I Created Mythic Revival

Chapter 64: spiritual world

"What's the matter, this broken computer is broken again? Damn it, didn't you just fix it, **** profiteer!"

Andrea didn't respond after seeing the order for a long time. He immediately thought that the computer had malfunctioned again. In his heart, he slapped the keyboard in annoyance.

But luckily, this time, he accidentally bumped into the Enter key. In an instant, before he could continue cursing, he felt that he was sucked into the computer.

And there was also the cold voice of the electronic machinery: "Congratulations, you have won this great challenge!"

Yu Yin was still lingering in his mind, but he had already passed out.



I don't know how long it took, and Andre's consciousness suddenly came to his senses. When his vision became clear again, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

I saw that in front of him, it was no longer the familiar bedroom, but a vast, vast, vast universe.

Facing this vast and boundless sea of ​​stars, it was the first time that Andre felt his own insignificance so clearly.

Time seems to lose its meaning here, because there is no comparison at all, only the occasional twinkling star tells Andre that he is still alive.

And as for the body...

Even if he didn't need to look, he could still feel his shape, and it didn't change much from before, but the fear, after the shock, was irresistible, lingering in his heart.

Just when Andre was at a loss, a beam of light suddenly shone down from an endless height and landed on him, although now he didn't know where it was high and where it was low.

However, from the light, he could still vaguely see a phantom. As the light disappeared, a voice sounded in Andre's ear, or in his mind:

"I know you have a lot of questions, and based on what I know about you, I will provide some basic information here to help us skip the meaningless question and answer.

As you can see, you are floating in the universe now, and you yourself exist as a set of pure information, or spirit and soul.

According to my Lord's command, I brought you intelligent races in, because you have the ability to think that non-intelligent races do not have.

Thinking is changeable, which can bring some variables to this universe, and at the same time provide some fun for my lord. "

"Am I selected?" Looking around, he couldn't see anything. But Andre, who barely calmed down from the fear, thought for a while, and then asked back: "Who are you, who is your master, am I important to you, and is it worth your time to talk to me like this? "

"This universe is my Lord's creation, my Lord's invention, my Lord's private property, and it exists only for my Lord.

And I am the "spirit" who is in charge of this universe for him. As for you, it doesn't matter. At the same time, I am also talking with countless other intelligent creatures. "That voice was patient.

"How do you communicate with countless intelligent creatures?" Andre made no secret of his doubts.

"I can't answer you this question. Just like unicellular organisms, I will never understand whether a multicellular organism is one or a group."

In Andre's sense, this time, his voice seemed to be slightly mocking.

"Then what do you want me to do, why did you bring me here, can I go back?" Andre obviously lost his patience and asked three questions in a row.


As these two words were uttered, in front of Andre, a labyrinth map composed of countless lines slowly unfolded, and among them, a little star was shining brightly.

"You have to use your thinking to rearrange these lines, so that this little bit of starlight can circulate in it without any obstacles. Everyone's task is different, and this is your task."

"What if I don't do it?" Andrei felt that the other party was making a fool of himself, so he asked tentatively.

"You can only do it, because you have no choice, otherwise, you will be trapped here forever, until eternity." The voice was still calm, but what he said made Andre fall into an ice cave.

His mind was running fast, trying to find the loopholes in the other party's words, but before he could say anything, the owner of the voice seemed to have seen through his mind, and continued:

"This is the will of my lord, and it is also the highest law in this universe. Resistance will only make you sink into endless nothingness, while obedience will allow you to get rewards and return."

"Reward..." Hearing these two words, and after a brief thought and struggle, Andre suddenly knelt down on one knee:

"The great spirit, the complete cycle of starlight, will definitely be presented by me, Andre!"

This really can't blame him for being greedy. Although he has tried not to think about it during this period of time, Andre is still envious of the extraordinary power of the other three domains, and now, the rewards of this level of bosses are always would be too low...

"No need, to be precise, I'm only one part of the 'spirit' in a billion, the main task is to be responsible for the interpretation, plus giving you tasks and distribution rewards~www.wuxiaspot.com~ That voice doesn't seem to like this set.

"Then do you have a name? You can't keep calling 'Spirit', right?" After talking to this point, Andre seemed to be a little more daring.

"You can do whatever you want. Before you die, I will be responsible for every task you do." The voice continued to sound, but the words made Andre's soul tremble, and he immediately became a little nervous. The rhetorical question:

"Will you also die during the mission? But it doesn't look like there is any danger."

"Tasks are divided into mental tasks and physical tasks, both of which have a chance of death, and the longer the mental task you are performing at this time, the higher the probability of death."

"Damn it, why didn't you say such a crucial thing earlier!"

Hearing that the probability of his death was actually related to time, Andre didn't even bother to choose a name, his eyes were fixed on the star map, and the thinking in his mind began to run at a high speed...

Above the Northern Territory, Lu Chen slowly opened his indifferent eyes.

Building the universe? He doesn't have that leisure.

That cosmos template is just an empty shelf that looks bluffing. If there is a real need in the future, it can be completely handed over to Haotian and others to do it.

However, Artifact Spirit was indeed created by him. After all, he couldn't do everything by himself, which would deviate from his original purpose.

In fact, it didn't take him much time to create the artifact spirit. The reason why it took so long just now was mainly used to stay behind...

If a tool is out of control, it is not a tool.

Those who seek for the elders of wood must consolidate their roots, and those who wish to flow far must dred their springs.

Just like the results of many games, before the start, it is already doomed.

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