The more they object, the more it means I did the right thing

Chapter 67 Ansu: This intensity is considered a holiday for us

At this time, the deskmate on the right knocked on Ansu's desk.

And passed a piece of paper, "Liszt and I have become eagles."

Teammates in the same team can see each other's identities.

Ansu turned around and saw the bright characters "Arthur Sonny" on his deskmate.

It is said that the Sun family are all paladins.

Ansu stared at Arthur dimly.

He originally thought that only people born like him would rebel, but he didn't expect that Arthur, an upright knight, would also betray the Holy See!

[The legion commander is a fourth-level pain warrior who, together with his henchman hawk and dog, bullies men and dominates women and wreaks havoc everywhere. 】

The result is that the legion commander led the three of them to do bad things, right?

Arthur had never been so embarrassed. He had always been bold and free-spirited, but at this time he was unwilling to look directly into Ansu's eyes.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be like this.

Ansu is a confidant, and he and Liszt are hawks and dogs. We are all in the same boat, so we shouldn't be so pretentious.

"I am an eagle and Lister is a dog." Arthur explained awkwardly.

It turns out that the eagle and dog are separated? Ansu checks his identity.

【Arthur Sonny】

[Title: Pain Falcon]

Pain Falcon, this title sounds quite domineering and handsome. Ansu thought to himself.

But the next second, he realized something was wrong.

[Identity: The Eagle who is the confidant of the leader of the Painful Army]

Ansu raised his brows in awe.

[You are a soldier in the first group of the third class of the Painful Military Training Cadre School. You are born perverted and have unique tastes. You expose your majestic bird to your classmates everywhere, causing painful mental pressure to the prey, so you are called the 'Painful Falcon' 】

Are you this eagle?

What kind of devilish character is this?

What on earth did your kid do in the personality test?

What about Liszt?

Arthur is an eagle, so Lister should be a dog?

He turned his head and saw that Liszt was his deskmate. At this moment, this guy also looked constipated.

Liszt had never been so embarrassed before. Even though he was always known for his calmness and elegance, his defense was broken at this moment.

【Liszt Munn】

[Title: Dog of Pain]

[Identity: The trusted dog of the leader of the Painful Legion]

This should be quite normal, right?

Ansu thought.

[You are the scout of the first group of the third class of the painful training cadre school. You are born with a strong sense of territory. You urinate everywhere around the cadre school to mark your territory and cause painful psychological pressure to people, so you are called ' Dog of Pain']


Ansu was silent.

This person's character is also heavyweight.

The eagle is naked everywhere and the dog is peeing everywhere. Is this the legendary eagle dog?

In comparison, Ansu actually felt that his 'painful confidant' was not unacceptable.

What on earth did you two do in the personality test to cause the stars to short-circuit to assign you such a weird identity?

Although Ansu can probably guess it.

He sighed slightly. He was born in the enemy's base camp, and all his previous plans fell through.

There are enemies all around. Once your identity is revealed, you will definitely be dead.

Now, all we have to do is take one step at a time.

In the setting of the game, the Mystery of Pain trains soldiers in the most cruel and painful way, but Ansu doesn't know exactly how they train, and the game doesn't show it.

The setting is very horrific torture.

Because the Holy See of Pain uses pain as its energy, they can make their enemies suffer, and even more so their recruits.

This time there should be many Painful Secret Cultists sneaking into the world of Naraku. At this moment, the infiltrators should be hiding in the classroom.

This is a small class, with only about twenty people.

Ansu observed the expressions of the people around him and found that some people showed a little fear and panic on their faces.

It seems that they did not expect that they would return to the Painful Cadre School this time.

Ansu became more and more curious.

"Don't whisper during class time."

The iron door was slowly opened, making a creaking sound.

"Your class is the noisiest in the corridor."

A low and cold voice sounded.

It was a middle-aged man with a cold and majestic face, a shallow scar on the corner of his mouth, wearing a dark brown military uniform, with a white cross on the collar, and a skull logo on his boots.

[Training Corps Commander: Angelo]

"Don't whisper to each other." Angelo said calmly, "Follow the rules and cut off one of your fingers."

So cruel?

Arthur looked nervous.

Angelo walked over slowly, his long military boots hitting the floor. With a steady echo, he took out a smooth and sharp knife from his cuff and walked towards them.

The fourth level of oppression seemed to have solidified into substance.

All the believers did not dare to speak out. It seemed that the most terrifying memories in their minds had been touched. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to breathe.

So cruel?

A painful groan came from beside Ansu,

Then there was the sound of the blade cutting flesh and the sound of bones being chopped off. Angelo cut off the index finger of a cultist neatly and threw it into the trash can in the health corner.

Fortunately, he didn't see him passing the note. Arthur slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Angelo put away the knife and said, "Get ready to gather outside."

In the next day, Arthur and Liszt finally realized why this thing is called the Secret Cult of Pain.

How painful it is.

Why do the secret cultists who sneak in show such frightened expressions?

Get up every morning and tidy up the house.

There is a magic theory class in the morning and a practical class in the afternoon. There is only a three-minute break between classes.

Theoretical classes generally study various esoteric rituals and various torturous knowledge, while practical classes are military training.

This Tantric timetable is accurate to every minute, and even the times for eating and going to the toilet are stipulated.

Second-level believers dine from 12:00 to 12:10, and first-level believers dine from 12:10 to 12:20.

Public restrooms are only open twice a day, at 1:00 pm for 15 minutes of free time, and at 8:00 pm for 15 minutes of free time.

The practical course lasts until 11:30 p.m., then we go back to the ten-person dormitory and turn off the lights to sleep.

Just one day,

Arthur and Liszt felt that they were doomed.

Other freshmen who have just entered the school are suffering the same pain. Their souls are in pain in the morning, their bodies are in pain in the afternoon, and they are under high-density monitoring and control throughout the day. These days will last for half a year.

Tantric believers often choose to commit suicide.

Visible resentment and pain rose up and were absorbed by the magic circle in the center of the cadre school.

To Liszt and Arthur's surprise,

Although Ansu felt a little uncomfortable at first, he quickly adapted to the high-pressure training rhythm and gradually became like a fish in water.

There was even a sunny smile on his face.

It was in stark contrast to the painful recruits who were dying around him.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Arthur was shocked.

Is my boss Ansu so cruel?

"I am a graduate of Guanghui Holy Academy."

Anzu looked at him with a smile.

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