"What do you think about Cutthroat?"

This was the first time Yang Xingguo asked Shi Feng what he thought of the hermit. He had never mentioned this topic before.

"Abusing lynching, knowing the law and breaking the law, is a heinous crime."

Shi Feng used three idioms in a row.

"Then what if you put aside your identity as the captain of the Criminal Police Detachment and simply start from Shi Feng's point of view?"

Shi Feng was silent for a while, and he said in his heart after thinking for a long time: "I think he can still be saved."

"Is there any salvation?" Yang Xingguo sneered as if he had heard a big joke: "Tell me, is there any salvation for a person who has bloodbathed the underground forces in Neihua City?"

"At least that's what I think." Shi Feng said resolutely: "Although his methods are too radical, I believe his essence is not bad, because he has never hurt any innocent people."

Shi Feng recalled when Xia Qiyuan was still alive.

During a certain operation, he was sent by Xia Qiyuan to work under Ai Liang, and the two went to collect information together to monitor Ai Liang. At that time, Ai Liang was still a hermit. And in that operation, Ai Liang secretly gave money to the wanderer more than once, and this scene was imprinted in Shi Feng's eyes.

"Perhaps as you said, his essence is not bad, and it has not caused any adverse effects on society. Instead, Nevada has become one of the cities with the lowest crime rate."

Yang Xingguo seemed to have expected Shi Feng to say this.

"However, to reduce the crime rate, what the police have not been able to do for so many years has been achieved by a single executioner in just a few years. What do you want the public to think of the police? If everyone does it with the idea of ​​punishing evil and promoting good With the same thing as him, what will happen to Nevada City?"

"Law and rules are the guarantee of social stability. I don't need to stress this to you."

Shi Feng certainly understands the impact of the Hermit's actions once exposed. I am afraid that countless people will be doing unforgivable malignancy in the name of advocating justice. The Hermit can guarantee that everyone who kills should die. , but most people do not have the ability to investigate clearly.

Once bewitched, the entire Nevada City will be completely turned into a place of chaos.

"Also, you may have some kind of misunderstanding about that person. In your heart, the Cutthroat Demon is a violent vigilante with justice in mind. As long as the innocent are not harmed, the police can cooperate with him." Yang Xingguo said with a sneer. : "The same idea as that guy Xia Qiyuan."

Shi Feng didn't open his mouth to explain, because this matter involved the concept of the two, and neither of them could convince the other.

"In my opinion, the Cutthroat Demon is pure evil. He did these things just to satisfy his desire to kill, but he chose to bite a dog in the black zone because he was worried about causing a major social impact!"

Hearing Yang Xingguo's remarks, Shi Feng instinctively frowned. Although Shi Feng disagreed subjectively with his statement, he could not deny the possibility.

"Even if he initially disliked the evil and intended to seek justice, who can guarantee that his philosophy has not deteriorated in this series of actions?" You should have read the file of the devil, he was obviously not very skilled when he killed the first time ten years ago, and tortured the victim inhumanely."

"To be honest, I wouldn't be worried if he had been treating that group of people in a brutal way. That represented his hatred for the black zone, and the sympathy for the innocent people who were persecuted by the black zone."

"It was like this for the first year, but then what? Those steps were slowly omitted, and after a year it became a neat slash in the throat. What does this change represent, the archives about his psychological profile, you You should have seen it!"

Shi Feng lowered his eyes silently.

Yang Xingguo's voice came with a ghostly chill: "He is already numb,

numb to life! He has become murderous, but he still maintains a trace of rationality so that he does not attack ordinary people! For five full years, how many people did he execute in five years? You are very clear about the impact of letting a dangerous person who ignores life live in society. No one can guarantee that a person who regards human life as a must-have will always restrain himself! "

"If the cutthroat demon is not brought to justice, who has the face to face the victim's family when the innocent victim appears?"

Yang Xingguo's words were deafening, and Shi Feng had no room for refutation.

Shi Feng is naturally clear about this kind of thing, and he never thought of covering up the hermit, but he felt sorry for him, and ruined the rest of his life for a group of criminals who didn't deserve to die.

Said that the atmosphere here was a bit heavy, and after the two exchanged the details of the arrest, they hung up each other.

