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Chapter 73 Facing the Dragon's Breath

Warcraft: Deteriorated Red Dragon Drake

Status: moderate internal injury, mild trauma, rage, anxiety

Level: Level 36 (Elite Template)

talent:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

Although it is far from being able to compare with regular adult dragons, it can ripen elite-level warcraft mounts through spells. The Dragonmaw clan does have two brushes in taming dragons.


Vereesa took the lead in shooting two consecutive arrows, trying to blind the red dragon's eyes.

But the red dragon simply closed its eyelids to block the two sharp arrows.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Vereesa frowned slightly: "This guy has inherited the dragon's physical fitness to a certain extent, and he is much more difficult to deal with than ordinary monsters."

Switching the normal arrows to the special armor-piercing arrows, Vereesa once again aimed at the red dragon that had crawled out of the swamp.

"Buy me some time, I'll try to see if I can aim and shoot through the dragon scales that have been charged for a long time."


Salayan, whose blood started to boil, rushed out carrying the big sword without saying a word, and Valeera, who had just pulled Ronin out of the pit, didn't even have time to stop it.

"Hey~ This guy is still so reckless."

Valeera carefully looked at the red dragon covered with solid scales, and gritted her teeth helplessly.

"...How can I do this?"

While preparing the spell, Luo Ning said to Valeera: "This kind of enemy with strong defense is not suitable for thieves. You should retreat to the outer perimeter and be on guard. Remember to notify us as soon as someone comes."

In the case of a certain gap with the target's strength, unless you hold an artifact, the thief's small dagger can't pierce the scales of the red dragon at all, so there is no way to talk about poisoning.

"Well, that's the only way to go."

Sneaking in place to eliminate the figure, Valeera took out the binoculars to observe the periphery of the battle area, and it turned out that she really discovered something.

A small group of heavily armed Dragonmaw soldiers were approaching from a distance, probably noticing the movement of the red dragon when it fell to the ground.

Every red dragon is a precious property of the Dragonmaw Clan, so we must try our best to save it.

Looking back at the three teammates who were fighting with the Red Dragon, Valeera didn't bother them for the time being.

She used local materials and began to make simple traps with the help of the environment.


It is meaningless to taunt a degraded red dragon with low intelligence. Sharlayan didn't do any tricks. It was the first time he honestly used the battle roar to increase the attack lethality and morale of his teammates.


The big sword of the demon slayer was blocked by the red dragon's raised left front paw. The blade of the big sword collided with the dragon's scales of the red dragon, and there was a sound of gold and iron clashing.

After all, the Great Sword of the Demon Slayer is one of the treasures collected by the Sunstrider royal family, and the royal enchanter has also strengthened it.

Although it couldn't completely break through the red dragon's defense, the sharp blade still cut a trace of blood on its scales.


Feeling the new pain, the furious Red Dragon subconsciously wanted to raise his right paw to give Sarlayan a hard blow.

But as soon as it raised its hand, it affected the internal injury that was hit by the hammer of the storm before, and its movement was half a beat slow, and Sharlayan took the opportunity to step back and hide.

Facing an elite-level Warcraft for the first time, Sharlayan was not stage frightened.

Since he was only wearing light leather armor and was not dragged down by heavy armor, Sharlayan's movements were fairly flexible, and he took on the task of attracting firepower close to him very well.

The war bow in Vereesa's hand shimmered, and she hadn't finished aiming with power.

Rhonin's spell was just ready.

Since the red dragon is inherently highly resistant to flames, he did not choose the fire spells he is best at, but instead created a series of arcane missiles.

The continuously fired arcane missiles hit the red dragon's chest. Although it couldn't cause defense-breaking damage, it also slowed down its counterattack to a certain extent and distracted its attention.

Seizing the moment when the red dragon turned its gaze to Rhonin, Sharlayan activated the special effect of the Demon Slayer's Great Sword.


The zero-distance arcane impact slightly bounced off the red dragon's blocking right claw, revealing a very tiny defensive loophole.

Sharlayan seized this slight opportunity and used his charge to dodge into the arms of the red dragon, avoiding the defensive range of its two claws.

After releasing the special effect of the weapon, the Demon Slayer Greatsword needs a period of time to recharge itself before releasing Arcane Blast once.

But this does not affect the capabilities of the weapon itself.

