Hogwarts Card System

Chapter 457 Sir Newton appears unexpectedly

I have waited so long for this moment.

We started preparing two years ago for now. Trap Voldemort here and destroy him completely.

It's not that Voldemort can't be killed, it's that he can't be killed.

It used to be a Horcrux, so there are traces of it. But later, after Voldemort completely broke away from the local black magic system and built his own legendary magic system, he couldn't even think of a way to kill him again.

He has isolated death to a certain extent. Even if the body is destroyed, the soul will be resurrected in some other place prepared in advance.

This method is much better than the Horcrux.

The only person Ted and the others could guess about Voldemort's "resurrection preparation" was Bella.

That's right, after Ted killed the fragment of Voldemort's soul in Neville's body through Bella's hand, he confirmed that Bella must be one of Voldemort's backup plans.

And there may be more than a dozen or dozens of such backhands!

Killing Voldemort once is easy, just have several people here arrange it for him. But Voldemort, who died once, could not be fooled again.

The world is so big, it is almost impossible to eliminate him.

Therefore, in order to improve the success rate this time, everyone is going all out.

Now the relics of the four giants are paired with the four friends who defeated him, plus Ted and other four legends to form this large formation, in order to complete their achievements in one battle.

Here, Voldemort's soul can't escape!

The scene in front of me is just like the Battle of the Gods, the Nine-Meandering Yellow River...ah! The demon-slaying formation has been launched.

The sword, golden cup, diadem, and locket are the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, Hogwarts and the Magic Network are the formations, and Ted and the others are the Four Saints!

If you want to kill Voldemort, you must have the four saints come together~

The great formation here unfolds, reaching into the sky and the earth. Magic and matter seemed to begin to be regularized, and everything around them seemed to return to their essence, giving a feeling of returning to chaos.

The space has been stretched even more. They used to be able to touch each other by stretching out their arms, but now they are more than ten meters away!

Moreover, various patterns and marks began to appear on people's heads, including health bars and blue bars...

Most wizards were stunned at that time: Huh? "Magical World"? !

This is exactly the advanced use of Ted's mental state that the world has descended and shrouded reality.

At this time, the heads of our own personnel are full of various buffs, and some of them even have the best equipment, followers, pets and so on in the game!

On the other hand, the Death Eaters, although there are many people playing "Magic World", after all, Voldemort hates this game, so of course they don't dare to play it openly. In addition, in Eastern Europe, they will play this today and that tomorrow, and the game time is too long. Not much either.

The debuffs on their heads at this time include reduced attributes, reduced hit points, reduced mana recovery, invalid magic, vulnerability to injuries, osteoporosis, slippery feet, etc. It almost scares people to the point of peeing!

There are also some old antiques who have never played "Magic World" and are even more confused about what is going on now.

However, the number of people on the other side suddenly increased from seven to eight hundred to more than a thousand, while there were still four or five hundred people on my side. It seemed very disadvantageous!

At this time, Ted and the others were physically separated from the ordinary wizards. Although they could still see the scene over there, the distance between them might be several kilometers.

It is not easy to pass through a thin air wall.

At this time, Voldemort was also feeling a whoosh of cold wind on the back of his head, and his sixth sense reminded him of danger all the time. His exposed skin felt like needles pricking him, and an anxious feeling of impending disaster weighed on his heart.

Although I understand that the other party has tried every possible means to pull this off, it is definitely not an ordinary method. But looking at it now, this is too much! How incredible!

Could the rules this boy understood be the rules of the magic circle? !

What made him even more uneasy was that the four guys across from him were all legends.

If you face one alone, you will never fall behind. But now there are four! Four!

It seems that he is going to die again this time. Even Bella might not be able to escape.

Fortunately, I was well prepared, and there were more than a dozen soul stones hidden throughout Europe, and I even hid a few in America without anyone noticing. There’s even one under the Arctic ice cap!

Want to kill me! no way!

At this point, Voldemort had nothing to fear, and at worst he would die. What does it count for?

I'm going to have a fierce fight with these four guys today!

He bared his teeth and smiled, showing off his fierceness. With a shake of his sleeves, four skulls flew out of the two wide sleeves.

"I didn't plan to use it here, but it's a pity..." As Voldemort spoke, the green magic power on his body began to wrap around the four skulls, and began to build a skeleton along the skulls...

Voldemort has been fighting a lot over the past year. Many once-famous wizards from various countries were resurrected by him into the living dead to fight for him.

But that's just a preliminary product. He came up with something better!

And these four skulls are the result.

The four of them are not simple characters.

