This lich needs more money

Chapter 16 Big Trees and Ants

Amberxiu locked himself in the laboratory and concentrated on studying the zombies.

The land reclamation plan of the territory is also proceeding with stumbling steps. Although Raul has enough threat, neither he nor Isabel are good at managing such things.

But the problem is not big. There are not many lords on this continent who know how to manage. They all have strong soldiers and horses to suppress it.

As long as these hundreds of free people do not want to starve to death, they will find ways to work by themselves.

Under normal circumstances, reclaiming wasteland requires a lot of manpower. For an ordinary family to reclaim one acre of land, it will take at least three laborers to work for a year and a half.

The three most troublesome things in land reclamation are weeds, rocks and insect pests.

When cleaning weeds, you need to pull them out by the roots, otherwise they will grow back in a few days. It is not easy to burn them all with a fire. You can't burn the green grass if you want to, unless you bring a few bottles of flame potion, but the cost is just Too high.

There are large and small rocks all over the place. It is tiring to dig them out one by one. If you encounter the ones that cannot be moved, you have to repeatedly burn them and water them to crack them. I don’t know how much time is wasted in this process. and firewood.

The presence of insects is also a great threat to crops, and it takes a lot of time to eliminate them.

But it all becomes very simple with the help of magic potion.

The fossil medicine prepared by Isabel under the guidance of Amber Xiu can make rocks fragile and will shatter with a light knock. Spraying on weeds will also cause these weeds to quickly evaporate water and turn yellow and flammable.

Once the pesticide is sprayed, wait for a day, and then set off a fire to completely burn the wasteland. The roots and insect eggs underground will be completely burned to death, turning them into fertility for the land.

After the fire is extinguished, just pick up the hoe and turn over the soil.

I have never seen such a relaxed method of reclamation, and those who were still a little dissatisfied did not dare to say anything more.

In fact, this is not a secret method, it is just a matter of cost.

If these potions were bought from the Alchemy City, they would cost at least one thousand gold coins, and one gold coin would be enough to feed an adult male for a month.

After this conversion, it is more cost-effective to use manpower to open up wasteland. After all, human life is cheap these days, and manpower is even more worthless.

But Amber Xiu can prepare these potions by himself, which reduces the cost a lot. Including Isabel's labor, it only costs about one hundred gold coins.

Moreover, Amber Xiu is a lich. If these humans are not given some sweetness, they may not be willing to live in his territory with peace of mind.

Everything is progressing step by step, whether it is Amber Xiu's experiment or the territory's reclamation plan. Simple wooden houses have been built, and pieces of wasteland have been reclaimed into fertile fields. If nothing unexpected happens, farming can officially begin in a month or two.

With arable land, everything will be on track.

However, not everyone wants to see a lich's territory prosper.

Amber Xiu's territory is not small, but if you look at it from the sky, you will find that this territory is tightly surrounded by the surrounding human lords, and there is really no gap at all.

Among them, the territory in the west occupies the largest area, almost half the size of Amber Xiu's territory. The lord of this area was a knight of great merit.

During the Warcraft crusade twenty years ago, he wore a porcupine skin and bravely killed a gryphon, thus earning the title of Porcupine Knight and acquiring this territory.

When Amberxiu was still a human, he had nothing to do with the porcupine knight. In recent years, after transforming into a lich, he was completely blocked by the nearby lords, and all communication was completely cut off. But today the porcupine knight had to ride his horse in person to the outskirts of Amberxiu's territory.

After riding the tall horse around half a circle, the porcupine knight frowned deeply.

He was wearing shining silver chain mail, and the cloak hanging behind him was embroidered with a huge porcupine emblem. He looked tall and mighty.

In comparison, the attendant wearing a mage's robe who was also riding a horse looked very thin. However, the porcupine knight seemed to have a very respectful attitude towards this person. He lowered his head politely and said, "Mr. Harvey, you have also seen that this lich is too much."

