The legendary Pokémon in the elf world is also called a god!

But many of them are named gods because of their reverence for legends, such as the God of Kanto, the God of Fire, the Flame Bird, the God of Ice, the Freeze Bird, the God of Thunder, the Lightning Bird, and so on.

These gods were called so because of the awe that humans once had. In ancient times, people did not have such things as elf balls.

As for these legends who are born with powerful talents and are loved by the world, their power goes without saying.

But in fact, the only ones who truly possess the power of gods and are worthy of being called gods are those creatures who stand at the top of the world!

Advanced legends from various regions!

I want to experience the power of God.

Hearing Qinglu's words, Tapirang glanced at the young man in surprise.

Because Qinglu is a very proud person, it is not like his style to ask his opponent like this.

"Are you serious?"

Tairiang looked at Qinglu and said doubtfully.

"Yes, if you can't face the deeper power, you won't be able to make the greatest progress, right?"

Qinglu nodded. Now he is not a match for Tapirang.

After the defeat of the Super Water Arrow Turtle, Qinglu has understood this. Since it is a must-lose game, it is natural to take advantage of the battle. Maximize.

Face the true high legend!

"Funny, this is the first time you’ve made a request to me like this."

Taipirang chuckled. The green color at this moment is really completely different from the previous Meiyi.

Meiyi was shameless and asked Tapiliang who took out the Kyogre Poké Ball to put it back...

But this can't be said about Meiyi. Timid, because Mei and Qinglu are different.

Mei's own strength is completely inferior to Qinglu. For Mei, it is difficult for Mei to cope with Tapirang's ordinary main force.

What's more, facing stronger high-level legends?

Of course, you can improve yourself better if you face a powerful opponent, but if the opponent's strength is almost completely different from the same dimension.

That is no longer a difficulty, but a deep despair!

Just like Dak who was educated by Tapirang using Kyogre. Duo, Dakodu's character is definitely very tough, but at that time the battle was over.

Facing Kyogre, Dakoto was almost autistic!

"Since this is the case, of course I can’t refuse, so please give it a try."

After pondering for a moment, Tapirang took back Dianxi and took out another elf ball, a red elf ball that was completely opposite to Kyogre's blue one.

"Ready to fight! Groudon!"

Tairiang threw the elf ball heavily. The elf ball opened in mid-air, white light flashed, and terrifying power and pressure filled the air.


The roar of the giant beast resounded through the sky, and the red giant beast fell heavily on the battlefield..

The terrifying tonnage shook the entire battlefield.

Groudon, the legendary land overlord in Fang Yuan!

Under the power of Groudon, the sun shone fiercely.

The entire arena was still. For a moment, I looked at the huge and ferocious legend in the field.

"Oh my God! The third elf of Contestant Tapirang is actually the legendary Groudon!"

"Is the legend of the tapirian player really inexhaustible? After Kyogre, he actually used Groudon!"

The host took off his sunglasses, stared at the red beast in the field, and roared crazily into the microphone. The passionate tone also expressed his excitement and shock at the moment.

From the beginning of the Quartz Conference to the present , there are really too many legendary elves used by Tapirang.

So many times that when he throws out a legend again, they will only sigh,"Ah~ this is a legend."……’

But some legends are different after all!

Groudon's status is far more shocking than the three divine birds and three holy beasts!

"Oh~ Groudon, so domineering."

Oki Yukinari looked at the majestic and energetic Groudon in the field in amazement, and even put on glasses in order to see Groudon's appearance more clearly.

"According to legend, the land overlord who created the land and survives from super ancient times to the present day is Groudon, the counterpart to Kyogre.……"

Xiaogang looked at Groudon speechlessly, and after a long time he sighed and spoke.

As the overlord of the ground system, Groudon, Xiaogang naturally knew about this legend.

"Where on earth did Tapirang come from so many legends? It’s so scary."

Xiaoxia clicked her tongue and looked at the man behind Groudon. Compared to Kyogre, Groudon's appearance is more ferocious and domineering.

Just looking at it, one can intuitively feel that this big guy is definitely very It's not easy to mess with.

But Tapirang conquered it!

"And according to the literature, aren't Groudon and Kyogre hostile? The ocean and the land are completely opposite concepts. How could Tapirang conquer them both at the same time?"

Xiaoxia said doubtfully.

"It all depends on the trainer. Just like the eagle and the toucan, there are also people who conquer these two elves at the same time and let them stay in a pair together."

Oki Yukinari shook his head and chuckled. Elves have a food chain and natural enemies, just like the eagle and the toucan.

Their evolutionary chain is completely to treat each other as food.


"Ser~ Groudon, you have slept enough every day, and you can stretch your muscles occasionally. This is broadcast live across the country, so don’t be embarrassed."

Tairiang put the flightless Poke Ball away and smiled at the flightless one.

Since Alola's land expansion was completely completed two months ago, Groudon has been very lazy in his daily life.

He eats and sleeps. Eat!

If it weren’t for Gai Oka who would occasionally come to spar with it, Tapirang seriously doubted that his figure would be deformed if he couldn’t fly.


Wui Fei extended his paw to Tapirang in a very humane manner and gave a 'thumbs up' sign, indicating that it was no problem at all.

Then Wui Fei glanced at the audience who were staring closely at him from the corner of his eye. , I subconsciously straightened my normally slumped shoulders.

Yes, I straightened my shoulders because I couldn’t fly!

Well, because I often wandered around Alola (creating land), the people of Alola actually didn’t know much about Groudon. How strange it is.

Moreover, the people of Alola often bring delicious fruits and food to Groudon, which makes Groudon very proud.

Especially, the 'death stare' cast by Kyogre who is hanging out with him makes Groudon very proud. Groudon is even more proud.

Now~ I have human fans, do you have any?

Over time, Groudon is really no stranger to humans, and sometimes he even deliberately shows off his power.

Listening to the amazement of these humans With the shouts and adoration, Groudon felt refreshed physically and mentally!


Qinglu looked at the giant beast in front of him, feeling the tyrannical majesty and pressure, and his eyes became solemn.

The heavy pressure that made his heart beat faster was unprecedented!


(Please order flower tickets and order them yourself. There will be another chapter later)

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