"Thank you, I'll buy you a drink when you get back." Edward coughed twice, picked up the shotgun, and seemed to be ready to fight again.

"It's just a piece of cake. By the way, where are the captain and the others? I suspect this is a trap. Someone is deliberately luring us here. I don't know whether they are preparing to destroy us or want us to destroy this monster." Eddie said with a frown.

"Captain and the others went to the laboratory below. There is a secret door that can be opened from the atrium, and you can go to the laboratory through the elevator. The attitude of the agencies here has changed, and we are divided." Richard explained why they were three Individual placement.

"Alfa Team is also here for support. We'd better leave quickly and call the captain and the others. It's too weird here to stay." Eddie frowned. He didn't know when Wesker would activate the self-destruction program. What you want has been obtained.

Anyway, Lisa is on the outskirts of the mansion and occasionally enters and walks around the mansion. It is not very difficult to catch her.

"Ahem, you go ahead. I'll rest here for a while. I'm going to put more burden on you." Uncle Kenneth is still very optimistic. Even though he has become a eunuch, he has not given up on himself. Black people are so optimistic. Of?

"Okay, but Uncle Kenneth can call the headquarters and ask them to send an extra helicopter." Eddie suggested.

PS: If you are short of books, you can read the old book "Marvel DC's Bastard Heroes". It is an old book with 3 million words. It does not guarantee your character!

Chapter 106: Wesker’s conspiracy discovered

Only Kenneth was left alone in the room. Eddie took Rebecca and others and continued on. This was already the location of the courtyard. As long as you walked down, you could reach the underground research institute, and the passage had been opened. .

As soon as they arrived in the courtyard, they met Chris and Joseph. Joseph was already injured and looked a little pale. "Eddie! I'm glad you're okay. Joseph is injured and needs medical attention."

Rebecca walked over and took out bandages and medicine to apply them. She was already very skilled in her movements. As a medic, battlefield first aid is a necessary skill.

Eddie asked, "How was Joseph injured?"

"I was bitten by those zombies to cover up!" Chris blamed himself a little, because he felt guilty for causing his teammates to be injured.

"Use this antidote. Those zombies are infected by some kind of infection before they turn into zombies. If you don't use the antidote, they will probably turn into zombies. Even so, you need to use the antidote as soon as possible, otherwise you will die. It won't be effective." Eddie handed over a bottle of vaccine.

"How do you know? This is Umbrella's property. Do you know anything?" Chris suddenly pointed a gun at Eddie, and he noticed something.

"Hey, Chris put down the gun. That's not it. Eddie saved us. You can't do this. If it hadn't been for her, Edward and I would have been here." Richard stood up and stood in front of Eddie. No one could He couldn't hurt his savior.

Svetlana didn't make any statement, but her expression was a little playful. She wondered a little maliciously, had Eddie rescued the three people because he had anticipated this scene? No matter what, as long as she is here, no one will hurt Eddie!

Eddie smiled, "Chris, it's normal for you to have this idea. In fact, I have been investigating Umbrella for a long time. I am responsible for the invention of regular drugs, digestive tablets, analgesics, etc. But in other branch, and there are unknown experiments, I don’t know what they are, but now it seems that I know what they are.”

"What is that? They are studying something!" Chris put down the gun, thought for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, I was too impulsive."

"It's okay, it's human nature. I suspect that Umbrella is developing some kind of drug. This drug will cause biological mutations and may be used to treat some disease. But the leakage of this drug led to this disaster. We need to survive , survive to reveal the truth!" Eddie said with a serious expression.

He sold Umbrella without hesitation. Spencer wasn't going to want Umbrella anyway. The bad old man had already made enough money, and Umbrella was just a person who covered up his ambition and cruelty. It's just a shell of behavior.

Eddie is not a good person either. How much benefit he can get at this time all depends on his ability.

"Captain Enrique is still in the underground research room. We have to go down and find the captain." Edward said with a worried expression.

"No problem, let's go down now." Chris nodded. After seeing the tragedy in the mansion, he vowed to make the truth known to the public.

A group of people went underground through the elevator in the courtyard. Along the way, they could see many experimental monsters, such as giant spiders, human-like fleas and flies. They were extremely disgusting. Such twisted monsters should not have appeared in the world in the first place. superior.

Compared to going it alone, Eddie pushed all the way with the help of a team. With his teammates available to help, why would he pretend to be inferior and commit suicide alone?

In addition to the underground walls, there are also some steel plates inlaid with metal. A large number of monsters are spreading, and it seems that this is the source.

Da da da! Eddie kept shooting and attacking. Facing countless enemies, he could only kill the monsters from a distance. The thought of getting bitten by these things made him feel sick.

"There are so many monsters here, it's so disgusting." Richard cursed. He should really thank Eddie, otherwise he would have been eaten by sharks, and if Jill didn't come, he wouldn't have died in the python. under.

