Build a Dream Dynasty

Chapter 74 Labor and Management

Landry and Green, who will be the better one in the future, everyone has their own different opinions, but for the Nets at this stage, Landry can definitely play a greater role.

A power forward who can contribute 11+5 data in an average of 26 minutes per game can not be said to have an immediate effect on the Nets, but it is definitely an extra option. And this deal will increase the team's confidence in retaining a playoff spot. Jiang Mingliang agreed to West's proposal, but he also needed to refer to Stevens' opinion.

After hearing the trading plan proposed by Jiang Mingliang, Stevens fell silent.

"From my point of view, I don't want Green to leave the team. He was selected by me, picked into the team, slowly improved, and became an important part of the team. However, in the process of building the Nets, we need Give up some personal emotions and make the most rational judgment." Jiang Mingliang said.

Actually running a club is different from playing 2K. If you want to get good players, you have to send good players. It's really rare to use Simmons to rob Carter's deal.

"I think this deal can be done, Carl Landry, it looks like it can give us something different."

A college coach, Stevens is more used to accompanying his players to grow, rather than using cold trades to reinforce. However, to become an NBA head coach, his heart has to be hardened.

The same is true for Jiang Mingliang.

With Stevens' approval, Jiang Mingliang and Jerry West immediately got in touch with the Kings and began to discuss the issue of Landry's trade.

As Jerry West said, the Kings are interested in both Anderson and Danny Green, but when Jiang Mingliang insisted that they can only exchange one for one, the opponent put Green as the priority.

Whether Tyreke Evans appears at the 1st position or the 3rd position, his defense is not good. The Kings need Danny Green to fill this hole.

Because it was just an exchange of fringe characters in the team's rotation, the time for trade negotiations was very short, and it took only half a day to decide on Danny Green plus some cash for Landry.

A verbal agreement was reached, and Jiang Mingliang personally called Danny Green to tell Danny Green the decision and expressed his apology. Although Green was a little depressed about this, he also expressed his understanding.

In the NBA game, when you accept a team's contract, you immediately become a commodity, and the exchange of commodities is normal. Inferior products are easier to get rid of, but high-quality products are also easy to be favored by others. How many people can be in charge of their own destiny?

Fortunately, the competition for the wing position of the Kings is not as fierce as that of the Nets, and Green may have more opportunities to perform.

Danny Green can feel the coexistence of challenges and opportunities, while Landry is downright excited. Ren has not come to the Nets for a physical examination, and has already called the Nets to express his expectations.

This year is his contract year, and he must strive for a big contract through his performance. A player like the Nets who has the strength to compete for a playoff spot and needs a power forward position is very suitable for him. In contrast, the king, who is devoted to cultivating Cousins ​​and has no pursuit of record, really buried Landry's efforts.

Although the verbal deal was reached, it always takes time to report to the league for approval. On February 2, when the Nets played against the Pistons at home, Landry could not catch up for the time being.

In the summer of 2009, the Pistons, which entered the rebuilding period, offered Villanueva and Ben Gordon big contracts in one go, and rebuilt with the team's emphatically trained prince Stuckey. However, it turns out that this time, Dumas' trust is not human. Stucky, you let him be a bench scorer and make a living, and you are really picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons to cultivate him at all costs. The selection of core players was wrong, the idea of ​​team building was chaotic, and there was constant friction between the old Pistons and the newcomers in the locker room. The former championship team also fell along with the city of Detroit.

101:89, the Nets used a victory to slightly stop the decline (26-24). However, Pistons rookie Monroe scored 7 of 12 on the field and scored 16 points. The performance once again confirmed the weakness of the Nets' inside defense , I can only hope that after Landry joins the team, he can have a good chemical reaction.

After Landry was traded, the Nets' lineup this season has basically stabilized. Unless there is a particularly good trade partner in the future, Jiang Mingliang must wait until after the draft. However, this does not mean that Jiang Mingliang's job will be easier. Another sharp sword hanging above his head has now slowly emerged.

Labor negotiations!

As early as August 2009, the management represented by the owners of the major teams and the labor represented by the players union began to meet in advance. The management insists on a hard salary cap, reduces the proportion of player wages in basketball-related income, and reduces the length of contracts. The players union is satisfied with the existing labor clauses, they do not want to make major changes to the existing clauses, and the contradictions between the two parties are irreconcilable. Some media have even predicted that it is unknown whether we can see the NBA next season.

Cavaliers owner Gilbert is a representative of the hardliners in the management. Losing LeBron James in the summer of 2010 caused the Cavaliers' revenue and market value to collapse. Facts have also proved that the Cavaliers seem to be able to compete for the regular season championship The championship lineup, without James is a fart. Unable to take advantage of all aspects, Gilbert simply acted as a shit-stirring stick to muddy the water. And the owners of other teams in the league are also happy to have someone act as an early bird.

On the opposite side of Gilbert, in addition to the players union, are the Huairou faction of the management, the old Bass of the Lakers, Alisson of the Heat, and Dolan of the Knicks. The Mavericks' Cuban barely counts. The typical situation of these teams is that they either have a high market value or a good business situation. Compared with giving labor an appropriate profit, they can't cope with the losses caused by the lockout. Of course, at this stage, these people must still be united in thinking and stand on the side of the capital to suppress the labor. But when the situation becomes difficult to deal with, these people will definitely stand up to adjust the relationship.

As for Jiang Mingliang, his situation is more complicated, and he is still a silent person for the time being.

The foundation of the Nets is too poor. The loss of the 2009-10 season was as high as more than 20 million US dollars, and the bad influence of the team's poor record has also radiated to this year's commercial development. After Jiang Mingliang came to power, he improved the team's revenue by reducing expenses and increasing preferential policies to attract fans to watch the game. In addition, Stevens led the team to reverse the poor record of the Nets in the past three seasons and improve the team's performance. However, the team's loss this season is still around 14 million US dollars. If the team can make it to the playoffs, then this number will drop to 6 million to 8 million. If the team can make it to the second round of the playoffs, then in this fiscal year, the team's income and expenditure can barely balance. However, although the Nets are in a financial loss, the market value of the well-managed Nets has increased. The two New York Derby victories and the growth of new stars in the team have given them a good prospect of entering New York to grab the market. The market value of the team has also risen to 960 million US dollars, which is what Jiang Shixiao himself values.

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