Yang Xingguo was staying in the study room of the assigned apartment at this time, staring at a group photo on the table. In the group photo, two men in police uniforms crossed their shoulders and turned their backs to the camera, showing bright smiles. One of them was Yang Xingguo. .

He put the photo on the table and turned off the lights and walked out of the study.


Shi Feng sighed after hanging up the phone.

He knew very well that Yang Xingguo's reprimand was because he was worried that he would lose his faith because of his sympathy for the hermit, and thus doubt his profession.

The world is not black and white, there is gray between black and white, just as there is a world between heaven and hell.

Many things are right on the basis of human sensibility, and wrong on the basis of the cold order, but human sensibility cannot protect the interests of most people, but ruthless law and order can do it.

After all, Shi Feng was brought ashore by Xia Qiyuan. Unlike Yang Xingguo, who graduated from the National Defense University, he more or less retains the habits of some black areas.

He couldn't have the same firm belief as Yang Xingguo, nor could he be as sophisticated as Xia Qiyuan, all he could do was solve the case and arrest people with his keen observation ability.

After adjusting his mentality, Shi Feng came to the interrogation room to be opposite Xia Qinian.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be avoided, but if you really want to avoid suspicion, there are not many people in the entire criminal police team who can interrogate Xia Qinian. This time, it was just a matter of Shi Feng to arrest him, and the process does not need to be so strict.

In the past, Xia Qinian used to run here as a criminal consultant, but it was the first time that she was handcuffed to the table.

However, because his uncle is a workaholic, his criminal police team is like going home, without the slightest nervousness, and even wants someone to order a takeaway.

"Damn, quickly untie the handcuffs, you catch the hermits, it's none of my business, I didn't do anything!" Xia Qinian said very irritably when he saw Shi Feng walk in.

"It's not too much to detain you for a few hours in private contact with dangerous elements." Shi Feng kept a distance of half a body from the table to prevent Xia Qinian's feet from making small movements under the table, such as stepping on his toes.

This guy can really do this kind of thing...

"The shit's private contact, he just sat down for five minutes and you brought dozens of people to block the mall. You call this private? You shit and dozens of people can't watch it!" Xia Qinian said cursingly.

No matter how stupid he is, he can see that this meeting is obviously aimed at the hermit. If you think about it further, maybe the rumors about the hermit wanting to attack Yue Chongshan may be deliberately released by them. The purpose is to attract The hermit takes the bait.

Shi Feng was silent, this meeting was indeed under their control, so there was nothing to ask.

Originally, Shi Feng should have released Xia Qinian's handcuffs when he came over, but Shi Feng decided to call Gao Bin to help him later.

Xia Qinian suddenly asked: "...Xia Qiyuan was taken away by someone wearing a special combat uniform. Is it true?"

"Really." Shi Feng's expression remained the same.

"Is he dead or alive now?" Xia Qinian looked very serious.

"Alive." Shi Feng's eyes became tired. "I only know that he is still alive. The file was written by Yang Bureau. On the bright side, Xia Qiyuan is already a dead person."

"Then where is he now?" Xia Qinian hurriedly asked.

"I don't know, the master's confidentiality level can't even be seen by Yang Bureau. How can I have the right to be a detachment leader? Even the master is still alive. Yang Bureau told me." Shi Feng is worried that Xia Qinian will do this again. Lengtou Lengnao rampaged to investigate, sooner or later something would happen, so he simply opened up.

"Master is probably carrying out a secret mission. If you have anything else to ask, please quickly ask. I won't recognize it if I leave the door." Shi Feng looked at Xia Qinian solemnly.

"Where is my uncle now?"

"do not know."

"Then what task did he perform and how long did it take?"

"do not know."


"do not know."

"I haven't finished talking yet!"

"Touch your pig brain! I told you it was a secret mission, how could I know!" Shi Feng slapped the table angrily.

"Then what do you know, hurry up and say it." Xia Qinian also felt that those questions were nonsense, so he simply asked Shi Feng to tell what he knew.

It was Xia Qinian who was clearly wearing the handcuffs, but his impatient tone was as if he was the interrogator.

"Xia Qiyuan is still alive." Shi Feng succinctly said what he knew.

"Then what?" Xia Qinian asked.

"No, I know so much." Shi Feng directly spread his hands, indicating that I have told you everything I know.

"Fuck, what's the difference between what you said and what you didn't say!"

"At least let you know he's still alive."