As for the specially infected sharks in the laboratory, Eddie didn't want to go and see them. There was nothing interesting to see. They were larger sharks, more ferocious, and they were just waste out of the water.

The gates along the way were opened. In front of a fork in the road, Foster and the driver Dooley were attacking with guns. Facing the constant influx of zombies, they could only keep attacking.

The squad leader Enrique was lying half-ly leaning on the wall, as if he had been bitten by something and had lost his ability to fight. "Let's go, don't waste time here. This is all Umbrella's conspiracy. Go back and make Umbrella's conspiracy public. These monsters can't be killed."

"Captain, we will not give up on you. Richard and the others will arrive soon. Hold on, don't say these depressing words." Foster bit off the safety pin, threw the grenade, and killed the zombies and flies. People were blown up.

A licker suddenly appeared above the head and bit into Foster's head.

Bang! A well-aimed bullet hit the Licker directly in the heart, knocking it away. Chris ran over quickly, and Edward and Richard also trotted over, picking up shotguns and attacking continuously.

"Go to hell, taste the grenade!" Eddie also pulled the safety pin of the grenade and threw the grenade.

Boom! Despite the continuous grenade bombardment, the underground laboratory walls were still very stable and did not collapse.

"Captain, don't move. I'll bandage you." Rebecca ran over without fighting, took out the first aid spray and bandages, and took out a bottle of special serum to give Enrique a shot.

Enrique thought it was antibiotics and did not know that it was a vaccine for the T virus.

"Are you here? Very good, hurry up and leave. It's not safe here, hurry up." Enrique shouted loudly.

At this time, Barry also appeared, "Be careful, I'll help you. Captain Wesker is in front, let's go over and join him."

Enrique shook his head, "No, that is Wesker's conspiracy. I investigated it here. He is Umbrella's spy. He has served in Umbrella and is also a researcher here. Here There is his file. You hurry up, otherwise it will be too late. Go back to Raccoon City and tell the director about Wesker's conspiracy!"

Chapter 107: Eddie’s embarrassing provocation

The next second, Barry took out the Merlin gun and pointed it at Enrique's head, "Sorry, you have to go, I'm sorry, but please, don't let me do it."

"Barry! You're crazy, put down the gun! We are teammates!" Chris immediately raised his gun and said. He didn't understand why Barry would do that. He was the last person to do it.

"I have no choice, Chris, you go forward, in the laboratory in front, you can see Wesker." Barry stopped talking, but opened the firing pin to express his determination, in front of his family and teammates In front of him, he could only choose his family.

Everyone looked at each other angrily. They didn't expect that Barry was actually a traitor! They all picked up guns. With so many people, they couldn’t deal with just one Barry?

Svetlana's expression became more playful. Her guess was correct. There was indeed something wrong with that middle-aged man. It was none of her business anyway. It was all just a show. How could a small Raccoon City have such a problem? So many twists and turns, so fun!

"Wait, Barry, I know you must have difficulties. If you are threatened, you can speak up and we can help you. We are all the most elite elites, and we can still solve small problems." Eddie did not Impulsively, he blocked Rebecca behind him.

This move made Rebecca feel very warm. Although she didn't think she would be hurt, it felt really good to be protected.

Barry was silent for a moment, seeming to be engaged in a fierce mental struggle.

But Enrique, who was being held hostage, said, "Barry, we have known each other for a long time. I know very well what kind of person you are. If you didn't have difficulties, you would definitely not do such a thing. Eddie is right. , just speak up if something happens, there is strength in numbers, even if we have to, we will find a way to solve it."

Barry was silent for a long time and then said, "Wesker kidnapped my family. I have no choice but to listen to him. He asked me to guide you to the underground laboratory. I don't know the rest."

"This damn Wesker!" Chris felt extremely angry. He knew there was a problem here, but he didn't expect that it was his captain who had a problem!

"In that case, why not put on a show? Barry can find transportation to leave after we get to the laboratory. After we deal with Wesker, we can go to rescue your family together. There are no cameras here, Wesker I definitely don’t know about you,” Eddie suggested.

"Yeah, Barry, leave the matter to us. We can understand you. It's okay. This is all Wesker's fault. I will make him regret it!" Chris felt that he was betrayed by his teammates. betray!

Barry let go of Enrique and held his head in pain, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" After saying that, he wanted to commit suicide with a gun. His strong sense of justice made him feel very ashamed that he actually did something that threatened his teammates. The thing is, they were teammates who went through a sanatorium together and fought biochemical weapons together!

"Barry, don't be impulsive. If you die, then I will probably go pick up Noila Moira. For a young woman, eighteen years old is so good!" Eddie suddenly said with a bad smile, that expression was true. Some have evil intentions.

"You fart! How could I die, you bastard, okay, I already knew you were staring at Noila Mo, no wonder Noila Mo often misses you, you bastard, you want to do something to Noila Mo What are you doing!" Barry came over angrily. He had worked so hard to raise a daughter, so he didn't want others to waste it.

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