Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 533 Superman: I want to get into the sun!

Feeling it more carefully, Magneto discovered that some of his related memories had disappeared.

That is Magneto's memory related to counter-reconnaissance.

Although Magneto is not a special agent, looking at this guy's life, he has either been caught or on the way to being caught. When it comes to counter-reconnaissance, he definitely has the right to say.

Even a great expert!


Not worse than some specialized agents.

But now, the experience that Magneto gained so hard with blood and tears is gone.

Fortunately, the current Magneto has been removed from being a wanted criminal due to his meritorious service in fighting against Apocalypse and saving all mankind.

As long as he doesn't continue to cause trouble, there is no need to flee anymore.

"The answer is not a black Luther, but a Kryptonian?"

Magneto's voice sounded. He didn't pay much attention to the fact that he had been deducted, but said somewhat unexpectedly.

According to everyone's analysis, if Ellie can absorb Superman's energy, she must be able to absorb the energy of other Kryptonians. In other words, Ellie can restrain the Kryptonians.

The answer is naturally more inclined to the non-Kryptonian black Luther.


The answer is not Luther, a black man.

It is precisely the Kryptonian who can be restrained by Ellie.

"Well, let's see which Kryptonian stopped Ellie."

Bruce Wayne spoke on the side, first focusing on Morgan Edge, "Morgan Edge, he is Superman's brother, but... he is also a 'villain'."

Morgan Edge is still familiar to all the respondents. He is the person who came up with such a shocking strategy as the Kryptonian Recovery Plan.

He even defeated Superman at one point and transformed him into General Zod.

To be honest, everything he does is grand.

"Although Morgan Edge is just a puppet controlled by Zetaro, we can also see that Morgan Edge's nature is also full of violence. He even directly attacked his nephew!"

"But when he saw his father transforming Clark, he showed a trace of intolerance. He is a very complex person, and it is difficult to summarize it with simple good and evil."

Bruce Wayne sums up Morgan Edge in a nutshell.

Finally, a conclusion was drawn: "However, Morgan Edge is not a pure evil person. I think it is not strange for him to stop Ellie in order to protect the earth."

What Bruce Wayne analyzes here is motivation, not ability. There is a logical sequence.

After all, you have to first judge whether this person will take action, and then consider whether the person is capable enough.

After Bruce Wayne's analysis, Morgan Edge has a reasonable motive to fight against Ellie.

Then it goes without saying that Superman Clark Kent and Superman’s son Jordan Kent are the same.

In other words, all three Kryptonians might take action against Ellie, and there's nothing wrong with that.

After determining this, what everyone has to do is naturally to see who can really stop Ellie in terms of ability.

"I think Jordan Kent can be ruled out first, he's just a kid!"

Thor spoke up without hesitation and expressed his opinion.

And this time, all the people who answered the questions agreed with Thor.

Jordan Kent Even though he also inherited Clark Kent's superpowers, how can a child compare to an adult?

Jordan Kent's vulnerability to Morgan Edge is a good example of this.

Not to mention, aside from ability, the more important aspect is character, and everyone is even less optimistic about Jordan Kent.

After a brief discussion, no one raised any contrary opinions, and Jordan Kent was eliminated first.

Then the remaining options are Morgan Edge and Superman Clark Kent.

Who among these two can turn the tide?

"We all know the strength of Morgan Edge. He is very powerful, no less powerful than Superman."

"We also know Superman's situation in this question. He was drained of energy by Ellie and became an ordinary person."

"Although Superman may not really be that useless, Clark..."

Having said this, Tony Stark looked at Superman at the scene, "If you lose all your power and become an ordinary person, is there any way you can recover?"

Superman fell into deep thought.

Obviously, the loss of power here refers to the loss of this "characteristic" of Kryptonians, and Superman can no longer become stronger by basking in the sun.

Completely reduced to ordinary people.

What to do if this is the case?

Frankly speaking, Superman really doesn't know.

"Right now...I can't think of anything right now." Clark Kent shook his head.

Everyone knew it by heart, and it seemed that this was not an easy thing to do.

So from the perspective of probability, or possibility, it is naturally not that great.

So after everyone discussed it, everyone generally felt that Morgan Edge was more likely.

But Thor has a different view on this.

"No, the answer to this question must be Clark! Why, don't you believe Clark?" Thor asked, looking at everyone matter-of-factly.

"This is not a matter of belief or disbelief. We cannot analyze problems based on feelings, but must be logical."

Tony Stark looked at Thor speechlessly.

"Logic? Man, all I heard was your speculation throughout!"

Thor looked nonchalant, then patted Clark Kent on the shoulder, "Don't worry, buddy, I believe you."

Clark Kent could only smile at this: "Thank you Thor."

"You're welcome, buddy, believe me, it's true!" Thor said confidently to Clark Kent.

"Thank you, man, but for this question, I think I'm still going to choose Morgan Edge. Just as you believe in me, I also believe that Morgan Edge is still a person worth trusting after all."

But Clark Kent said this to Thor, and then he gave his own answer: "I choose Morgan Edge!"

wrong answer! 】

However, the system sent out such a prompt sound.

Clicker Clark Kent will be punished by erasing one year of his life, immediately! 】

With this prompt from the system, Clark Kent's one year life span was immediately gone.

But Clark Kent didn't take it to heart at all.

"Look, it's not Morgan Edge, man, what did I say?"

Thor couldn't help but shook his head repeatedly, as if "Who told you not to listen to me? This is wrong."

"Thor, it seems I did make a mistake." Clark Kent shrugged and smiled at Thor.

"The answer isn't Morgan Edge either, so that leaves Clark and Jordan."

