My Age of Investment

Fifty-one, only routines win people's hearts

"Twenty thousand dollars is a lot!"

Andrew evaluated his own assets and the investment risks of Facebook's projects, and it was true that he could only come up with so much money.

If there is more, the loss will hurt the muscles and bones.

He didn't know what Xia Jingxing wanted to do, as $200,000 was too little and it was difficult to do things?

Xia Jingxing said with a smile: "I designed two new functions, which require a lot of manpower and servers.

Just $200,000 might not last long. "

"After the 200,000 US dollars are used up, I can refinance, and I can also invest another amount depending on the development."

Andrew looked at Xia Jingxing and said solemnly, "Daren, you must know that two hundred thousand dollars is not a small sum of money.

This is already the annual salary of the average person. If you save a little, you can definitely support Facebook to occupy most of the colleges and universities in the United States. "

Xia Jingxing shook his head, "This amount of money can be spent in three to five months once a company is established and a few more employees are recruited.

And I need to raise enough funds for the company to grow for at least a year. "

"Recruiting? Full-time?" Andrew asked.

"Why not?"

Xia Jingxing shrugged, "It is impossible for me to recruit part-time students, the stability of the staff is a major reason.

Another major reason is that Facebook will have more and more functions, and the technology will become more advanced. Ordinary students are simply not qualified for this job.

What I need is a master with technical experience, not a rookie intern. "

Andrew was at a loss for words and thought about it. In this case, the money he invested was really not enough.

"How about slowing down? Wait until Facebook reaches a new level before starting full-time employee recruitment. Currently, part-time students will be supported first?" Andrew advised.

"No, we can't slow down our expansion."

Xia Jingxing said with a serious face, "In the world of the Internet, being slow is equivalent to suicide.

My rule is to do whatever comes to mind, not to think about this and that.

Your opponents don't slow them down just because you're going to stop and rest. "

"But there is no competitor yet? Facebook is the leading social networking site?"

Andrew was both relieved and amused by Xia Jingxing's "sense of crisis".

He said in a slightly mocking tone: "Are you afraid of another "This Facebook"?

Don't be afraid, even if these websites are born again, it will be a few beats behind you.

Besides, you got angel investment, and they didn't, maybe two or three students were there to tinker.

I don't know what are you worrying about, Darren?

Dude, you're only eighteen, don't look ahead like an old man.

Young people should have the vitality of young people and not be afraid of competition.

Also, you've grown fast enough that it's time to take a break. At the same time, it is also preparing for the next development. "

Xia Jingxing felt that this fat man really deserved to be a lawyer, and he spoke his own way.

Don't you just want to negotiate a lower valuation? As for so much bullshit?

There are still competitors in the future, and they are not one or two, and they are all powerful.

But these are not suitable for telling Andrew that keeping his secrets is one aspect, and he is also afraid of advocating too strong opponents, which really scared Andrew away.

"In addition to you, John Hennessy wants to invest in us."

Speaking of this, Xia Jingxing couldn't help but show a hint of pride: "Mr. Hennessy is quite forthright and is willing to invest US$500,000 in us at a post-investment valuation of US$5 million.

I want to make an appointment with you and give priority to accepting your investment, so I will come to you today. "

"John Hennessy? Stanford's principal?" Andrew asked uncertainly.

Xia Jingxing nodded.

"He really agrees with the five million dollar valuation?"

Andrew stared at Xia Jingxing's eyes and said very seriously, "Don't deceive me!

I will definitely ask a friend to contact Mr. Hennessy, and I will know if it is true or false.

If you find out that you lied to me, then your integrity is in question.

I would not invest in a dishonest person. "

Yang Niu and Puppy looked at each other, neither of them knew there was such a thing. At this time, my heart is a little empty, don't play with fire!

Xia Jingxing laughed, "No need to trust anyone, I have Mr. Hennessy's phone number."

After speaking, Xia Jingxing took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a call.

The little dog and Yang Niu all stopped their movements and stared at Xia Jingxing blankly, what kind of trouble is this?

"I really hit."

Putting his hand on the phone button, Xia Jingxing reminded Andrew again.

A smile appeared on Andrew's chubby face. He was a young man, and he didn't even look at which bowl of rice I was eating.

"Call! If it's convenient, I'd like to have a chat with Mr. Hennessy, too."

Xia Jingxing kept rubbing his fingers on the keyboard and did not press the number for a long time.

"Mr. Andrew, aren't you afraid that Mr. Hennessy will bid with you later?"

Andrew seemed to be certain that Xia Jingxing was bluffing himself, and waved his hand, "You can just fight, even if I bid, I will accept it."

Xia Jingxing nodded, took a deep breath, and called the principal.

"Mr. Hennessy, I'm Darren. Today I went to meet Mr. Andrew, the angel investor who is interested in investing in our Facebook."

"Yes, Mr. Andrew is a law firm partner."

"Well, he's going to invest two hundred thousand dollars in us."

"I told you before that under the same conditions, we give priority to Mr. Andrew."


Xia Jingxing chatted and laughed with Principal John on the phone, and the other three present looked at him curiously.

Andrew was the most surprised.

He frowned. He couldn't hear what was on the other end of the phone because the amplifier wasn't on.

But based on what Dylan said, he analyzed that this Chinese kid may have really hooked up with the Stanford principal.

This is not good news.

If he bids, he will definitely not be able to compete with the rich old man.

"I still say that, it is impossible to accept investment from you alone.

Mr. Andrew has helped us a lot and I will always remember his kindness. "

Xia Jingxing's voice was so loud that everyone present could hear it clearly.

Andrew was a little moved when he heard it, this little Chinese guy still has a conscience, and he didn't help him so much in vain.

"Okay, then you and Mr. Andrew will invest together, and the investment share will be half.

The post-investment valuation is five million! "

On the other end of the phone, Old John frowned and said, "Didn't we say three million?"

Xia Jingxing smiled, "This price is inconsistent with Mr. Andrew's asking price!"

He wasn't wrong. Andrew's price was two million, and John's price was three million. It was inconsistent.

Old John is rich, and the valuation of two million is reflected in the investment, which is only two hundred thousand.

And he and Andrew shared the investment share equally, which was only a matter of 100,000 yuan.

For a billionaire, is this a thing?

Principal John thought it was Andrew who offered five million, and scolded the lawyer for being troublesome.

After thinking about it for too long, the old man John agreed immediately, "That's fine, let's estimate it at five million."

Xia Jingxing breathed a sigh of relief, the routine was successful.

"Would you like to communicate with lawyer Andrew, let's make an appointment to sign the contract."

After getting a positive answer on the phone, Xia Jingxing handed the phone to Andrew: "Mr. Hennessy wants to chat with you."

Andrew took the phone and chatted with Principal John with a smile.

The two had a tacit understanding and did not accuse the other on the phone of raising the offer to five million.

After all, this kind of accusation is very funny, and the strength is not good. Is it not allowed to increase the price?

Anyway, the five million valuation is not very outrageous, and it is barely within the psychological tolerance of both parties, so there is no need to entangle on it.

After the conversation was over, Andrew handed the phone to Xia Jingxing and said with a smile, "Okay, Principal John and I each invested $250,000, and the post-investment valuation is $5 million."

Both the puppy and the foreign girl were stunned, so this is it? What advanced operation?

Xia Jingxing smiled faintly, hiding his merit and fame.

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