Dark clouds gathered over the Quartz Conference Hall, and icy cold rain kept falling.

However, even though it rained heavily, not one of the audience in the venue left.

Isn't it normal to get wet while watching a game? It sometimes snows, and experienced viewers are used to it

"Green, this kid, is too careless."

Putting on a coat, Oki Xuecheng looked at the field and said worriedly.

It was difficult to turn the weather into a favorable situation, but then the advantage was knocked back by the Flame Birds.

The situation became too fast.

"Although the rainy days are still there, for the thunder elves, they must find opportunities to maximize their advantages."

"What should be anxious turns green instead."

Xiao Gang analyzed in a deep voice that the Thunder Elf is a completely explosive type of special attack elf. Special attack and speed are the Thunder Elf's biggest advantages.

Defense and physical strength are both the Thunder Elf's weaknesses.

And the Flame Bird is a legend. His physique is undoubtedly much stronger than that of the Thunder Elf, not to mention that the Thunder Elf has been hit by the Flame Bird's sacred bird attack.

For Qinglu, a protracted battle is definitely not feasible.


"Thunder Elf, thunder!"

And Qinglu naturally understands this. A protracted war is absolutely not possible!

But at this time, the mentality must be more stable, looking for opportunities to create opportunities!

The Flame Birds have maintained a very good state, and Bi Diao did not give the Flames How serious the injury caused by the bird.

The Thunder Elf can't fly, so it has to be done step by step.

The Thunder Elf moved its limbs and kept moving quickly, and finally came to the back of the Flame Bird. A huge thunder column quickly condensed and shot towards flame bird

"Big characters explode!"

Tairiang glanced at the Thunder Elf and gave an order to the Flame Bird.

The Flame Bird chirped loudly and filled with scorching flames in its mouth. Turning its head, a huge pillar of fire faced the thunder.

The pillar of fire in the shape of a 'big' was heavy with the thunder. They collided in mid-air.


The two attacks exploded directly!

"Sure enough, the fire attack couldn't do anything to the thunder elves."

Taixiang narrowed his eyes slightly. Even the big explosions couldn't suppress the thunder elf's electric attack. The influence of the rain is still very strong for the flame bird.

But it doesn't matter. The flame bird is not the only one that can use fire-type special attacks. Take action!

"Flame Bird, Storm!"

Tairiang shouted to the flame bird


The flame bird flapped its wings and cried, and its wings burning with blazing flames began to wave vigorously. A powerful storm mixed with sharp wind blades swept down continuously, covering the entire battlefield.

"Thunder Elf!"

Qinglu covered his face with his hands and called out to the Thunder Elf.

The wind pressure of the storm was so strong that even the players in the position were affected by the roaring wind.

Even the players' positions were like this. It can be imagined that the center of the battle field was , what kind of pressure should the Thunder Elf have here?

The storm, one of the flying-type ultimate moves, is very good in terms of suppression and damage. It is also one of the favorite tricks of the flying-type elves.

The hair on the Thunder Elf's body was blown away. Without any hesitation, he directly pulled the ground and drilled into the ground.

Dig a hole!

"I won't let you run away, flame bird, spray flames."

Tairiang did not hesitate to let the Flame Bird chase.

Although the Flame Bird does not use ground-based tricks such as earthquakes and stomps, there are actually many ways to deal with digging holes.

In addition to earthquakes, the most direct attacks Forcing, other methods may be countered by the elves who have sneaked into the ground.

But this time, Tapirang is preparing to force the thunder elves to come out!


Qinglv was stunned when she saw the action of the Flame Bird.

Because the Flame Bird directly lowered its body and aimed at the hole dug by the Thunder Elf. Its mouth was filled with flames and it sprayed directly into the hole!

Damn it!! So reckless?

Qinglu, who has a very careful personality, was a little shocked at this moment

"Thunder Elf!"

But since the Flame Bird gave him a chance, Qinglu had no reason to be timid and shouted at the Thunder Elf underground. It would not work if he didn't fight back. Although the Flame Bird's method was indeed reckless, there is no doubt that it can force out the elves digging underground.

If it really doesn't come out, the flames chasing in will directly cook the Thunder Elf!

Behind the Flame Bird, the ground suddenly breaks apart, the Thunder Elf breaks out of the ground, and a bright electric current hits the Flame Bird directly.

One hundred thousand volts!

One hundred thousand volts perfectly hit the Flame Bird, which was unable to react in time!

Electricity kept flowing through the Flame Bird's body. It was definitely not easy for the Flame Bird, which was restrained by the electricity element, to withstand a blow of one hundred thousand volts.