At this time, Professor

Everyone has answered this round of questions, except Tony Stark.

"Although Jordan Kent is just a child, he is still a Kryptonian, a Kryptonian who awakens Clark's abilities."

"And Clark Kent's recovery is really a very difficult thing, so even though Jordan Kent is a kid, I still choose him."

Tony Stark made this judgment after pondering for a while.

"Stark, listen to me, choose Clark. The answer to this question must be Clark!" Thor shouted confidently to the side again at this time.

"I'm sorry Thor, I also believe in Clark very much, but for this question, I choose Jordan." Tony Stark showed his hands to Thor.

"You must be wrong not to listen to my answer!" Thor shouted to Tony Stark on the side.

"I choose Jordan Kent!"

Tony Stark didn't say anything more to Toldo, and gave his answer to the big screen.

wrong answer! 】


The system once again sent such a prompt sound.

Tony Stark, the answerer, will be punished by erasing one year of his life, immediately! 】


Like Clark Kent, Tony Stark lost a year of his life.

However, Tony Stark didn't pay much attention to this. His lifespan had already been extended by the Zhang family's Qilin bloodline, so being deducted for one year was not a big deal.

The only thing that upset Tony Stark was that he got the answer wrong!

Still if Thor answers correctly.

This time, his IQ was actually crushed by Thor, which is intolerable.

"Stark, how's it going? I already told you that Clark would definitely be chosen for this question, but you just didn't listen. Now, okay!"

Thor immediately smiled with a look on his face, and no matter how you looked at it, there was a sense of schadenfreude in that smile.

Oh my God, Thor is really feeling refreshed now.

That guy Tony Stark usually looks like he's worth $285,000. He thinks he's great just because he's a little smarter than others.

Isn't it just that I have developed a steel armor? It's not enough to hammer it with a hammer.

It turned out to be good now. A guy who prided himself on being smart actually overturned in front of him!

Especially in this round of answering questions, everyone thought the answer was someone else. Only Thor himself insisted that it was Superman, but the answer turned out to be Superman.

Everyone is drunk, but I am sober!

Thor felt that his highlight moment had really come.

"The blind cat touched a dead mouse, Thor, and that's nothing to be proud of."

Tony Stark was a little unhappy when he saw Thor's arrogant look, and couldn't help but hit Thor mercilessly.

"I know, you are jealous of me." Thor became more and more jealous.

If it is detected that the respondent has answered the question incorrectly three times in a row, the question will be automatically locked, and the respondent will not be able to answer the question in the locked state. 】

The system sound sounded again at this time.

It is detected that this question is in a locked state, and we will directly enter the analysis stage. 】

The correct answer to this question is d, Clark Kent. 】

Following this prompt sound, a corresponding video was played on the big screen.


Accompanied by this sonic boom, a shadow of a lake flew quickly through the air, and then landed heavily in the yard of the Kent farm.

But it was Jordan Kent and Morgan Edge.

It turned out that Jordan Kent landed from the sky with Morgan Edge in his arms, and Morgan Edge still looked injured.

"You saved me, my nephew!"

Morgan Edge said gratefully to Jordan Kent, "I will always owe you a favor."

"Well!" Bruce Wayne couldn't help but laugh, "Clark, it seems that your family is reunited after all."

Jordan Kent actually went to save Morgan Edge!

You must know that Morgan Edge once beat Superman into a dog, and also ruthlessly attacked Jordan Kent.

And not only that, Morgan Edge, who was once so hostile to the Clark Kent family, also affectionately called Jordan Kent his nephew.

The relationship between the two parties has actually improved to this extent.

I have to say, this is a bit beyond Bruce Wayne's expectations.

When Clark Kent saw this, he couldn't help but reveal a very pleased smile. After all, he had not misjudged Morgan Edge.

very good.

"Were you able to stop Ellie?"

Jonathan Kent came over at this time, looked at the uncle and nephew Morgan Edge and asked.

Obviously, Morgan Edge and Jordan Kent must have gone to deal with Ellie just now.

"I'm so stupid, I dare to deal with her." Jordan Kent said with a scared look on his face.

"No matter what she has become, it seems that no one can stop her." Morgan Edge also said solemnly.

Everyone in front of the screen was secretly stunned.

Superman has been deposed, and the two Kryptonians, Morgan Edge and Jordan Kent, teamed up and both came back defeated.

Ellie is so powerful!

"You're wrong Tal, there's someone else who can defeat her."

Superman suddenly spoke and said to Morgan Edge.

"Tell me, who is that person?"

"Me!" Superman said forcefully.

"Dad, you have lost your superpowers." Jonathan Kent said anxiously on the side.

"This is only temporary."

"But your cells haven't absorbed the sun's energy yet!" Jordan Kent said.

Everyone at the scene didn't think highly of Superman.

"Then I have no choice but to strike first and take me to our sun!" Superman said to everyone.

"I know what I'm going to do with the other one."

In front of the screen, Clark Kent suddenly realized, "He plans to directly absorb the energy of the sun!"

Although Clark Kent can become stronger by basking in the sun, basking in the sun on the earth and running up to the sun to directly absorb solar energy are completely different things!

This method is also very dangerous for the current superman.

So when Tony Stark asked Clark Kent how to recover, Clark Kent didn't think of this method.

Because this is not a conventional method.

"Are you kidding?" Morgan Edge expressed doubts about this.

"You've done this once." Superman said to Morgan Edge.

"I was an Annihilator! And even then I was floating around several planets around the sun without being able to reach my finger!"

"So I want you to throw me directly into the sun!" Superman said in a nonchalant manner.

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