The young man known as Mr. Harvey looked into the distance and could vaguely see many figures reclaiming wasteland. These were undoubtedly human beings.

A lot of free people in the Porcupine Knight's territory fled. I thought they were sneaking into the wilderness to compete with the goblins and gnolls for territory, but I didn't expect that they ended up in the lich's territory. What shocked the Porcupine Knight even more was that the lich actually accepted them.

Are there any lichs that can coexist with humans?

Harvey pondered for a moment and said: "Lord, as your mage advisor, I suggest you file a complaint with the Alchemy City."

The porcupine knight asked: "You mean, you don't suggest that I directly attack the lich's territory?"

According to the rules of Alchemy City, territories are not allowed to plunder each other's population. Once such behavior is committed, as long as it is reported to Alchemy City, you will have the opportunity to actively attack the other party's territory. Once you win, there will be many benefits. At least you can get a large amount of war compensation, and if you are lucky, you can also expand your territory.

But Harvey suggested that the Porcupine Knight file a complaint. This operation is to hope that Alchemy City will send someone to uphold justice. Even if he succeeds in the end, most of the benefits will still go to Alchemy City, and a small lord like him can get a little compensation. That’s pretty good.

The income gap between the two is too big, which makes the Porcupine Rider a little unwilling.

Harvey said very seriously: "Lord, the undead are not that easy to deal with, especially high-level undead like the lich. We don't even know the name of this lich. Maybe we just stepped into his territory. Within the range, thousands of skeletons will appear from the ground."

The Porcupine Knight said: "We can unite with the nearby lords. They all have free people fleeing. It is estimated that all of them have gone to this lich's house. A well-trained militia can deal with three or four skeletons during the day. Our military strength Add it all up, even if he really has a thousand skeletons, it's nothing. Besides, we can also ask that one for help."

Harvey fell silent, knowing who the Porcupine Rider was talking about.

A powerful paladin from the Lion Empire happened to be a guest in the Porcupine Knight's territory these days. He is not alone, he also brings an elite team of adventurers with him. If it were just a little-known ordinary lich, this adventure team could handle it.

What the Lion Empire hates the most is the undead. It doesn’t cost much to hire them to deal with a lich. Even if you only provide a few clues, they will come to find trouble for the lich themselves.

With this kind of help, the Porcupine Knight would confidently want to bypass the Alchemy City's ruling and directly send troops to attack the lich's territory.

Reason told Harvey that the lord's plan had a high success rate, but every time Harvey looked at this eerie castle, his instinct would remind him crazily not to get close. As a mage apprentice of the prophecy school, Harvey believed in his own intuition. This lich was definitely more dangerous than imagined.

"Lord, if you have made a decision, I suggest you make two preparations. First, unite other lords, discuss cooperation with the paladin, and then declare war on the lich in a way that complies with the rules. Please be sure According to the laws of Alchemy City, the lich cannot be allowed to find any mistakes. In this way, even if the attack fails, as long as we withdraw from his territory, the other party cannot pursue him. Second, during the preparation period, I suggest you inquire about this lich With relevant information, there may be other options.”

As an advisor, Harvey could only give advice as much as possible, rather than help his lord make decisions.

The porcupine knight nodded and said: "Yes, you are right. You should know more about the other party's information before going to war. I will contact other lords, Mr. Harvey. I know nothing about magic, and the same goes for the undead. I will inquire about it." I can only leave this information to you."

Harvey said respectfully: "This is my duty, but..."

"Just what?" asked the Porcupine Rider.

"Lord, the financial situation of the Alchemy City has collapsed very quickly, and this is just the beginning. Even if you win this battle, you may not be able to satisfy the appetites of those alchemists."

The porcupine knight's expression changed, but he quickly said firmly: "Compared with the Alchemy City, we are just ants under the big tree, but even if we do nothing, won't the big tree fall?" Before collapse, we should strengthen ourselves."

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