"No trap?"

Seeing one hundred thousand volts directly hit the flame bird, Qinglu frowned slightly, because the process was so easy, so weirdly easy.

"Big characters explode!"

However, at this time, Tapirang suddenly shouted to the Lightning Bird.

The Flame Bird, which had received one hundred thousand volts of electrotherapy, suddenly turned around, endured the pain on its body, and fired the large-character explosive flames directly at the Thunder Elf! The scorching flames , so close that you can feel the high temperature even on rainy days


The green pupils shrank, damn, this guy actually wanted to exchange injuries for injuries from the beginning!

"Thunder Elf, get out of the way!"

Qinglu hurriedly shouted to the Thunder Elf. He never expected that Tapirang would use such an extreme fighting method. The

Thunder Elf had already stopped the 100,000 Volts and wanted to retreat when the Flame Bird had just sprayed out the big explosion. But after all, they were a step too late.

The distance between the two was too close, and they were able to fight back despite being subjected to one hundred thousand volts. Qinglu and Thunder Elf did not expect that.

The big explosion directly hit Thunder Elf, which was terrifying. The hot flames directly pressed the Thunder Elf to the ground.


The big explosion completely exploded, and red heat waves spread out.

"Jet flames!"

Before the flames disappeared, Tapirang directly commanded the Flame Bird again to perform the finishing blow. The green face turned ugly, and he was no longer human!

The Flame Bird flapped its wings and flew up, and a swift fire pillar shot out again, hitting the location of the Thunder Elf.

When The flames completely dissipated, and everyone saw the Thunder Elf, whose body was charred and lying softly on the ground.

As expected, the Thunder Elf completely lost its fighting ability.

Even though it was rainy at the moment, the power of the fire element's unique moves was somewhat reduced, but the Thunder Elf was There is no resistance to fire attacks, and it has endured continuous explosions and flames, and it is really weird to be able to persist. On the other hand, the Flame Bird, although it received an electric treatment, its physical strength was well preserved, and its condition is still good. It's passable.

It's totally a big victory.

"It’s really your fault to use the legend in this way, Tapirang."

Silently, he took back the Thunder Elf and looked at the Thunder Elf's Poké Ball for a long time. Qinglu couldn't help his inner emotions and complained to Tapirang. His tone was also quite complicated.

The method of exchanging injuries for injuries is actually not special. The general public, but there are indeed some elves whose natural advantage is superior defense and strong physical strength.

This type of elves are suitable for defensive counterattacks, which can be regarded as taking advantage of the elves' strengths.

You can't let Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Bosco Isn't it right for bulky elves like Dora the Great Steel Snake to follow a flexible fast-break burst flow route like Lucario Zoroark?

This kind of bulky tank-type elves are very good at trading damage for damage. It's normal, after all, thick health means high defense, right?

But does the Flame Bird really count?

"Legend has good physical fitness and excellent tolerance. Tactics always need to be changed, right?"

Tapir Liang shrugged, not feeling that there was anything wrong with his decision just now.

Legend has it that the body is generally stronger than ordinary elves, and withstanding an attack from the thunder elf can actually make the thunder elf exit the field directly. Why not make this choice?

"I won't give you such an opportunity again."

Qinglu was noncommittal. Now he calmed down and thought about it carefully. Indeed, Tapirang's choice was a very correct one.

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus!"

Qinglu directly threw his third elf ball.

White light flashed, and a huge elf landed heavily in front of Qinglu. The terrifying tonnage fell, and the entire battlefield shook slightly!

There were three meters tall, with a dark brown body color and orange-red brick-like protective gear covering the body.

It is the evolved form of the Iron Tyrannosaurus, the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus! Also known as the Super Armored Rhinoceros!

The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus lifts up His face and body were shaking in discomfort, and the rain that kept falling made him a little unhappy.

"Was the super iron tyrannosaurus replaced by an elf with strong physical strength?"

Tairian Liang looked at the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus and raised his eyebrows.

He had fought against the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, and the strongest one was undoubtedly the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus that fought against Dan Emperor in Jinhuang City.

The green one This one is obviously not as strong as Dandi's, but Tapirang's Flame Bird is not as strong as his own Boss Cordora.

Moreover, the rock and ground-type Super Iron Tyrannosaurus is resistant to fire-type tricks. It is really difficult for the Flame Bird to defeat the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, which has excellent physical defense.

Of course, the opposite is also true. It can even be said that it is even more difficult for the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus to defeat the Flame Bird.