The first one has taken shape at this time, a tall skeleton, wearing a tattered robe embroidered with gold patterns, a strange-style crown on his head, and holding a huge classic with four legs wrapped in iron in one hand. , holding a short-handled hammer in one hand.

This man was named Kramer during his life, and he was a Catholic monk and religious inquisitor who suppressed morality and wisdom thousands of years ago.

During his lifetime, he wrote a book called "Hammer of Witches", which was a classic book on persecuting and judging witches in various ways. Recognized as the originator of the witch hunt!

But he is actually a squib, jealous and hating the wizard.

Voldemort dug up the broken bones and made the Skull of Klamath. Inject the summons of his dead soul into it to construct a body and become his helper.

This Karama has the levels of a level 10 magic monk and a level 10 undead judge, and is still an elite. The "Witch Hunting Code" and the Witch's Hammer in his hand are also red quality magic props.

After the second skeleton takes shape, it becomes a stout zombie. Even though it is a little shriveled now, you can still see how majestic it was before it was born. Wearing armor, with a sword hanging from his waist. Strangely, his face is blue!

This person's name is Gilles de Rais, a marshal of France five hundred years ago. He once participated in the Hundred Years' War and fought with Joan of Arc in France.

Later, Joan of Arc was betrayed and burned to death in public. He led the crowd to defeat the British Duke and was very talented in military affairs.

But after retiring, he became obsessed with black magic. It is said that in order to study dark alchemy, he tortured more than 300 children to death, and was eventually burned at the stake.

He is also one of the real-life prototypes of the villain "Bluebeard" in Western fairy tales.

There were dark wizards in France who had collected his ashes in the early years and later took the opportunity to present them to Voldemort.

The third one is stooped and thin, like a ghoul. But wearing a high crown and holding a scepter, he looked like a very important person!

This man is called John XII, and he is a truly ancient man. A pope in ancient Rome thousands of years ago.

The pope who ascended the throne as a teenager is known for his indiscriminate killing of innocent people and his debauchery. His stepmother, sister, niece... cannot be mentioned in detail! Later, he was caught in bed and beaten to death~

Ted had learned the identity and past of these three resurrected undead through the magic network, and was extremely shocked.

Voldemort, where did you find such scum? !

And the fourth one in the end made Ted even more stunned.

Compared with the other three old antiques, this one is very "young", a figure from more than two hundred years ago.

Wearing modern Victorian-style clothing, somewhat shabby. He has chestnut curly hair, a rectangular face, and a dry, numb corpse.

"Lord Sir Newton?!" Ted screamed.

Although I knew that the boards of Lord Newton's coffin had been lifted by the Death Eaters, I didn't expect that Voldemort actually got Lord Newton out!

However, Lord Niu rolled his withered eyes, glanced at the other three and Voldemort, spread out his withered hands and pressed his face - his body floated away like dust, and completely disappeared from this world in just a few seconds. Got it!

ah? Killed yourself? !

Ted was stunned. Dumbledore, Grindelwald and Snape all looked at Voldemort strangely: What are you doing? Just show us this? !

Not to mention Voldemort is even more angry!

After all, this Newton has just been acquired, and the control is not yet perfect. Didn't you expect that even if he destroyed himself, he would slap himself in the face in public? Damn Muggles!

Speaking of which, Newton is actually Voldemort's most important resurrection target, because although Lord Cow was not a wizard, he had many contacts with wizards during his lifetime, and his alchemy skills were also impressive.

Moreover, although he has not met other conditions, he has already completed the understanding of the rules - the rules of gravity!

Voldemort thought that he would have a legendary undead subordinate in the future!

"Humph! Three are enough!" Voldemort shook his robe, and countless ghosts emerged from the hem of the robe. The number was extremely huge, at least hundreds or thousands!

Before Ted and the others could take action, Voldemort took the initiative to attack them.

The three undead pounced on their opponents, and Voldemort shot a curse at Dumbledore.

Ted and the others were inside, "The three undead spirits have extraordinary origins, and the Thousand Soul Array's demonic flames are overwhelming." The battle outside has also begun.

The Death Eaters were not very advantageous in the first place, and their numbers were also at a disadvantage. In addition, there were bonuses that waxed and waned, and it could be said that it was very difficult.

Especially those wizards who have obtained the equipment, followers and pets in the game. Not only are they powerful, but those pets, followers and so on are also amazing.

For example, the "Spell Destroyer Follower", which is specifically designed for spellcasting professions, has a magic resistance of up to level 6, and all the equipment on it are also targeted at spellcasters. He rushed in with the shield and strange double-edged sword in his hand and chopped down a few unlucky ones on the spot!

And the violent orc follower, covered in blood and roaring, rushed into the middle of the Death Eaters and started windmilling.

