Dragon Ball Legend of Ayaka

Chapter 67: Underworld

Kling was a little embarrassed. Although the opponent was from the Red Ribbon Corps, it was a woman, and anyway, he shot down her plane. Kelin hurriedly rescued Colonel Violet from the water, with an embarrassing look on his face.

In the Guixian House.

Gui Xianren looked at the blue-haired Colonel Violet: "So you left the Red Ribbon Legion when the Red Ribbon Legion was destroyed?"

Colonel Violet nodded: "Yes, originally I swept through the legion's treasury and planned to settle in a place far away from the legion headquarters. After all, it would be very troublesome for the remnants to know about such a thing." She said awkwardly. In fact, she felt a little regretful now, the remnants of the Red Ribbon Legion were very powerful after all, and she might have troubles by herself. Therefore, Colonel Violet urgently needs a group of people with sufficient combat power to ensure her safety.

"You swept through the vault of the Red Ribbon Legion?" Kelin interjected.

Immortal Gui became excited all of a sudden, and his face became radiant, "Why don't you just stay here, the people here are all very powerful, and you don't have to worry about the remnants of the Red Ribbon Legion at all."

"Really?" Colonel Violet surprised. She has been in touch with the internal information of the Legion, how could she not know that this little old man in front of her is actually the famous martial arts god Teacher Wutian? And the few around are his disciples, who showed seductiveness in the recent No. 1 Martial Arts Association in the World.

"Teacher Wu Tian, ​​is this okay?" Le Ping asked cautiously.

Guixian made a serious expression: "What's the problem?" Then he whispered: "Don't forget that she is a woman, our Guixian House also needs a woman to take care of the housework, besides, money, she But how much would it cost for those who swept the Red Ribbon Legion's treasury! There are so many people here who need to eat, what a financial crisis!"

When he said this, Le Ping had no reason to object.

After the interior was unified, Guixian said seriously: "Colonel Violet, I will call you Violet from now on, but you also know that we are located in a remote place, there must be no entertainment, and every time we go shopping, we have to fly a plane , the gas money along the way..."

"You don't have to worry about this, I will definitely pay you accordingly for staying here." Colonel Violet didn't value money very much, and immediately took out gold and cash worth more than one billion, "These will be used as my stay fee. "Even with the billions of cash left in her hand, it is enough for her to spend the rest of her life in style.

Guixianren, Kelin, and Leping were dumbfounded. Guixianren's eyes were dull, and saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth. Kelin was stunned for a while, probably never seen so much money. As for Le Ping, he had a sad expression on his face. When he was a robber in the desert, he only robbed a million or so a year at best, and tens of millions was a handful.

"Also, everyone calls me Zicui, that's my real name, and Violet is just my title."

Guixianren and the others nodded in bewilderment, there really is a time when there is a pie in the world, so the Guixian House is finally going to live in the first woman, which is really gratifying.

On the other side, after Sun Wukong wiped out the Red Ribbon Legion, he found two Dragon Balls in their headquarters. "Great, the last one is missing!" He took out the Dragon Ball Radar, beeped a few times, and the radar showed the location of the Dragon Ball.

"Huh? Strange, where is the last dragon ball? There was obviously one before!" He found that except for the six dragon balls in the center, he could not find the whereabouts of the seventh dragon ball on the radar.

"It's too bad, is the Dragon Ball radar broken?" There is no way, like the original book, Sun Wukong had to go to the fortune-telling mother-in-law's palace to find the location of the fortune-telling mother-in-law who gave him the fortune-telling dragon ball.

The divination mother-in-law's palace is located in a remote desert area, the only oasis in the remote desert. When Sun Wukong arrived at the divination mother-in-law's palace, he saw a long line of people lined up at the gate of the palace, and a ghostly air mass was maintaining order, which was the servant hired by the divination mother-in-law.

Because the divination mother-in-law has the ability to straddle the yin and yang realms, there are all kinds of weird characters in her palace.

According to the rules of the divination mother-in-law, each divination requires a fee of 10 million yuan or defeating her five warriors. Because Sun Wukong has no money, he chooses to defeat her five fighters. After defeating the vampire, the transparent man, the mummy, and the demon man one after another, the fortune-telling mother-in-law sent out the last ace masked man to duel in the outdoor square.

Sun Wukong's skill has not been what it used to be, and it took a lot of effort to defeat the masked man. After taking off the mask, Monkey King knew that the masked man turned out to be his deceased grandfather—Sun Wufan.

