From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 236 The 'Ndrangheta Aaron

After hanging up the phone, Joga immediately called Chris and asked him to help check the activities of the 'Ndrangheta in Central Africa and Uganda.

Long before the whole plan started, Qiao Jia knew that he would definitely confront the 'Ndrangheta.

Because most of the ‘HLY’ in this drug line are from the ‘Ndrangheta’.

This transnational criminal organization is very powerful, and drugs are their largest source of income.

A drug transportation route is a golden channel. P.B. is guarding Central Africa, and it seems that it is planning to stay there for a long time, which will definitely attract a blow from the 'Ndrangheta.

But Qiao Jia really couldn't imagine that such a criminal organization would be able to plan something like a coup.

Chris didn't get back to Jorga until the next morning. Bad news...

Choga has been fighting drug traffickers in Central Africa for almost half a year. As a result, the wholesale price of HLY in Europe has jumped by 30%. During this period, the 'Ndrangheta tried it again in Eastern Europe and along the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. As a result, they were constantly targeted because they were closely watched. .

The knock-on effects of the setback in the drug business are terrible, and the 'Ndrangheta's territory in Europe has even been challenged.

The underground world of Europa has been in chaos in recent months. If the 'Ndrangheta cannot quickly break through Afica's drug line, their power may shrink before long.

Chris was not a god, and he could not find out what the 'Ndrangheta was doing around Central Africa in such a short period of time, but his information confirmed Joga's conjecture from the side.

Qiao Jia sat in the canteen and digested the information provided by Chris, and then asked: "I need to know who those arms are and from which channel they were transported?"

Chris asked Qiao Jia to wait for a while, and then said with a smile: "Your people sent me the photos of the smugglers. Guess what I found?"

Listening to Chris' gloating tone, Qiao Jia said helplessly: "Don't tell me it's that Aaron?"


Chris smiled and said: "You see, when you don't fight for it, others will come to your territory.

So, will you change your mind? I think with your channels, you can squeeze out Aaron from Central and West Africa.

That Aaron married the youngest daughter of the Italian Mori family and inherited their arms channels. I suspect that the bombing in Tunisia was also his work.

This guy is a greedy arms dealer, and sooner or later you will become your enemy.

I can assist you free of charge if you wish. "

As the main executor of the Mori family's destruction, Qiao Jia knew the situation there very clearly. He said a little unbelievably: "How can the Mori family cooperate with the 'Ndrangheta?"

Chris didn’t know what Gioga was doing in Italy, so he said matter-of-factly: “There are no eternal enemies in this world!

The Mori family suffered heavy losses, but they used the DEA and the Italian police to eliminate the core family of the 'Ndrangheta in Italy and maintained their position.

Afterwards, Aaron came forward to negotiate with the 'Ndrangheta people. I don't know the specific content, but soon the Mori family's drug channel was completely handed over, and now they are mainly engaged in arms trading.

At present, Aaron's market in North Africa has not been fully opened, because although Zahid is dead, his men are still working hard to maintain their sphere of influence.

However, although Aaron made no progress in North Africa, he opened up new markets in Nigeria, Niger, and Mali, huge markets..."

Qiao Jia heard the pity in Chris' tone. He smiled and said: "I just received an arms order of 26 million yuan yesterday, and the parties were the government forces of Mali and Niger..."

When Chris heard this, he screamed: "How could you do this? Are you and that Aaron the same person?

Dude, stop kidding me, I put a lot of effort into North and West Africa, and if there was really no hope for me, I would just quit. "

Qiao Jia was amused by Chris's attitude. He smiled and said: "Man, I discovered your problem. All your information channels come from and target the underground world. Saying that you are an intelligence broker is a bit too flattering. In fact, you are a criminal intelligence broker.

Why can't you pay attention to those government troops? Their demands are indeed very high sometimes, but they definitely have more money than those anti-government guerrillas. "

After hearing this, Chris pondered for a moment and said: "The value of investing energy in government troops is not high. The presidents of those damn places are replaced very quickly, let alone those in charge of military logistics.

Man, you told me that you wanted to be the 'Lord of War', are you now ready to intervene in their civil war?

If so, we can cooperate. I have a lot of intelligence on rebels and terrorists. "

Qiao Jia was silent for a moment and said: "I must first stabilize my basic base. I have spent too much energy in Central Africa and I will not allow anyone to destroy my plan.

Help me keep an eye on the 'Ndrangheta. It's best to pay attention to the 'God's Armed Organization' in Uganda and dig into their background and recent actions. I'll communicate with that Aaron myself...

