I Signed-In in Tokyo

Twenty-six Maori Xiaowulang, worried about his daughter, Lynn's treat

what's the situation?

Xiao Lan's exclamation startled both Lynn and Yuanzi.

Waiting for Xiaolan's eyes to look towards the door...

Hey I'm going!

What's on my window glass?

So big and so ugly!

But take a closer look...

"Mr. Maury?"

Subconsciously, Lynn called out the name of the humanoid object that was clinging to the glass of the coffee shop and was about to turn into a grimace because its face was too close.

That's right!

The real murderer who scared Xiaolan and screamed was her father, the confused detective Mouri Kogoro upstairs!


Hearing what Lynn said, Xiao Lan who was afraid to look out the window immediately raised her head.

Because the scene just now was so terrifying, it almost cast her into a psychological shadow, so she didn't dare to look carefully at what the object was.

Take a closer look now...

Isn't this the father who didn't let her worry?

"Dad, what are you doing! Come down from the window soon!"

Xiaolan was born with no immunity to all kinds of monsters and ghosts, and only when she faced all kinds of horror legends would she show her weak side as a girl.

But once it is determined that there are no ghosts, Xiaolan will immediately return to normal.

like now.

After confirming that it was Maori Kogoro who scared her, Xiaolan rushed out of the store as soon as possible, and dragged her father in very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Maori... What kind of trouble are you making?"

Looking at the embarrassed Maori Kogoro being trained by Xiao Lan, Lin En couldn't help feeling helpless.

As soon as the store opened, such a farce was staged.

What is this about?

"Then what... this is not Xiaolan's first time working, I'm worried about whether she can adapt."

Being disciplined by his daughter is a common occurrence for Kogoro Maori.

As for Lynn's words, it also caused him to scratch the back of his head subconsciously, his expression very cramped and uneasy.

The so-called poor parents in the world

Xiaolan had never had part-time work experience before, and suddenly she had to go to work, even if it was downstairs in her own house, Maori Kogoro would inevitably be worried.

It's just the uncle's way of caring, but it's really helpless.

It stands to reason that with the means of a detective, there should be many ways to determine whether the daughter has successfully completed the work.

But the result?

That's it?

Although he knew that Maori Kogoro was unreliable, at this moment, Lynn had a deeper understanding of him.

"Dad! Even so, you can't lie on the window and scare people!"

Her father's explanation made Xiaolan both moved and angry.

She could feel the strong father's love, but the way of caring was really unacceptable to her.

In the end, all kinds of complicated emotions turned into the next round of reprimands.

In normal families, parents educate their daughters, but in the Maori family, this scene is completely reversed.

"Okay Xiaolan, calm down, Mr. Maori also cares about you."

"Mr. Maori, come here, why don't you sit first? Try my craftsmanship by the way?"

"Today is the first day of opening, and I treat guests."

Although the scene of Xiaolan training her father is very interesting, it is obviously out of place in the store.

Lynn didn't want any guests to be scared away, so he interrupted Xiaolan at the right time and invited Kogoro Maori to the seat.

After all, he is the future father-in-law, so he has to show some respect to others, right?

"Oh? Is Mr. Landlord a treat? Hahaha... Then I'm welcome!"

In fact, when Lynn persuaded Xiaolan, he called Xiaolan by her first name.

It made Mouri Kogoro instinctively frown.

His sixth sense as a father told him that this was not right!

How long has this landlord known Xiaolan?

How did they get called by their names so quickly?

But soon, Lynn's treat made him completely forget about it.

Recently, Maori Kogoro was in trouble. He lost the bet in Marseille. Except for the necessary action funds, the rest of the money was withheld by his daughter.

Not to mention drinking, it's hard to even want to drink a bottle!

Now that the landlord is very kind and intends to treat guests, he certainly can't miss this opportunity!

It's just that he didn't expect that just when he kept flipping through the menu and wanted to order the most expensive cup of coffee, that philistine face made Xiao Lan's face burst with fever.


What a shame!

Dad lost his face today!

"A cup of Irish coffee? I see."

"By the way, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, what do you want to drink, I'll get it together by the way."

After some deliberation, Maori Kogoro did not choose the most expensive coffee, but chose a cup of Irish coffee with alcohol.

What should I say?

As expected of you?

Don't even forget to drink coffee!

Xiaolan's knowledge of coffee is obviously insufficient, otherwise, after Maori Kogoro ordered this cup of coffee, she would definitely stop her at the first time.

However, Lynn didn't intend to reveal the truth, but after answering Kogoro Mouri's order, he asked Xiaolan and Sonoko what they liked.

One cup is also boiled, and three cups are also boiled, so let’s just go together.

Anyway, Lynn had promised Sonoko a treat before.

"Eh? Is this okay? We are obviously working..."

"It's not open yet, and you can help me evaluate the taste."

Except for Kogoro Mouri, a guest hadn't come in yet, so Lynn was going to treat the guests first, which made Xiaolan hesitate.

But the reason given by Lynn made her unable to refuse. After all, the trial evaluation can be regarded as a part of the work, and if she refused, it would not seem very good.

In this case, Ran and Sonoko chose their own coffees - cappuccino and caramel macchiato.

They are more popular with girls.

"No wonder Lynn can open a coffee shop, he's amazing."

After getting the order, Lynn started to operate behind the bar.

Although it was the first time to do it, the memory in his mind made him seem to have gone through a thousand trials. No matter which step he performed, it looked so pleasing to the eye.

At this time, he seems to be standing in a picture scroll, not to mention the taste of coffee, this scene alone can make customers worth the price!

No, Yuan Zi, who was addicted to Lynn's prosperous beauty and working state, was completely obsessed at this moment.

Not to mention Yuanzi, even Xiaolan couldn't help but look at Lin En with a bit of confusion in her eyes.

"Done, please taste."

It wasn't until Lynn finished making three cups of coffee that they were served on the table, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi finally came back to their senses.

Xiaolan was obviously a little shy about the loss just now, but Yuanzi was different. She, who was always cheerful and generous, wanted to throw herself into Lin En's arms immediately so that she could feel the body temperature and smell of the male god.

Only Maori Kogoro, this guy's attention is all on the Irish coffee in front of him.

Hastily picked up the cup--

pause! pause! pause!

"Ah... cool!!!"

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