After getting along with Sun Wufan for a while, according to the whereabouts of the seventh dragon ball predicted by the fortune-telling mother-in-law, Monkey King rushed to the destination and snatched the last dragon ball from the hands of the mixed rice. Afterwards, in order to realize his ambition after losing the Dragon Ball, Chowder took the risk to find Piccolo, who was sealed three hundred years ago.

And Sun Wukong, after getting the seven dragon balls, returned to Kailin Tower, found Wupa, and then began to summon the dragon, and asked the dragon to revive Wupa's father.



Earth Temple.

"Ayaba, where are we going?"

Lan Qi and Lan Qi were pulled by Ling Ye and walked down the corridor below the temple. The winding corridor made Lan Qi and Lan Jing feel a little dizzy. The lower level of the temple is actually a passage leading to another dimension.

Ling Ye raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: "I will take you to visit the King of Hades in the underworld. He is the god in charge of the underworld of the Northern Milky Way. It is beneficial to have a good relationship with him."

"The god in charge of the underworld, is the King of Hades the same as in the myths and legends, looking scary?" Lan Qi's black eyes flickered a little bit, and her expression was full of curiosity.

Ling Ye couldn't help but think of the first time she saw Hades, but was taken aback by his huge body, "Well, Hades is not scary, it's just that many people are full of fear of Hades who is in charge of death. If you are familiar with If you do, you will find that Yama is actually very good at talking.”

In fact, Lingye also knew that Hades was not easy to talk to other people, but he was very friendly to her. You must know that the gods who are also on the earth, the old gods are obedient and trembling in front of the king of hell, but she chats with the king of hell as she pleases.

"Above Hades, there is a realm king with a higher status. We are in the North Galaxy, so we are under the control of the North Realm King. The North Realm King is the highest god in the entire North Galaxy, and he is also a martial arts master. I have a different understanding of martial arts, if I can get the guidance of the king of the world, my skills can improve by leaps and bounds!"

Of course, Lingye didn't just take Lan Qi and her two to meet King Hades, but the most important thing was to visit the King of the Northern Realm through the Snake Road. Ling Ye and the others' skills are already strong enough, and the foundation has been laid solidly. Next, they need to further improve their skills through the guidance of the king of the world.

Although the King of the North Realm is a bit suspected of playing soy sauce in the entire Dragon Ball plot, there is no doubt that in the current situation, the existence of the King of the North Realm is the existence with the highest combat power. Of course, when he met the Frieza family, he probably would have been in trouble too, but the King of the Northern Realm has Kaioh Fist and Genki Bullet, which are big killers.

There is a snake road leading to the king of the king of hell, which is said to be one million kilometers long. Walking on it is full of dangers, and you will be attacked from hell at any time. For 100 million years, only the king of hell has seen the king of the world through the snake road. Considering that the circumference of the earth is less than 40,000 kilometers, the one million kilometers long and dangerous snake road is not a small challenge.

"Ling Ye, you are so amazing, you can even go to the underworld, and you know the Hades there!" Lan Jing opened her eyes wide, her face full of admiration.

"This is the power of the gods. If I were on my own, it would be a little troublesome to go to the underworld."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lingye's mouth. The gods have the ability to communicate between the underworld and the yang world. They can freely travel between the yin and yang worlds. But if you want to bring living people to the underworld, the power of the gods is not enough, you need a little Props help.

"The power of the gods is convenience. Although it can't be used in battle, it is very convenient to use in normal times."

The three of them walked down the corridor, and when they came to the door of a room, Ayaba opened the door: "Divine power can't take you two to the vagina at once, so we need to use the magic circle in this room, it will allow us to arrive smoothly Yin room."

Walk into the room and press the button next to the door, and the lights in the room come on. I saw that the center of the room was depicted with complex patterns, the lines of the patterns criss-crossed, and the picture was complicated and dazzling. That was the magic circle that could enhance the divine power of the gods.

The three walked into the magic circle, and Ling Ye activated the magic circle. A dazzling red light lit up in the room, and then there was a sound of "Imperial order", the red light flickered violently, dazzling the whole room, after a few seconds, the light gradually dimmed, and the three of Ayaba had already been lost in the room trail.

The sky in the Yin world is completely different from the earth and the Yang world, and it is full of golden colors everywhere. The sky was still blue, but it was covered by golden clouds. When I looked up, I could only see large golden clouds. There are also golden clouds floating on the ground, suspended a foot above the ground, like cotton candy, making people want to take a bite.

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