Although The Flame Bird is four times weaker than the rock, but with the action of the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, its attack wants to hit the Flame Bird?

Don't be kidding.

Unless it is an injury for injury, but Tapiliang is not stupid, using the Flame Bird to fight against the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus Dragon exchange damage?

Even if the Flame Bird is at full status, it will probably be almost disabled after two rock collapses, not to mention that the current Flame Bird is not at full status.

"This forces me to change elves."

Tairiang lowered his head and chuckled, looking at Qinglu and thinking.

He probably also understood what Qinglu was thinking. I can't handle this flame bird. At worst, I won't be able to handle it. You switch to another elf and we can continue fighting.

Well, Qinglu probably is. This means……

"In this case, I'll satisfy you."

Tapi Liang took back the Flame Bird. It was really pointless for the Flame Bird and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus to throw skills at each other. Tapir Liang didn't want to waste time like this.

"It's very suitable for dealing with such a big guy."

"Diancie! Ready to fight!"

Zi Liang threw a brand new elf ball with his backhand. White light flashed, and an extremely elegant and gorgeous elf appeared in front of Tai Liang.

Dianxi, who had her hands clasped together, slowly straightened up, tilted her head and spoke with a ruby-like beauty. His eyes were staring at the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus.

It was Dianxi!

"Oh~ It appears again! This time Contestant Tairiang is using Dianci, the legendary fantasy Pokémon from the Kalos region!"

"Legend has it that Diancie is a princess in a diamond mining country. Now it seems that she is as beautiful as the rumors say."

The sunglasses commentator's eyes suddenly lit up, he held up the microphone and stared at Dianxi in admiration.

As the official host, his knowledge of elves is naturally extremely comprehensive, and he recognized Dianxi almost at a glance.

"Dianxi, you are indeed a good tapir, even Dianxi has been subdued."

Oki Yukinari's eyes were also shining. It is said that Dianxi can make diamonds, but it is extremely rare. Few people have actually seen Dianxi's appearance.

Because Dianxi has always lived in the underground mining country.

"Dianxi...I think I think she is a rock-type elf.……"

Qinglu frowned slightly, looking at this gorgeous elf with a headache and embarrassment.

He is familiar with the elves in various regions, and has read information about the legendary Pokémon in his area, but he really doesn't know much about the less popular legends like Dianxi...

Of course, this can't be blamed on Qinglu, if Ask him to talk about the legend of Yveltal, the most famous legend in Carlos, and he can still give some general information.

But Dianci, a legend that even Carlos locals are generally not familiar with, is just like the host.

It's one thing to be able to recognize her, but they really don't know much about Diancie's detailed information.

"Diancie, please, please behave well."

Taixiang smiled at Dianxi. Although he never stopped cultivating Dianxi, he often used Dianxi for special training battles with Lihua and the others on the artificial island of Etherland.

But this kind of This is the first time Dianxi has appeared in an official game.

From here, we can see how biased Tapiliang is...

Suicune, Freezing Bird, Flamebird, and the others, Tapiliang has never been so considerate...

Well, who has such a considerate personality? Dianxi, it’s Tapiriang’s little cotton-padded jacket.

"Please rest assured~ Dianxi will work hard!"

Dianxi turned around after hearing this, made a fist with her little arm and made a cheering gesture, and a crisp and cute voice sounded.

"Is this Diancie's telepathy?"

This sudden soft and cute voice made Qinglu startled. There is no doubt that this female voice should belong to Dian Xi.

"Please give me your advice, the trainer on the other side, I will do my best."

Dianxi heard Qinglu's words, and made a ladylike gesture to Qinglu very elegantly, and the sweet telepathy sounded again.

"……Please give me some advice……"

Qinglu looked at Dianxi, who was as reserved and elegant as a human noble lady, her eyelids twitched and she replied.

To be honest, this was his first time communicating with a Pokémon like this.

I always feel...a little uncomfortable.

After all, the other party is so beautiful, polite and well-mannered, and I will beat her later. emmmm...

Qinglu looked at the ferocious and muscular Super Iron Tyrannosaurus in front of him, and then compared it with Dian Xi, who was wearing a little red dress and was pretty, cute and telepathic.

The most important thing is that I can still listen to Dianxi's sweet and cute voice.

He suddenly felt that this rock-type main force that he had carefully selected was no longer the domineering and reliable super iron tyrannosaurus that he used to look at... Qinglu, who had always thought that even if it was a legend, it was no big deal, it was a bit of a lemon at the moment.

Yes, he is sore!


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