I Make Games To Scare Crying Players

Chapter 88 Digging Deep into the Game Plot

The old TV in front of me was flickering again.

The figures of the two doctors also disappeared in an instant.

Everything is interrupted here.

Brother Banana looked at the buzzing screen, and fell silent.

Judging from the previous encounters, the plot of the game has gradually surfaced.

But it's only on the surface of the water, what's it like underwater?

Brother Banana had a very bold guess about this.

Even so bold that he couldn't believe it himself.

So much so that he now keeps doubting its authenticity, wondering if he has a brain problem, how could he have such an unrealistic guess.

How dare you think that the entire game world is an illusion?

Thinking of this, Brother Banana shook his head violently.

Let yourself calm down.

Begin to review and organize the background information you have learned.

First, based on the known content displayed in room 1408.

D-5671 is a father with a terminally ill daughter.

Judging from the fact that the character of wife has not appeared for a long time, this man should be divorced.

So he should be raising his daughter alone, and his life is very difficult.

So much so that the money for her daughter's hospitalization is not enough.

The above is inferred by Banana Brother himself based on known content.

Next, it's half-guessing.

In order to be able to treat his daughter, the father left her on the grounds of buying donuts and started raising money outside.

His behavior was discovered by the agents of this research organization in the game.

It may be for the reason of helping her daughter's treatment, or because she is willing to pay for it.

In short, the agent should have reached some kind of deal with the father, brought him back to the research institute, and assigned him the number D-5671.

But this father never expected that the research organization would erase his memory!

The daughter of the hospital was also forced to leave the hospital because she had no treatment fee. She was lonely and wandering outside, and finally died by the river.

Until he died, he was still thinking about his father.

On the other side, the father whose memory has been erased has lived in the research organization for more than a year.

During this period, it may be because of his love for his daughter that he could recall from time to time that he still has a terminally ill daughter waiting for him. This inexplicable memory situation made his psychological evaluation scores not high every time.

And because amnestics are routinely performed at the end of each month, every time he thinks of his daughter, he will forcefully forget it.

And so, it had serious side effects for him.

There is a huge error in the concept of time.

He thought that he had just come to the research organization, and his daughter was still waiting for him to go back at the hospital.

As everyone knows, more than a year has passed.

His daughter had already died in the wild.

In the end, it was the father who learned the truth.

The staff of the research organization told him that more than a year had passed outside, and he had nothing left.

In this case, he was again psychologically evaluated and received an E score.

He was deceived, lost his most cherished daughter, and was treated as an experimental subject.

This father has given up on the whole world.

The long-term experiment left him with only hatred in his heart, wanting to take revenge on these cold-blooded humans who looked like monsters in his eyes.

In this state of mind, he was forced to participate in another experiment.

An experiment conducted in a coma.

Enter hallucinations!

Thinking of this, Brother Banana broke out in a cold sweat.

Judging from the conversation process of the two doctors and the analysis articles on the Internet.

The function of the helmet in the Z-FBC-0825 control room is probably to create an illusion world that is difficult to distinguish between real and fake.

And the person wearing the helmet will enter this illusion world.

At the same time, judging from the performance of D-9931 in the actual machine demonstration.

The passage of time in the hallucination world is different from that of the real world, so that D-9931, who has spent more than 2,000 years in the hallucination world, is not worth mentioning to people in the real world.

Even if his life level has evolved!

In this case, have D-5671 wear the helmet for the experiment.

Then, judging from his previous hatred for the world, the illusionary world that belongs to him may not be simple.

Brother Banana swallowed his saliva, and continued to dig deeper along the clues.

Because of the death of his daughter, D-5671 felt ashamed, no longer trusted the world, and wanted the world to be destroyed.

Then in the world of illusion he got his wish.

A terrifying shell similar to a nuclear bomb fell on the ground, and the impact swept across the city.

At the same time, because he was deceived, as well as the ruthlessness of the hospital and the disregard of life by the doctor of the research organization, he believed that most of the human beings were cold-blooded and ruthless monsters.

Then in the world of illusion, it was restored again.

The building is filled with all kinds of monsters that didn't exist before, some of them look like people, some of them don't look like people, and they are mixed together.

But therein lies the problem.

Where is D-5671 himself?

Assuming that this world is an illusion world created by the helmet, then who is the protagonist I am controlling now?

Who is the 'I' on the phone?

What's their relationship to D-5671?

But now, Brother Banana thinks.

Could they be the same person?

Could the protagonist of the game I controlled be D-5671?

Soon, he shook his head.

The possibility is extremely high, but without conclusive and substantive evidence, everything is untenable.

But speaking of it, the CG clearly stated from the beginning that the protagonist of the game is on a business trip, so he should be a professional.

