their collars and go shirtless.

"Aren't you here to pay homage to the Fire Passing Ceremony? Underneath the Zhenxun Forest is the ruins of the famous French Fortress where the famous Xinwang [France Undead Team] stayed."

"This forest and the undead settlement on the mountain behind are both fiefdoms of the Duke of Ulster."

Lan En pretended to be enlightened and said perfunctorily.

A lot of information came out at once, and Mentos was working with Lan En to sort it out.

The ‘Fire Passing Ceremony’ sounds like a very famous and large-scale ceremony, so much so that it can attract many people to travel long distances to watch the ceremony.

‘King of Fire’ seems to refer to some kind of title, connected with the previous ‘Fire Passing Ceremony’, ‘Fire and Fire’. Lan En guessed that he might be the host of this ceremony?

‘Flan Undead’, ‘Duke of Ulster’. These things lacked pre-descriptions in the lumberjack leader’s words, and Lan En didn’t understand what they meant for a while.

I only know that this world still has classes, and that the place I am in is a duke's fiefdom.

It seems that even though, as the lady in the lake said, this is a place where even the basis of existence is very different from other worlds, some things can still make people feel familiar.

Lan En didn't expect to know much from the lumberjacks' mouths, so after finding out how the undead settlement came to be, he didn't ask any more questions.

Although the name Immortal Settlement is strange, a place that pursues and features "longevity" should also have such a nickname.

After all, it is a settlement. There must be more people than in the forest, and there should be more information available.

Lan En planned his future actions in his mind.

At the same time, it seems like these loggers haven't had enough to eat in a really long time.

Lan En watched as they hugged the black bread he gave them and stuffed it into their mouths hungrily.

I really don’t know how the Duke of Ulster made a group of woodcutters who didn’t even have food to focus on their work so much.

But soon, Lan En had no time to think too much.


A lumberjack held the black bread in his hand and chewed it fiercely. It seemed that he ate too quickly and the black bread was too dry and too solid, so he choked in his throat.

The eyeballs on his already thin face suddenly protruded outward like a frog. At the same time, his face turned red, and his long and thin palms were waving helplessly in the air.

The woodcutter around him quickly put the bread in his mouth and tried to help him with his free hands.

Lan En also noticed something unusual and quickly stepped over the lumberjack leader's legs, trying to help.

But within these four or five steps, the man stopped moving.

Lan En was in a daze.

After all, if the food chokes the trachea and throat, according to his common sense, it will take more than ten minutes before it becomes life-threatening.

So he didn't walk in a hurry just now. He took four or five steps for three seconds.

But just three seconds of suffocation. That person is dead? !

Although this dead man's body was so thin that it felt like a mummy that should have been buried long ago, but it was too soon.

What made the demon hunter feel even more abnormal was that everyone, including the leader of the lumberjacks, was stunned for a moment when faced with the sudden death of their companions.

Then it seemed like he was no longer surprised and didn't take it to heart anymore.

The woodcutter who had come to help with black bread in his mouth just now sat down next to the corpse and started eating again.

The demon hunter frowned slightly, and at the same time, his left hand was placed on the handle of the knife at his waist, and he slowly retreated.

"Man, one of your men is dead."

Lan En, who slowly retreated, walked to the lumberjack leader who had just passed by. He looked down at the leader sitting on the ground and said something inexplicable.

"Isn't this a big deal? Why do I think you don't care?"

"It's a big deal."

The team leader seemed to have difficulty understanding what Lan En said.

He repeated Lan En's words with difficulty.

"It seems like it's a big deal. Yes, someone died, it's a big deal."

"But why...don't I care?"

The leader of the lumberjacks said something incomprehensible, as if he was confused by what he said.

And the next moment. "Pfft!"

A sharp wooden point was suddenly lifted up from behind the leader and thrust into the skinny body!

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