However, this is a gesture in the special forces, how does she know?

He accurately timed the ten minutes, without raising his hand to look at his watch, it ended in exactly ten minutes, "Students, if you have any questions or find someone suspicious, you can contact our army and local police personnel in time. "

"Excuse me, goodbye." He picked up the military cap on the podium, and habitually patted the brim of the hat before putting it on. The large brim of the military cap covered his clean forehead, and the only thing he saw was a pair of Eagle-like sharp and deep dark eyes.

When these eyes swept across the students in the audience again, they paused briefly on Ye Jian's face. The other students didn't notice it, but Ye Jian did.

She smiled slightly, met his gaze indifferently, her petal-like lips moved slightly, "Hello, Captain Xia."

The brave girl even said hello.

Junyan's smile seemed to deepen a little. Xia Jinyuan stood by the side, and Teacher Ke, who was a little sluggish, nodded his head, said "Excuse me" politely, and led the two students standing by the door under the gaze of all the students. Soldiers leave.

Although they only appeared for ten minutes, but Xia Jinyuan's influence was really great enough. Once he left, the sigh of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Naturally, most of them are girls, and their thoughts cannot be restrained for a while.

Until Teacher Ke took the blackboard brush and gave a warning "slap" on the podium, those girls who hadn't restrained their minds secretly stuck out their tongues and honestly picked up the books to preview.

"Listen up to the math test in the first class. If anyone delays our class again, I will copy the test paper a hundred times, and I will be fined to stand outside the classroom for a week!"

When the self-study was about to end, Teacher Ke, who hadn't spoken any more, threw a few words angrily when he left, and his eyes directly swept over the students in the class who were delayed in taking the exam, and stayed on Ye Jian's face for at least ten minutes. Second.

It seemed that this sentence was only aimed at Ye Jian.

Ye Jian, who was flipping through the book, didn't pay attention to the glances that swept over her. She didn't pay attention to how she looked or stared at her.

The school's music broadcast was interrupted, and the announcer from the third year of junior high school was slightly sweet, with a touch of hometown Mandarin, "Please come to the principal's office, Ye Jian, from the second class of junior high school, please come to the principal, Ye Jian, from the second class of junior high school office."

Teacher Ke, who had just walked to the door of the classroom, paused in his footsteps, with a gloomy expression and a trace of scruples, and turned to leave quickly with a cold face.

Ye Jian walked quickly to the principal's office, knocked on the door and entered, and saw Xia Jinyuan sitting in the reception chair, but Principal Chen was not there.

"I was looking for you." Xia Jinyuan raised his eyes, looking at the girl with watery eyes, his thin lips curved slightly involuntarily.

Seeing that she was still standing at the door and didn't intend to come in, she waved her hand and smiled gracefully, "Come in, let me tell you a few things."

With a vigilant look on his face, what do you think he will do?

Seeing that he treated her like a child, Ye Jian lowered her head to look at her fourteen-year-old body, was indeed a little small, and she was considered short in class.

After closing the door, without waiting for him to speak, she pursed her lips and said with a slight smile: "I'm sorry, I subconsciously wanted to look over what happened just now." After a slight pause, she added: "However, now I still know what you mean. Who is it, but I will definitely not say it."

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