The Reborn Wife is Farming

Chapter 20 Freedom of Speech

Fangzhu Zhang came forward to take Mu Shi and the others away, which alarmed the nearby merchants. Everyone secretly noticed that Zhang Fangzhu was making a match between Mu Shi and Jiang Rong Guocai from Wenzhou. Qi Haoran and Fan Zijin next to the girl, although they don't know their identities, but they are dressed in fancy clothes, and they can invite the owner of the workshop, which shows that they are not ordinary people.

The merchants were definitely dissatisfied, and they had to suppress their temper, just pretending not to see it.

The open-minded ones just frown and put it down, but there are also narrow-minded ones who secretly hold grudges in their hearts. You must know that Mu Shi’s leather goods are good, and they wait for Mu Shi to accept the low price. The second time, they can buy Mu Shi's furs at a low price in the future.

Qi Haoran is sensitive to good and evil, and when he sensed malice, he stared back viciously, and those dissatisfied merchants could only lower their heads.

Qi Haoran snorted coldly, and said to Mu Yangling, "Do you want to buy anything else? I'll accompany you."

Mu Yangling glanced at his father and said, "We want to go to the grain store."

Qi Haoran reckoned that it was still early, and said, "I'll go with you."

Fan Zijin frowned, he didn't understand why Qi Haoran was with them, they had already repaid Mu Yangling's favor yesterday, shouldn't they go back to Brother Xiuyuan at this time?

Qi Haoran, however, was all about getting close to Mu Yangling, making good friends with her, and then asking her for advice on kung fu.

Although Mu Yangling felt that Fan Zijin was too thoughtful, but the other party was only a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy, so she didn't care about him as much as an adult.

Mu Shi was very grateful to the two teenagers, and said, "Come on, let's go to the restaurant. Uncle invites you to eat."

Only then did Mu Yangling realize that he was hungry, so he nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, thanks to your help today, I let my father treat you to dinner."

Qi Haoran knew that their family was not well off, so he waved his hand and said, "How can I ask you to invite me? Yesterday, thanks to the cakes and pheasants and hares you gave us, we were able to make it to the county seat. It was only a word of effort just now, so I invited you." You guys."

Without waiting for them to refuse after speaking, he dragged Fan Zijin to choose a restaurant and went in. Mu Yangling and Mu Shi had no choice but to keep up.

The four of them chose a window seat on the second floor, and Qi Haoran asked curiously, "Don't you farm the land? Why do you still have to go to the grain store?"

"My family is a hunter, and I don't farm land, but I didn't go to the grain shop to buy grain, but to inquire about the price of grain," Mu Yangling said, "Now that the autumn harvest is in, we can only buy grain in the village."

Fan Zijin laughed and said, "Unfortunately, we just came out of the grain store in the morning. Now the middle rice is one tael or three renminbi and the inferior rice is one tael of silver. I don't pay attention to the others. Let's see what you want to inquire about."

Seeing that the Mu family's father and daughter frowned, Fan Zijin asked curiously, "What? Is the food price different from that in your village?"

Mu Yangling said with a straight face: "It's not just different, it's too bad. Before we came, my uncle complained to us that the grain price was too low this year, and the owners only paid four yuan and twenty to collect grain in the countryside. Bawen, although it is unhulled, the price is also quite different, and the grain shop in our town sells it at the same price."

Mu Shi said: "Grain is cheap and rice is expensive. This is the first time I have seen such a thing when I grow up. Before I went to the grain shop to buy rice, I thought it was a border war..."

Mu Shi shook his head and stopped talking, but felt even more melancholy in his heart. The county town is the same as the town, so uncle and the others will not be able to sell their food at a price.

Mu Yangling was also a little worried. If the villagers had a hard time, they would certainly not have a hard time. They were all from the village, and they would come to the door for help when the time came. Would they help or not?

What's more, Mu Yangling felt aggrieved when she thought about it. She knew how miserable the farmers were, and it was so easy to get a better harvest but encountering such a thing was simply driving everyone to a dead end.

Mu Yangling couldn't help complaining: "If it's just like this, it's fine. At worst, everyone won't sell grain, but this year's foot money has increased in price, and it is stipulated that only silver money can be paid, and grain cannot be paid. Are you okay? If you sell grain, you have to sell it."

Qi Haoran asked curiously, "What is foot money?"

Fan Zijin was equally curious.

Mu Yangling rolled his eyes, "I don't even know about the foot money. Every year to pay taxes, you need to transport the tax and food to the capital. That is foot money. If you don't pay the foot money, you have to take it to the capital to pay. From here to The capital has a distance of two thousand miles, and it took half a year to go back and forth, not to mention the expenses on the road, so..." Mu Yangling shrugged and said, "Do you understand? Fees must be paid, otherwise the government will not accept it Your tax money, if you fail to pay the tax money, the government will confiscate your family wealth and exile your whole family."

Qi Haoran and Fan Zijin opened their mouths wide, and Qi Haoran shouted: "How can this be? Didn't the Holy One say that you should pay lightly and pay lightly?"

Mu Yangling sneered, "You really believe it, the Holy Majesty would not include the village market and the grass market in the village in the ranks of taxation if he really wanted to pay lightly, and now the military pay is even distributed to the township heads. A few years ago, the city fee was collected, but there was no such fee when Taizu established the dynasty."

"Ah Ling." Mu Shi called out to his daughter in disapproval, "Be careful when you're out."

If this was the Ming Dynasty or the Qing Dynasty, Mu Yangling would not have dared to say such a thing, but this was the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the founding emperor had issued an imperial decree that the people should not be guarded against their tongues, and the people had freedom of speech.

This point was even engraved on the stele, and now the inscription is erected in front of the imperial palace in Lin'an Prefecture, the capital.

Speaking of this, Mu Yangling thought it was very funny. When the royal family and the court fled south, some people even brought the inscription with them in a panic. A mountain was pressing on the emperor's head.

Therefore, three years ago, the Yuan family's army regained the lost land and was transferred to the south due to the suspicion of the emperor. As a result, Jingzhao Mansion, Fengxiang Mansion, and Lintao Mansion were all lost, and the battle line was pushed south to Xingyuan Mansion. Water, and even scholars wrote articles scolding the emperor and the treacherous officials in the court and spread them. The emperor dared not say a word in the palace, but wanted to punish himself.

Mu Yangling, who was only six years old at the time, had just come into contact with the books of this world. It was the first time he heard people scolding the emperor in a teahouse.

What about the legendary Mo talking about state affairs?

Mu Yangling found that the freedom of speech of the people in the Great Zhou Dynasty was even worse than that in modern times.

But strangely, in the great week of freedom of speech, no one has ever said that the emperor should be pulled down. Even if everyone scolded him for not doing well and listened to what the treacherous ministers said, no one had ever proposed to change the emperor. Dangdang.

Mu Yangling couldn't help but lamented the good luck of the Great Zhou Emperor.

So Mu Yangling was never afraid to say these things outside, at this moment she pouted and said: "I'm telling the truth, and everyone says so."

Mu Shi lowered his head to eat vegetables and drink tea, regardless of his daughter.

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