Marvel Starts with Asking Questions About Iron Man

Chapter 89: The Truth About Calling Mom Before You Die

on the screen.


Nick Fury murmured and cried as he looked at Hill, watching Agent Hill completely evaporate in front of him.

There is no way to stop it.

Not only Agent Hill, in the process, some other onlookers also encountered the same situation as Agent Hill and turned to ashes.

"Get out of the way!"

After being stunned for a while, Nick Fury suddenly remembered something, pushed the pedestrian away, quickly got to the back seat, and took out a device similar to an old-fashioned pager.

But before he had time to do anything, Nick Fury's hand also turned to ashes.

"Oh, no!" Nick Fury shook his head again and again, couldn't help but yelled, "Damn..."

But just halfway through the curse, he even turned his head into ashes, and the second half of the sentence "Fake" was naturally annihilated and did not come out.

The picture of the analysis of this question ended in Nick Fury's affectionate call to his mother before his death, and the picture was frozen.

However, everyone's mood was unable to calm down for a while. Although this video was not very long, the message conveyed was very important.

The amount of information is simply overwhelming.

And it's all very important information.

"Mom to Fake, I didn't have time to tell Fake, so that's what happened! It turns out that this is the truth of Nick Fury calling his mother before he died!"

Thor glanced at Nick Fury a little speechlessly, feeling so fucked up.

Thanks to everyone who analyzed it in a decent manner before, the answer must be a person who loves his mother very much, and a person who is very filial will not pull or pull...

In the end, the truth turned out to be this!

It feels like Coulson was pitted by Nick Fury!

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." Feeling that everyone was looking at him with a weird look, Nick Fury coughed dryly and pulled everyone back to the topic.

"This question conveys some very important information to us, and it is worthy of our careful analysis." Nick Fury said to everyone with a stern face.

"Nick Fury, you've died once before, but now, you've died again." Captain America was the first to speak, discovering this important doubt first.

"It's impossible for a person to die twice!" Iron Man said with a natural face, "so there is only one answer, last time Nick Fury didn't actually die."

In this video, Nick Fury was turned to ashes, 100% dead, he couldn't die any longer.

In the answer to the question that Captain America was arrested, the news of Nick Fury's death was only conveyed through the conversations of Captain America, Pierce and others.

The footage does not show the process of Nick Fury's death.

So comparing the two, it must be that Nick Fury didn't die at all.

Nick Fury's face looked a little better. Is that right? How could he be killed by a mere assassination or something?

That is simply an insult to his Braised Egg Hero!

Is Nick Fury that easy to kill?

Like the power that is supernatural at first glance, it is in line with his rank of Braised Egg Hero.

"Yes, I should have used some tricks to perform suspended animation." Nick Fury also nodded and said with certainty.

This is obvious.

Not just Captain America, but Alexander Pierce and everyone else, thought he was dead.

Pierce, as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., since the other party has determined that Nick Fury is dead, it must be the result after confirmation.

After they confirmed, they decided that Nick Fury, who was not dead, was dead.

There is only one possibility that Nick Fury is feigning death.

"Nick Fury, you are the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., even you have to use the method of suspended animation. No matter who the black hand is behind, their power is too amazing." Captain America faced Nick Fury with a serious face. Ray said.

Nick Fury agrees.

"Sir, did you 'die' once in the future? This is the future you predicted when you and Captain Stark answered the question last time, right?"

Black Widow spoke on the side at this time, and asked Yoyo.

"Nick Fury, didn't you tell Natasha these answerers?" Captain America glanced at Nick Fury with some dissatisfaction.

In Captain America's view, the future predicted by the answering system is too important. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is about the survival of the world, and even the rise and fall of the universe.

Such important information is naturally to be shared among the answerers, and Captain America himself did the same.

But now it seems that Nick Fury seems to have a lot of hearts, and he didn't share the information about their answers.

"Sir, the captain is right. Regarding the information about the answering system, I hope you can be as honest with me as I am with you."

Black Widow also said to Nick Fury in a positive tone.

When Nick Fury arranged for her to investigate a secret base, for example, Black Widow guessed that this must be some information Nick Fury obtained from the answering system.

So act accordingly.

She had been waiting for Nick Fury to tell herself, but as a result, the Braised Egg Hero didn't mean it at all. He just told herself to do things, but never shared the meaning with herself.

"Fine!" Nick Fury didn't insist, but nodded, "Romanov, Coulson, I will share with you all the information I got from the last answer when I look back."

"Miss Secret Service, why don't we find a place to have a good drink, I can tell you everything slowly, what do you think?"

Iron Man actually didn't forget to tease Black Widow at this time. He really deserves to be a playboy who has slept on magazine cover girls.

Captain America couldn't help frowning slightly, and he didn't like that Stark was so rude at such a critical moment.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic!" Captain America said to everyone, of course, mainly to Iron Man.

Immediately afterwards, Captain America began to talk about some of his conclusions.

"At least the approximate time of this question, we can confirm that it happened after Nick Fury was assassinated by a mysterious force and had to perform suspended animation."

This is also obvious, if Nick Fury is reduced to ashes, how will he perform suspended animation?

There is no doubt that the ashes were after suspended animation.

"The mastermind behind the scenes used a supernatural method to turn many people into ashes out of thin air, plus the 'unidentified object that appeared in Wakanda', can you think of anything?"

Iron Man looked at everyone at the scene and said.

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