"Interesting hypothesis, your question surprised me, would you mind showing me your body?"

Orianna's face was slightly stunned, and there was a blush on her face.

But rather than being shy in her heart, she knew more clearly that the other party had already guessed what she had done.

The other party can have such extraordinary insight, maybe, it can really help her...


She no longer hesitated, lowered her head and said in a low voice

Seeing that the other party was about to undress, Ryan shook his head dumbly:

"This is not what a gentleman does. Relax, just sit in your seat."

Ryan stretched out his right hand, his index finger sketched in the air, and the water flow formed runes, rushing towards Orianna:

The rune penetrated into her body from between her eyebrows, causing her petite body to tremble slightly.

She resisted the strangeness in her heart and let the rune composed of water enter her body.

She could feel a warm current flowing in her body, especially staying in the lungs and heart for a longer time.

What is this power?

Legendary magic?

Can she learn such magic?

As the warm current swam, her face showed more humanized emotional fluctuations, with doubts, novelties, and excitement.

I don't know how long it has been...

It seems that since her father finished the operation on her, her yearning for the outside world and the unknown is slowly fading away.

Even her favorite doll making in the past, she didn't love it as much as she used to.

Maybe she no longer breathes like a normal human...

Perhaps it was her love for the outside world, like the clockwork specially made for her lungs, locked in a box that she couldn't open.

After an unknown amount of time, the warmth in her body disappeared, causing Orianna to feel a sense of loss.

But she has always kept her goals in mind, keeping her eyes fixed on Ryan, waiting for the other party to issue her final judgment.

"You did it alone?"

"It's just me." Orianna showed a gentle smile on the corner of her mouth.

She has always been alone, and every time she takes advantage of her father to go out, she has time to do something she wants to accomplish.

"Would you like to be my subordinate? I can restore your father to the original without even needing that human heart." Ryan said.

Katerina, who had been silent all the time, glanced at Ryan unexpectedly. This was the first time she had seen such a serious expression on Ryan's face.

She knew very well that Ryan was a typical Noxian.

The price of helping this girl is just an invitation as a subordinate... What a great privilege.

Katarina looked at Orianna in amazement. Among the people she had ever seen, only Camille had this kind of treatment.

Unexpectedly, Orianna shook her head slightly, with persistence on her face:

"Mr. Ryan, I am willing to be your subordinate, but I don't want that human heart to be wasted. If you are willing to help me, I am willing to follow you forever."

Orianna lowered her head and put her hands on her knees.

She didn't know whether her rejection of the other party's good intentions would make her regret it for the rest of her life, but something had already begun, and she didn't want to regret it for the rest of her life.

Seeing Ryan pondering, Orianna only felt that all the thoughts in her head were emptied, hoping to be swallowed by the darkness of despair, and she seemed to be enveloped by an invisible sense of suffocation.

"Did you refuse..."

She laughed at herself, lowered her head, and depression covered her face.

No whispers, no hysteria.

"Can I ask, where are you ready to go?"

Ryan's sudden voice made Orianna's face full of surprises, and she blurted out her plan without hesitation:

"Mr. Ryan, I have made all the preparations, but my father's body is too weak, and the moment his heart is separated from the body will usher in death. All I can think of is to use the stable hex gem to help him continue. Take a breath, and immediately complete the heart replacement surgery."

"It's a good idea, but you overestimate the ability of the Hex Gem. The Hex Gem can't do what you imagine. You can't think that it can prolong the life of others just because it gives you life."

After finishing the review, Ryan gave his own suggestion:

"If I cast the magic, although the lifespan is not as long as the heart transplant surgery, there is no problem in living another 10 years."

"Is it still not good..." Orianna lowered her head in frustration.

Her father is only under 40 now. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't be what he is today.

Orianna had sadness on her face, but she still forced herself to calm down. The situation that Ryan said might have been a better choice.

"Never catch the right time, the opportunity always slips away..."

"When we feel broken, we gradually understand..."

"If you want to move on, you have to let go of what you're holding on to..."

Suddenly, a gentle female voice rang out from the window of the workshop. She sang a sad and touching song, and she couldn't help but feel sympathy.

Hearing the melodious singing outside, Ryan raised his brows, and his eyes subconsciously flashed with magical light, driving away any sway that appeared in his eyes.

He looked out the window~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes seemed to penetrate through the houses, and he saw the pink-haired girl hugging her knees and singing:

"A natural soul singer...amazing talent."

Before we met, Ryan had given the girl a very high evaluation.

"Did you mean Xiao Sa, sir? She's a weird girl from Workshop Street, because she always huddles in her room and doesn't like to communicate with others."

Listening to the singing, Orianna felt a lot more relieved, and she forced a smile to explain to Ryan:

"Mr. Ryan, I beg you to take action for me once. After this, I will follow you forever and cut off my relationship with my father and this workshop."

"Perhaps, I have a better way, if you have a way to ask the singer to do you a little favor." Ryan smiled.

The girl who just sang has the ability to directly convey the singing to the soul.

It is another seed who will surely be extraordinary in the future. If he can meet him at this time, it can only be said that the other party has a destiny with Noxus.

"Xiao Sa?" Orianna's face showed surprise, "Mr. Ryan, wait a moment, I'll go talk to her first."

After Orianna got Ryan's consent, she quickly stood up, bowed deeply to Ryan, and ran quickly to the door.

Just as she was about to walk to the door, Ryan's plain words suddenly came from behind:

"There is no way out of the transformation of the body. Either it will become a machine, or it will turn into a piece of scrap metal. Have you made the corresponding consciousness?"

"Mr. Ryan, thank you. Mechanical and physical, there is no difference to me. Robot puppet, clockwork puppet, clockwork demon, I think I can accept such a title."

Orianna paused for a while, and after she resolutely expressed her heart, she walked in the direction of the singing without looking back.

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