But the game doesn't explain what D-5671 used to do, maybe it's the same job as the protagonist of the game?

Moreover, if this is an illusion world, then must this so-called business trip be real?

Coupled with memory erasure, forgetting everything, the protagonist of the game may not remember that he is D-5671!

In reality, he lost his memory and fell into a coma.

In the hallucination, it is not impossible for the hatred and obsession in the heart to cause mutations.

There are so many unsolved mysteries.

Let's see if this room can give him more information now!

But he was a little curious.

Since entering this room, the protagonist of the game seems to have become a mute, no longer has lines, and no longer evaluates things.

You must know that on the previous floors, whether it is the joy of escaping death or the doubts when encountering strange events, the protagonist will burst out a line or two.

But when faced with so many weird things in room 1408, he acted like a spectator, which was really not quite right.

It seems that the production team did it on purpose.?

Chi -

At this moment, flames suddenly appeared in the cabinet fireplace in the living room, interrupting Brother Banana's thoughts.

He looked up in doubt, only to see the wall cabinet was slowly pushed away by the rapid heat flow, revealing the protective metal barbed wire and raging fire inside.

What's going on this time?

Brother Banana walked to the cabinet fireplace and looked at the flames burning inside. He couldn't feel any heat.

But you can understand the high temperature here through the slight redness of the viewing angle.

Looking inward through the barbed wire, one could see a small body lying in the raging flames.

It was the body of a little girl.

She put her hands flat on her chest, and she looked very peaceful under the engulfment of the flames.

Obviously, the corpse of the little girl who appeared out of nowhere is probably D-5671's daughter.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Brother Banana shook his head sympathetically.

He raised his hand and closed the fireplace door.

The burning sound of the flame disappeared in an instant.

When it was opened again, it was pitch black inside, and there was no longer any light from the fire.

It seemed that everything just now was just an illusion.

Brother Banana frowned and was about to leave.

The TV with a snowflake screen suddenly lit up again.

Brother Banana turned his head and looked inside. It was a family documentary.

In the picture, it seems to be a family of three fighting daily, with a warm atmosphere and lots of laughter.

[Hey, Dad, does my new dress look good~]

On the TV, the little girl who was burned in the fireplace before appeared in front of the camera.

She was wearing a white dress, with a smile on her face, and she turned around happily, showing her lovely appearance.

On the sofa behind her, there was a beautiful woman sitting, who was also smiling very happily at this time.

Not surprisingly, the one holding the camera on the TV should be D-5671.

It can be seen from this that he originally had a happy family.


The TV with a warm atmosphere suddenly flickered, as if it was malfunctioning, with ripples.

But it didn't take long for it to return to normal.

But the content inside has changed.

The little girl who was dancing happily in front of the camera was now lying on the hospital bed.

Her little face no longer had the happy smile it had before, nor the healthy rosiness.

All that was left was the slightly thin pale.

She looked at the camera, barely showing a smile.

[Dad, I will definitely get better. Wait for me to get better. You won’t quarrel with mom. We can be as happy as before]

[Dad, don’t cry. Don’t worry. The nurse sisters also said that I am strong. I will definitely get better. When the time comes. Buy me donuts]

Brother Banana watched the plot performance in front of him, and his heart was full of thoughts.

The plot behind this game has become more and more obvious.

It doesn't matter whether D-5671 is the protagonist controlled by him or not.

Now, he just wants to know what else will be shown to him in room 1408.

The TV flickered again.

The reflection of a woman appears in it.

She is the mother of the little girl, D-5671's wife!

Brother Banana stared intently, watching her walk slowly.

In the glitch-like ripples, her face was full of anger and sadness, her eyes were fixed on Brother Banana through the screen.

Stretch out your hand and point at him bitterly.

[It was you who killed her! It was you who killed her! ! You killed her! ! ! ——]


Amidst the roar, the TV screen exploded on the spot.

Countless shards of glass impacted and spread like shotguns.

Brother Banana standing in the middle was the first to be stabbed all over the face.

The vision in front of him suddenly blurred, and there were bloodstains.

The protagonist of the game retreated tremblingly, and fell down uncontrollably.

As he was dying with his eyes closed, the voice of the previous doctor sounded again, uttering the last words in a memory-like form.

[?? Doctor 1: Ah, the newcomer, first arrange for him to have a psychological evaluation, number, just follow the order, just take 5671. ]

Then, the screen went black and there was no sound.

do you died?

Looking at the picture that fell into darkness, Brother Banana fell silent.

Now, he has obtained sufficient plot information from this room.

Then, sort it out, and then go through the game with all your strength to dig out the plot of the game thoroughly!

Finally, take a look at this game, is it related to the previous games?

This chapter was not written yesterday, and it has been revised until now.

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