Fiery Star God Chapter 32

"Is it because of Saron that you don't want to leave?"

Shen Feng asked.

Saron, the leader of the dark star gods, was once the master of the Venus god Venus.

Her most powerful move, Spacetime Spin, was taught to her by Saron.

But after the death of Otan, the supreme god of the universe, Saron started a rebellion and wanted to seize the Milky Way Star and rule the universe.


Venus didn't answer.

Shen Feng continued:"I guess you can't face the reality that your former mentor turned into a cosmic demon, so you just want to hide here on Venus and don't dare to face Saron again?"


Venus sighed,"There may be other reasons for Saron to become like this. I will still stick to my mission."

Gaia then continued:"If you stick to Ultan's mission, you should protect the galaxy with us. Star……"

Shen Feng stopped Gaia.

With Venus, there is no need to say this.

In addition to Saron, whom Venus is unwilling to face, there is another person that Venus is even more unwilling to face.

"Are you ashamed to face Ares, the god of Mars, and don’t dare to see him?"Shen Feng continued.

Venus trembled slightly.

"How did you know about Ares and me?"

Shen Feng gestured to Galaxy Star,"Because Galaxy Star, I basically understand everything about your universe's star god."

Because that's bullshit.

This is all nonsense.

The most important thing is because I have watched the show and know the plot!

I know these universe star gods very well.

Venus did not doubt Shen Feng's words,"So that's it, You are right. Compared to my former mentor Saron, Ares is more difficult for me to face."

When Saron wanted to snatch the Milky Way Star, the Star God of Justice and the Star God of Darkness launched a cosmic war.

Ares, the God of Mars, fought against the Dark Star God, and Venus, the God of Venus, fought with Ares.

However, because of Saron, Long was Venus' mentor. She had no desire to fight and finally chose to escape.

Without Venus' help, Ares was severely beaten and seriously injured. Finally, he was able to escape with Poseidon's rescue.

Venus looked guilty and continued:"In the world of Ares, there is a clear distinction between black and white, and there is no gray area between justice and evil, but I chose to retreat at the critical moment. I don't know if he will still." Will you accept me and will you still treat me like before?……"

Tethis feels the same way about this matter.

Because his former brother Pan La also became the Dark Star God and started a battle with him.

Tethis looked at Venus with a melancholy look on his face and said:"When I stayed alone on Mercury, I lived in regret all day long, regretting that I could not prevent Panra from falling to the dark force."

Venus instantly He felt the same and comforted:"It's not your fault that Pan La is like this. It's his own evil thoughts and greed that exist in his heart."……"

"No, if I could have noticed earlier and pulled Pan La back from his evil thoughts, things would not have developed to this point. I cannot accept that my former brother has fallen into darkness step by step."

"Tethis……"Venus murmured

"So for so many years, I have been hiding in Mercury, doing nothing. In fact, what I am afraid of is facing Pan La again."

"I have been deceiving myself, I am still insisting on the mission given to me by Otan,"

"After meeting Shen Feng and Gaia, I realized that what I should do now is not to hide in Mercury to avoid fate, but to stand up and protect the Milky Way star and stop Saron's conspiracy to rule the universe."

"In the face of the safety of the universe, we should put aside our personal grudges. You still insist on the mission of the Star God. I think if Ares knew, he would still treat you differently."

Tesis's sincere words made Venus feel even more. He really felt the same.

Wouldn't Ares blame himself?

"I hope so……"

Venus murmured.

Shen Feng continued:"Our next destination is to go to Mars to find Ares, Venus, are you willing to go with us?"


Venus responded affirmatively.

"Then let's go."

The four Star Gods boarded the Lingdong. The Lingdong slowly lifted into the sky, then sprayed flames and flew quickly towards space.

The destination is Mars!


Demonic galaxy.

Taixu star

"What! Carlos was wiped out?"

Salon was shocked when he heard the news.

The person who reported it in front of Saron was Forrest.

When he just heard the news, Forrest couldn't accept it.

The evil star god Carlos is under Lord Saron. One of the three great star gods, his strength ranks among the best in the entire universe.

What's more, Carlos also had a huge army of mechanical warriors, but even such a powerful force was completely wiped out...

Forrest said humbly:"Yes, Master Saron, a new Star God has appeared in the universe, named the Flame Star God, and it was he who killed Carlos.""

"Flame Star God? Where did that come from?"

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