It's the end of December, and New Year's Day is coming soon. The greenhouse vegetables in Lin Chen's house began to mature in small batches as early as a week ago. The four kinds of vegetables can add up to several hundred kilograms every day.

The quality of these vegetables is quite good. Whether it is taste or appearance, they are all first-class. The organic vegetables that were popular on Earth in the previous life did not taste as good as the greenhouse vegetables in Lin Chen's house.

Especially cucumber, cucumber salad, it is quite refreshing. The four kinds of vegetables in his greenhouse, whether they are eaten raw or stir-fried, will exude a fragrance of grass and trees in the mouth after eating. This fragrance is very intoxicating and addicting.

It is precisely because of this that the hundreds of kilograms of green vegetables that Li Changjiang brought to the store are quite popular. It will be New Year's Day in 2001. In this winter season, those customers are very satisfied when they can eat such good vegetables. It should be more expensive.

In this cold winter, there are not many green vegetables for sale in large supermarkets, but they are available in the Royal Kitchen Hotel, and the taste is even more unique. It is also because of these vegetables that the passenger flow of the Royal Kitchen Hotel has once again ushered in an increase.

People don't need to eat meat every day, but you try to let them not eat vegetables. Especially in winter, every day is either radish or cabbage, or potatoes, and the mouth is already tired. Now the Royal Kitchen Hotel has fresh peppers, cucumbers, long beans and eggplants for sale. Do you think there are not many customers?

The most important thing is that the quality of these dishes is good. Li Changjiang is now more and more grateful for his decision.

Just look at the customer flow and turnover of the Royal Kitchen Hotel to know how good the business of their hotel is.

Why Li Changjiang can become the manager of the purchasing department of these ten Royal Kitchen Hotels in Guangs County is because the Royal Kitchen Hotel belongs to their Li family, and he is also a member of the Li family. certain dividends. Another is because of his personal ability is not bad.

This year, the income of the ten Royal Chef hotels in Guang S County is so good because of his reasons, and his dividends are absolutely indispensable, because in the past two months alone, the net profits of the ten Royal Chef hotels in Guang S County he is responsible for are Just over fifteen million.

In previous years, the profits of these ten stores did not reach as much throughout the year. It is conceivable how good the business of the Royal Kitchen Hotel has been in the past two months.

His profit in the past two months is more than the net profit of the fifty Royal Kitchen Hotels in GY City in one quarter. You must know that GY City has a resident population of tens of millions, while the county seat has only one million people. The difference is more than tenfold. But the profit is more than the net profit of fifty stores in the city for one quarter, which is a bit abnormal.

This situation in Guang S County has attracted the attention of the provincial headquarters of the Royal Kitchen Hotel, and the people at the provincial headquarters also want to know why in the low season of winter, when the profits of all stores are declining, the stores in Guang S County How to achieve a tenfold increase in profits.

This situation is also what Li Changjiang is happy to see. No matter how he takes the main credit here, no one can take it away. After the inspection by the people from the headquarters, he will definitely be promoted. It is very likely that he will be responsible for the procurement of the fifty stores in GY City. At that time, he will be responsible for the procurement of ingredients for the sixty stores. The profit of the storefront in the city has increased, then his future future is absolutely limitless, at least the people in the family will no longer look down on him.

The Li family is very large and has many members, so of course the competition is fierce.

Why does Li Chengjiang come in person every time when he is pulling goods, and bring something for Lin Chen and his parents every time he comes? The purpose is to maintain a good relationship with Lin Chen and his family. Even if someone in the Li family wants to bypass him and trade with Lin Chen alone, he will not be powerless to fight back.

Through his understanding of Lin Chen and the Lin family in the past two months, Li Changjiang did not dare to treat Lin Chen as an eight-year-old child.

Through chatting with Lin Chen, he found that many times Lin Chen's thoughts and opinions are more mature than many adults. If it wasn't for Lin Chen who was really only eight years old, he even suspected that Lin Chen was an adult. Li Changjiang didn't know that his feeling was right. Lin Chen was the body of a child and the soul of an adult.

Lin Chen's nine sisters, let's not talk about the other sisters, Lin Chen's eldest sister, Lin Xi, is a graduate student of the best university in the Xia country, Jingbei University, and a graduate student of Jingbei University. Which one has a bright future. Not to mention that Lin Chen's other sisters are also better than each other.

Through the understanding of the remaining sisters, Li Changjiang believes that each of his sisters has the potential to be admitted to Peking University. If all eight of his sisters are admitted to Peking University, then the Lin Chen family will be amazing. .

Li Changjiang is investing now, just like he bought the Hare from Lin Chen's family for the first time. Once he succeeds, he will definitely have a seat in the top management of Li's group headquarters in the future.

You must know that the Li Group is a large group with a market value of more than 100 billion. Its subsidiary is not only the chain industry of the Royal Kitchen Hotel, but also involves the Internet, chemicals, supermarkets, energy and other industries.

