COS Dazai Osamu’s I Got Into the Conan Crew

Chapter 95 Nanny No. 3 Scotland


I seem to understand now...

The look in your eyes...

Scotland wrapped around the apron specially left by his friend with a sad expression, holding the kitchen utensils his friend once carried, and stood where his friend once stood.

Make breakfast for Shuji Tsushima.

Why... did things turn out like this?


Is that how you came here?

Scotland thought of his friend rushing out the door without looking back that day, and fell into deep thought.

"Scotland~ Is breakfast ready~ I'm so hungry~" The mission target poked his head out of the kitchen and asked anxiously.

"Yes, it will be ready soon." Scotland, who was holding a spatula, turned around and replied gently.

Just a very common boy...

Zero... Can't you even do the job of taking care of an ordinary boy?

Scotland, who was thinking this way, after finishing breakfast, watched the boy finish eating, and naturally collapsed in his seat.

"Don't Tsushima-kun need to go to school?" After all, no matter how you look at it...they are all teenagers who are still in school, right?

And what he was wearing was also a uniform, right?

"Yes." Shuji Tsushima nodded.

"So Scotland, hurry up and do the dishes, and then drive me to school." He urged of course.


Why, am I still responsible for sending you to school?

"Hey~ because Mr. Tou did all these things before~" The young man seemed puzzled by this.

"Since Scotland is replacing him, he should do all his work together~" he said confidently.

Scotland: not only cooking, but also a driver? zero……

"The bento at noon was also prepared by Mr. Tou. It's too late today. Don't forget about Scotland tomorrow~" The boy reminded as if he had thought of something.

"That's right, that's right." The boy who got off the car at the gate of Diguang seemed to have thought of something, and stopped his movements.

"Remember to pick me up at the door when school is over, Mr. Luchuan." The boy reminded.

"And, for dinner, I want to eat seaweed soup and crab meat~"

"Bye bye~" He got out of the car slowly.

Scotland in the driver's seat silently gripped the steering wheel.


It turns out that not only do you have to eat three meals a day, but you are also responsible for the transportation to and from school?

So here comes the problem.

Scotland looked grave.

Is there anything else to do?

Shuji Tsushima told him, yes.

Washing, cooking, cleaning, commuting to and from school, everything is what he should do.

Scotland:? ? ?

I thought I was joining a criminal organization? Instead of... a nanny training institution?

But...if that's all...

Scotland: Not much of a problem/confident.

Zero, does this difficulty stump you? Made you run away in such fear?

Until Shuji Tsushima was on the way to buy vegetables in a supermarket convenience store, the other party stopped suddenly by a river.

Let Scotland go shopping alone, and wait for him here.

Scotland agreed on the surface happily, but in fact, he quietly hid in a corner and peeped.

The other party pushed him away like this... Could it be that he wants to connect with someone?

As he thought about it, he watched helplessly as the boy took off his coat and casually threw it on the shore.

Do you have to rely on clothes to convey information? This goal is too big...

As he thought about it, the next moment, he saw the young man fall into the river with his arms outstretched.

Scotland:? ? ? ! ! !

Could it be...he wanted to escape by jumping into the river? !

Give up, you can't run away from me...

Thinking this way, he rushed to the river, only to see the young man in the water with his eyes closed, his expression peaceful, and there was no sign of struggling or swimming.

As if aware of his gaze, the boy opened his kite-colored left eye and looked at him across the water.

From that dead eye, he could not see the slightest desire to survive.

That child is looking for death.

From the first time we met, the most striking thing about the boy was the bandages that almost covered his whole body.

Only part of the palms of the hands and a small part of the left face are exposed.

What's hiding under the bandages?

Scotland had also thought about it, but the boy's words and deeds were very normal, and he didn't seem to be affected at all, so he gave up his desire to explore.

At this moment, looking into the boy's eyes, he has the desire to explore again.


Another figure jumped into the river.

The quietly sinking boy looked at the figure swimming towards him and closed his eyes.

[please let me……]

[...Wake up now...]


The sound of breaking the water sounded, and Scotland dragged the peaceful young man who seemed to have fallen into eternal sleep to the case.

"Tsushima-kun? Tsushima-kun? Are you okay? Are you still conscious?" Scotland took emergency measures for drowning, and his tone was anxious.

Don't mention that if the other party is really dead, his mission ends here and ends in failure.

Just by himself, he didn't want to watch a boy... die in front of him when he was not on a mission.

Fortunately, the boy opened his eyes.

The tired eyes, which seemed to be closed in the next second, stared blankly at the sky.

In his eyes, nothing can be reflected.

"It's boring..." he said.

"what are you saying?

Scotland is unbelievable.

"Hey~ It's a surprise! A surprise~ A late welcome to Mr. Luchuan's surprise~ Are you surprised~" The boy sat up, closed his eyes and said in a long voice.


"...Please don't scare me, Tsushima-kun." The man said in a gentle and deep tone.

"whispering sound--"

"Mr. Tou is not so easily scared~" the boy muttered.


Zero...Could it be...

Do you often encounter this kind of surprise?

In the following days.

Zhu Fu Jingguang understood why his friends were so happy when they left.

More than once in the middle of the road, I suddenly saw someone falling from the sky and falling at my feet. The blood-stained boy greeted him with a smile while dripping blood.

I saw a dangling figure hanging from a tree by the roadside, and the boy who had already started sticking out his tongue greeted him with his eyes closed.

When fishing, I caught a figure floating on the water, and the other party waved to him while spitting water.


Scotland, who rescued people for the nth time, felt tired.

Back then... why did I feel that a member of an organization who had a code name at a young age...

Would it be a normal...normal teenager?

Zero...or you should come back.


Toru Amuro, who is happily working part-time: Jing Guang is now... must be being tormented by that little devil, Kayo.

Come on, Jing Guang.

Other staff members: Mr. Amuro has been in a particularly good mood these past few days...

[Why don't you come back, I can't hold it anymore. ——scotch (Scotland)]

Amuro looked at the message on the phone and couldn't help but shudder.

go back? Continue to be tortured by Kayo?

I'm sorry Jingguang.

[The task I took over must be done well. ——bourbon (bourbon)]

[Kaota... has been trying to commit suicide, you know? ——scotch (Scotland)]

[I know, but... don't probe him, even gin can't do anything to him. ——bourbon (bourbon)]

[why? ——scotch (Scotland)]

[The lord seems to value Kayo's brain very much. ——bourbon (bourbon)]

[Kayo committed suicide, probably because he was ill. ——bourbon (bourbon)]

[Is he sick? ——scotch (Scotland)]

[Picture diagnostic record - bourbon (Bourbon)]

[For him, suicide may be a quirk of very few geniuses——bourbon (Bourbon)]

Scotland looked at the diagnosis certificate on the news and fell into thought.

The brain that was valued by the adult who organized it?

Kayota... how much of a genius does he have to be?

[Nakahara Chuya's acting speed is 100%]

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