Everyone is an arms dealer, he must give me face! "

Chris lamented and cursed 'Damn Central Africa' before agreeing to Joga's proposal.

As a broker, he must have good dealings with people like Qiao Jia, because P·B is no longer an unknown person, and this company is powerful enough to intervene in the civil wars of some countries in Afika.

P·B is different from most mercenary organizations, because the way it obtains profits is diverse, and the team structure is stronger.

Once P·B chooses to intervene, the benefits derived from this can make brokers like Chris make a lot of money.

Just like Eric encouraged Qiao Jia to push the Central African government to leverage the diamond market, Eric can also integrate other interests from P·B.

It's just that Chris was trapped in the competition with Aaron in the past. It wasn't until now that he really started to face Qiao Jia's power that he realized what he had missed in the past six months?

These philistine guys think that Choga’s investment in Central Africa is something only a fool can do, but in fact, without the great situation in Central Africa, P·B would be far less valuable than it is now.

Chris and Eric both realize this, but they still don't want to admit that they are the short-sighted one.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Jia declined Dorian's invitation to go to the grassland and led Danbao to the warehouse where bananas were stored. After receiving a large handful of bananas, he found a leisure area to sit down.

Then, while breaking bananas to deal with the restless Dan Bao, he rummaged through his phone and found Aaron's number.

This was obtained when the two met at the Tunisian defense exhibition.

After dialing the number above, Qiao Jia waited for a while and found that the person who answered was a woman with a nice voice.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Aaron"

"What do you want to do with my boss?"

Qiao Jia had no intention of dealing with a little girl. He shook his head and said with a smile: "This is my phone number. You tell Aaron that the jackal is looking for him."

After saying that, Qiao Jia hung up the phone, then held the restless Danbao and rubbed its big head...

Seeing this little guy raising his nose and opening his mouth that seemed to be smiling forever, indicating that he should quickly pick a few bananas, Qiao Jia laughed, pulled a few bananas and stuffed them into Danbao's mouth, and said: " Boy, you have to grow up quickly. From now on, we will go to the grassland together as humans and elephants, and no matter what, we have to find you a fat and strong girlfriend, haha..."

Danbao seemed to be able to understand Qiao Jia's words. He put his two front legs on Qiao Jia's chair, waved his nose and let out a 'roar'. After showing off his power, he seemed to feel that it was not enough, and then faced Shou Jia. Ayu, who was not far away, sprinted a few steps...

When Ayou bent over to prepare for the little guy's sprint, Danbao suddenly stopped 5 meters away from Ayou. After sliding on the ground for a few meters, he turned around and rushed to Qiaojia while rolling and crawling. Next to him, he hid his head in Qiao Jia's arms, not daring to look at Ayou.

Danbao's incompetent performance made Qiao Jia lament. When he grabbed his ears and wanted to make him try again, he thought about his phone.

Seeing a video URL sent on his mobile phone, Qiao Jia sighed at the caution on the other side, and then asked Ayu to go to his room to get a tablet computer.

After entering the URL, Qiao Jia found that this was a chat room. The overall interface was very simple. The website showed that there were hundreds of chat rooms in operation.

Qiao Jia followed the prompts and clicked into a chat room, and then saw Aaron appearing on the opposite side.

This guy is still in a wheelchair, but judging from the background, it should be in a desert area. Based on this guy's recent movements, he is either in Mali or Niger.

Seeing Qiaojia enter the chat room, Aaron took a sip of the coffee in his hand, then smiled and waved his hand and said: "Jackal, we have met before, at the Tunisian Defense Exhibition."

As he spoke, Aaron showed the coffee in his hand and said with a smile: "This is coffee beans from Congo. It tastes very good. You should try it. It is very convenient for you."

Hearing that Ayou pointed out the location of his company, Qiao Jia nodded and said: "I listened to your suggestion, and I will send someone to Congo to purchase a batch later.

If you need it, you can give me an address and I can send you some regularly.

Because if I want it, then the best will only come into my hands. Then it will not be easy for you to drink such good coffee. "

Aaron didn't seem to hear the threat in Qiao Jia's tone, he smiled and said: "I can try coffee from other places, I heard that the coffee in Central Africa is also good.

Man, we are all businessmen, monopolies are huge profits, but monopolies bring enemies.

I don't want to be your enemy. Do you want to treat me as your enemy?

The government forces in Niger suddenly announced today that they would be stepping up their offensive and starting to recruit new troops. I guess they found a new weapons supplier, so I did a little research.

Is that person you? "

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