The seat at the top of the headquarters group was something that Li Changjiang never dared to think about before, but now he dares to think about it. Although he still has a long way to go from that position, as long as he can maintain a good relationship with Lin Chen , Li Changjiang thinks that he will be able to enter the senior management of the group headquarters sooner or later, and he does not know why he believes in Lin Chen so much.

Sometimes it may be fate, fate has arrived.

Drop drop, drop drop, drop drop.

Three large trucks honked their horns and stopped at the gate of Lin Chen's house. This was Li Changjiang's special vehicle for pulling vegetables.

One of them pulls game, the other two pull vegetables. It is not a problem for two vehicles to pull vegetables, and each vehicle can pull 20,000 to 30,000 kilograms of vegetables. That is to say, two vehicles can pull 40,000 to 60,000 kilograms of vegetables at a time.

Li Changjiang made up his mind to wrap all the vegetables in Lin Chen's house.

"It looks like this Yuanshan family's greenhouse vegetables have succeeded?"

The Yuanshan in their mouth is Lin Chen's father, Lin Yuanshan.

On the street, some people in Lin Village looked at the three large trucks parked in front of Lin Chen's house and talked about it.

"Don't you know that last night, the Yuanshan family's daughter-in-law hired a dozen people to pick vegetables today. I heard that one person costs 100 yuan a day."

"Really or not, is the salary so high? It seems that the Yuanshan family has made a fortune. The vegetables must be sold for a lot of money, otherwise they would not have paid such a high salary." It also started to become yin and yang strange.

"That's not right. They can provide all eight daughters to school. Can they be ordinary people?"

"Looking at the posture, it is estimated that the Yuanshan family can earn tens of thousands today."

Hiss, as soon as these tens of thousands of words were spoken, the expressions of the people next to them changed. One by one, their hearts began to ponder.

Someone with a flexible mind has already started to figure out how to have a good relationship with Lin Chen's family. With tens of thousands of dollars, how many years would it take for them to make so much money just by farming.

Facing the loess and back to the sky, sweat beads fell eight petals, and worked so hard that he couldn't make less than 10,000 yuan a year.

As for Lin Yuanshan and his wife, they have only been busy for about two months, and this time they can sell tens of thousands of dollars. Looking at the situation, when the vegetables in the greenhouse are sold out, their family will not be able to make tens of thousands of dollars.

As soon as the number of tens of thousands came out, the eyes of these people became even redder.

Life is not rich, who doesn't want to make more money.


Lin Chen doesn't care what the neighbors think. He is now instructing people to pick vegetables and pack them.

Yesterday, several of his sisters came back from the New Year's Day holiday. Today, they were all arrested and joined the army of picking vegetables.

There are nine members of their family, and then his parents hired fifteen people. A total of twenty-four people were busy picking vegetables. There were more than a dozen people picking vegetables in the greenhouse, and seven or eight people packing and sorting vegetables outside.

Because of the special fertilizer, the vegetables in Lin Chen's two greenhouses grew unusually large. For example, long beans, each of which is about 80 centimeters long, is very uniform, and the root is the same.

There are also cucumbers, each of which is 30 centimeters long, and the weight of a single cucumber is more than two kilograms. There are also line peppers, which are more than 20 centimeters long, not to mention eggplants.

These four kinds of vegetables not only grow big, but the most important thing is that they have many knots.

Li Changjiang walked into the greenhouse and took a look. He made a rough estimate. He felt that the two cars he brought might not be able to pull the batch of vegetables all at once.

Such good vegetables, he will not give up, let alone let others cut their beards, these vegetables can be related to his future development.

Lin Chen doesn't know, but he knows very well that the Royal Chef Hotel is going crazy for fresh vegetables this winter. Those farmers in the south who grow greenhouse vegetables have had poor harvests this year, resulting in a shortage of fresh vegetables across the country. The cost of fresh vegetables imported from abroad is too high, resulting in a shortage of fresh vegetables in hotels.

It is also a greenhouse vegetable. Lin Chen's family is more than one grade better than others. What is the taste of these vegetables, he has tasted them, and he is reluctant to let go of such good vegetables.

He is going to load up a cart and pull it back. After unloading, he will pull it again, making sure that all the vegetables must be pulled away today. The end of the year is coming, and these fresh vegetables will not be sold at all.

Even if they can't run out of hotels, don't forget that there are supermarket chains under the Li Group, and there is no need to worry about selling these vegetables in supermarkets.

Lin Chen was a little stunned when he looked at the foam boxes that were piled up like hills. He also seriously underestimated the yield of vegetables.

Looking at this situation, the vegetable greenhouse with four acres of land can produce more than 60,000 catties of vegetables at a time, and an average of 15,000 catties per mu of land.

Hiss, this number is a bit perverted.

He knows that the yield of cucumbers is high, and the maximum yield of cucumbers per mu can reach nearly 40,000 catties, but at that time, it was not a single season. The remaining peppers and long beans do not have such a high yield.

According to this calculation, after this season of greenhouse vegetables is over, their family can earn millions from selling vegetables alone.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, thank you!

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