After scolding for a while, Xia Qinian suddenly leaned back on the chair, he didn't want Shi Feng to see his wet eyes.

The heart that had been hanging for nearly ten years was completely let go, and Xia Qinian felt incomparably peaceful in his heart.

"What Xu Zhihai from MD said is outrageous. I've never heard of the apostles. You can't make up your lines professionally?" Xia Qinian bluntly changed the subject in order to hide his emotions.

"What apostle meeting?" Shi Feng frowned and asked, "I led people to surround the mall according to Bureau Yang's instructions."

"No, isn't that Xu Zhihai the bait you invited?" Xia Qinian asked rhetorically.

"He contacted Bureau Yang, and I don't know where he got his contact information." Shi Feng frowned more and more deeply.

Although Xu Zhihai himself is still deeply involved in two murder cases, he still has the mind to stir up the flames everywhere, which is completely different from the character that his classmates have learned.

Shi Feng learned from Xu Zhihai's former high school, college classmates, and neighbors that although he is smart, he is honest and honest because of his family conditions. Two people.

Unless he is disguising himself all the time, or the death of his relatives has changed his temperament, it is also possible.

"What about the people of Xu Zhihai, why am I the only one who was arrested! You arrest people and kill them?" Xia Qinian pounded the table indignantly.

Shi Feng, who was interrupted, was about to speak when the door of the interrogation room was pushed open.

"Shi team, I have finished reviewing the video." Gao Bin's raid made the two people in the room shut their mouths and stopped discussing.

"So fast?"

Shi Feng was a little surprised. Logically speaking, with Gao Bin's character, he would definitely spend dozens of minutes.

"Well, it's not enough to mainly check the video of the time period before and after the hermit appeared in the fast food restaurant, and I found that someone may have come into close contact with the hermit."

Gao Bin motioned for Shi Feng to go to the technical department to check the clues he found, and slammed the door of the interrogation room.

Shi Feng followed Gao Bin back to the technical department and watched him call up the so-called key clues.

"The hermit has been trying to keep himself from being exposed to surveillance in the mall, but some places are unavoidable, such as elevators."

Gao Bin zoomed in on the surveillance near the escalator, "If you want to reach the fifth floor, it is nothing more than the elevator and the emergency escape stairs. There is no other way to go. The Hermit first appeared on the surveillance on the third floor. It's coming from the direction of the bathroom on the third floor."

"And during this time, someone happened to enter the bathroom, that's him." Gao Bin increased the resolution of the screen, and Ai Liang's face appeared on the computer.

"Why is it..."

"I also want to ask why it's him again. It seems that all the recent cases have something to do with him." Gao Bin is more speechless than Shi Feng. In his eyes, Ai Liang is a lonely star, and it must not be related to him. The kind, who has been entangled with him, will receive a supporting role card sooner or later and receive a box lunch inexplicably.

"And the clothes of the two..." Gao Bin hesitated.

"The Hermit was already in his twenties ten years ago, do you think it's possible?" Shi Feng rolled his eyes at him, "According to the Hermit's character, he must have investigated the clothes of the shopping mall before he came, and he will definitely The most common kind."

"I'm just talking casually." Gao Bin shrugged helplessly, "Speaking of Team Shi, you can let me get off work, I'm going home to feed the cat."

"Wait, that Xu Zhihai is your responsibility, right?" Shi Feng turned his head and asked.

"He, after a brief inquiry, I let him go." Gao Bin said casually with drooping eyelids.

"Well, it's alright, you can get off work."

Shi Feng waved his hand to indicate that he could leave.

Gao Bin dragged the zombie and walked to the parking lot to take the driver's seat.

"Ha, huhu." Gao Bin closed the car door, took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, then picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Shi Feng has already fooled me. I didn't catch Xu Zhihai. Now I can basically confirm that he is an apostle... The ability is not clear for the time being. According to the form of expression, it should be related to spiritual hints."

"Well, the mask of the Thousand Faces is also in Neihua City. It is very likely that he is planning something secretly. It's better to be careful in the laboratory. Apart from the laboratory, there is nothing in Neihua City that he should care about."

"...Understood, I'll investigate the purpose of those masks."

Gao Bin put down his phone, leaned back on the seat and rolled his eyes: "Am I so unlucky, I can still encounter this kind of thing during vacation..."

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