With the help of the impact force, the big sword thrust finally pierced the scale armor on the red dragon's chest, leaving a not deep and not shallow puncture wound on its chest.


The two claws could not return to defense, and the red dragon, who was suffering from pain, chose to move his mouth directly.


Seeing the movement of the red dragon puffing out its chest and inhaling, Sharlayan immediately understood its intention.

Luo Ning also yelled from behind at this time: "Be careful of breathing fire!"

Inserting the Demon Slayer sword into the ground, Sharlayan took out a tower shield that could protect most of his body from the space package.


Heavyly inserting the lower edge of the tower shield into the ground, Sharlayan shrank his body as much as possible to hide behind the shield.

"hold head high!"

The next moment, the fiery dragon's breath gushed out from the mouth of the red dragon. Sharlayan, who held up his shield, was like a reef in the flood. The scorching dragon's breath was pushed away by the large shield, and gushed from his sides to the rear.


In just a few seconds, the tower shield made of fine steel was burnt red by the high temperature, and Sharlayan's leather gloves emitted an unpleasant smell of being smoky.

If the dragons want to breathe fire, they need to accumulate energy first, and it is impossible to maintain the state of breathing dragon breath for a long time.

The moment the flames disappeared, Sharlayan decisively threw away the deformed tower shield.

Taking advantage of the situation, he pulled out the great sword of the demon slayer, and before the red dragon had time to close its mouth, Sharlayan boldly rushed into its mouth under Luo Ning's stunned gaze.

Using his strong sword as a supporting pillar, he forcibly opened the upper and lower jaws of the red dragon, preventing it from closing its mouth temporarily.

"Vereesa! It's up to you!"


The armor-piercing arrow that had been fully charged had a faint arcane gleam on its surface, and it flew over Sharlayan's body precisely, and directly penetrated into the red dragon's throat.

The external defense of the dragon's body is very strong, but the internal body is no different from ordinary creatures.

The armor-piercing arrows that drove straight to the red dragon tore a large number of mucous membranes and capillaries in the red dragon's body, and finally stuck on the outer wall of its esophagus, causing great pain to the red dragon.


Stuck by the big sword and unable to shut up, the angry red dragon forcibly gave birth to the dragon's breath again, and a fiery red flame surged from the depths of his throat.

Vereesa and Ronin noticed this scene at the same time.

"Sharlayan, step back!"

The two people standing in the distance could see it, and Sharlayan, who was close at hand, naturally couldn't ignore it.

But seeing it is one thing, being able to react is another.

When Sharlayan was about to jump out, he realized that it was too late.

"Tsk! I can only gamble."

Cross your arms in front of you, protecting your head and chest.

A thin layer of pale golden scales emerged from the surface of the flesh and blood under Sharlayan's leather armor, covering his forehead and most of his face.

Vereesa and Ronin were far away, unable to see the details of the scene, but the barrage suddenly started to riot.

"Fuck! Am I dazzled?"

"Golden dragon scales?! There is no golden dragon among the five guardian dragons, right?"

"Of course not, this is not Heroes Invincible, and the only one with a similar color is the Bronze Dragon."

"The tone of the bronze dragon scales is darker, more like the color of yellow sand, Sharlayan is..."

"At first I thought that Inas was a red dragon, but now the truth has become confusing again."

Sharlayan didn't have the time to look at the barrage at all right now, the small dragon's breath sprayed from the red dragon's throat was already in sight.


Rhonin and Vereesa watched Sarlayan being hit head-on by the dragon's breath, their hearts seemed to miss half a beat.

"Damn it!"

Vereesa, who was more experienced, didn't waste time in a daze. While the red dragon opened her eyes wide and focused all her attention on her mouth, she immediately bent her bow and set her arrows, and shot two arrows at the same time.

This time, the red dragon, who was inattentive, failed to react and close his eyes in time, and the two ferocious vertical pupils were shot by arrows almost at the same time.


Completely losing vision, the red dragon rolled on the ground in pain after spraying the dragon's breath, and a large amount of scarlet blood shot out from both eyes.

"You call yourself a horse!"

A scorched-black figure gradually emerged from the flames that hadn't completely dissipated.

Before Vereesa, who had activated Eagle Eye, could see the situation clearly, the upper and lower jaws of the open-mouthed red dragon suddenly closed, followed by a series of chaotic tearing and explosion sounds from its body.

"Die to my father!"


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