There are also super-type pets, illusion-type pets, and working pallu day and night, ah, this doesn’t count...

In short, most of the students at Hogwarts are still being controlled and are not allowed to participate in the battle, but the Death Eaters can no longer hold on.

In just these five or six minutes, there were forty or fifty casualties! One-tenth of them were killed directly!

At this time, Hermione connected to the "Devil-Slaying Array" at her feet and began to use the power of the array to cast large-scale magic.

It is really a crowning, and the cells of wisdom occupy the high ground, and the effect is amazing!

Harley wears a locket on her chest, and the magic handprint has a lot of black magic changes, and a slap will also have various negative effects. Eight big blue magic palms, whirring like wind!

Not to mention the Sword of Gryffindor in Neville's hand. Iron armor spells, all protection spells, deflection spells, shield spells, and all kinds of magical protections will all be cut open for you with one strike of the sword!

Only Ron, holding the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, was a little bewildered. This thing is actually used for treatment?

After injecting magic power, green light will escape, which can restore the friend's physical strength and magic power, heal injuries, alleviate magic effects, etc.

Ron: Why am I holding Hufflepuff's golden cup? !

Hufflepuff students are also wondering? It’s not like there’s no one left in our Badger Yard!

Good brother Jerry comforted him: "Maybe it's because you can eat? After all, no Hufflepuff student can eat as much as you!"

When the Hufflepuff students heard this, they realized that this was a correct statement.

Ron: Thank you, good brother!

In the inner layer of the magic circle, Voldemort relied on the thousands of ghosts and ghosts to suppress Dumbledore for three or four minutes.

But still, although Lao Deng is not a very explosive wizard, he is definitely the most stable wizard.

During this period of time, he transformed into white light, and a distorted and changing realm seemed to appear around him. It feels like Ted encountered that [Demon Body] talent before. But the demon body is the body turned into magic power, but Dumbledore seems to have the body turned into rules?

Once those resentful spirits come into contact, they will "capture" them, and then gradually change. Finally, the bloodstains and residual limbs on their bodies and other horrible things will disappear, and finally they will disappear into their original appearance.

During this period, he "transcended" almost all the resentful spirits.

At this time, Ted and the others had already solved their respective opponents.

After all, those three undead, the most powerful witch hunter, are only level 20 elite undead, and they were just like that when facing Grindelwald. He didn't even last a minute, which was why Grindelwald didn't attack with all his strength. He took the opportunity to study this guy.

And Bluebeard was completely transformed into magic power and dissipated in Snape's bottle of potion, leaving no trace behind.

When Ted dealt with the last young pope, he had to play with it casually because of the magic net and the demon-killing formation.

But in the end Ted got the scepter in the hands of the undead pope.

Take a closer look when you get it, it’s a great magic item! The magic power fluctuates a lot, so I picked it up for nothing!

Let’s identify it through the magic network again: the power of debauchery…

"Pfft~" He quickly put it away and went back to study it again.

After Ted hid this authority, Voldemort and Dumbledore were still entangled.

He took the opportunity to look at the battle outside to avoid any surprises.

It turned out that everything went well here, with less than half of the Death Eaters remaining.

However, at this time, the Death Eaters had lost all fighting spirit, and many people had begun to beg for mercy.

"stop fighting!"


"We are innocent!"

"We were forced!"

"Voldemort forced us here. I am a member of the Czech Ministry of Magic!"

"You can't kill me. My grandfather is from the International Federation of Wizards..."

In short, this begging for mercy is a little difficult for the wizard here.

After all, they are ordinary people, and now they have won. Do we really want to kill them all?

Even if someone plans to continue taking action, it would be embarrassing to block so many people's faces.

If only Scrimgeour was still alive, he would have struck first!

How can this work? Complete the task of eradicating evil!

Ted sent a message directly, and his voice could be heard throughout the circle: "This circle will not last long. If we fail to completely eliminate them by then, our strength will completely fade. Then they will support Voldemort..."

Now that he had an excuse, Moody and others immediately continued to cast spells and attacks with greater intensity!

Harry never stopped. While Bella was scolding the other Death Eaters who wanted to surrender, she and Neville worked together to chop off Bella's head with one palm and one sword!

Neville got a message from Ted and pierced Bella's mercury-like arm with the Sword of Gryffindor. Voldemort inside the circle immediately felt that a resurrection stone had been destroyed.

At this time, faced with Ted being surrounded by four people, Voldemort was also very disdainful: "You can only kill me once! But I am immortal!"

Ted looked at Snape, and Snape, who had been silent all this time, spoke: "Voldemort, there is no immortality in this world..."

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