This lich needs more money

Chapter 41 The Revenge of the Condemned Knight

In the splendid palace, this is the Privy Inquisition of the Lion Empire. James Watson, the editor-in-chief of "Legendary Curse", is sitting at the desk, carefully reviewing a thick pile of reports.

Perhaps at this time, he should be called Mr. Watson, the highest judge of the Lane Empire.

The editor-in-chief is only a part-time person, and James Watson's main job is to judge the heretics in the country.

The only legal belief in the Lion Empire is the Lord of the Dawn, and any other act of worshiping other gods within the territory of the Lion Empire is heresy.

However, the Lion Empire has recently expanded a lot of territory, and many newly joined free people cannot immediately adapt to this strict belief law, and still retain their belief in the old gods.

But these are human beings, fellow citizens who can be taught. James Watson did not send everyone to the stake at once, but carefully read the investigation reports sent to him and formulated faith propaganda plans for new territories in different regions and situations.

Whether gentle or harsh, they are all clear and effective targeted measures.

These tasks may seem arduous, but they are already familiar to James Watson, a devout believer who started as a grassroots pastor. He believes that in a few years, humans in these areas will become firm believers in light.

For others, it would take ten days and a half to solve a problem, but James Watson only needs half a day to solve it. This is why he can firmly hold the position of supreme judge.

James Watson will not start part-time review work until he is finished with his formal work. However, he usually regards this review work as entertainment, looking at the articles written by heretics, and then rejecting them ruthlessly. For him, It is the most enjoyable game.

After casually writing the reasons for rejection on several dwarf and elf manuscripts, James Watson was attracted by a strange article.

"My Paladin Friend Allen - A Brief Discussion on the Influence of Faith on Young People"

"What is this?"

As soon as you look at this title, you can tell that the submission is for the supplement of "Legendary Curse". These novels, which are more like gossip and fabricated stories, are also very popular recently. James Watson usually doesn't care much about this kind of thing, no matter how many sales he has. It cannot be compared with the influence of the official version of "Legendary Curse".

James Watson even hopes that those heretical novels that write supplements will continue to degenerate and make "Legendary Curse" a true academic treasure of human magic. Therefore, James Watson is very lenient in approving supplements, and usually approves them at a casual glance.

But the name—Paladin Allen?

James Watson looked at the author of the article, William Harvey, a name he had never heard of, either a pseudonym or an unknown person.

But just after watching the beginning, James Watson's expression changed.

The supreme judge frowned and rubbed his ring. A curtain of light unfolded in front of his eyes. However, the communication screen that should have been clear was only a large flash of electric light.

This was originally a communication ring with his son Allen, which allowed him to communicate anytime and anywhere, but now he has lost contact.

This article is probably not false. His son Alan Watson was really captured, and he was captured by a lich.

James Watson picked up the article again, read every sentence on it carefully, and soon became livid.

This article portrays James Watson as an irrational paranoid believer who brainwashes his son with twisted light teachings and uses various inhumane means to torture other people's bodies and minds. If this is just a distortion of the facts, forget it. James Watson has experienced countless slanders and slanders in his life, and a mere article will not have any impact on him.

What really makes James Watson angry is that this article analyzes the belief of the Lord of the Morning from another perspective. The author uses the perspective of a bystander to say that the Lord of the Morning is not much different from other gods. Whether it is the Lord of Light or the God of Nature, their doctrines are similar, and their followers behave in similar ways. Even their enemies seem to be similar. They all hate the undead, but the followers of the Lord of the Dawn are more exclusive than the Druids.

The author believes that this is a kind of blasphemy against the Lord of the Dawn and a misinterpretation of the teachings of light. Under this twisted belief, the Lion Empire is creating countless tragedies and disputes. This is what James Watson, the supreme judge, wants to satisfy. The result of personal ambition.

This kind of analysis angle makes James Watson look very ugly, because the Lane Empire has been actively expanding externally recently, and war is naturally unavoidable. The argument of this article is nonsense, and there is no substantive argument, but it is full of conspiracy theories, and what readers like most is conspiracy theories.

James Watson is certain that once this article is published, such conspiracy theories will spread quickly, and the Lane Empire will fall into an unfavorable public opinion environment. It may not necessarily have an impact on the outcome of the battlefield, but it is definitely a disadvantage.

However, if this article is not published, his son Alan may lose his life.

"He was clearly asked to go to Silver Moon High Garden, so why did he go to the Alchemy City? Did this bastard also hear about that unknown prophecy?"

James Watson couldn't wait to catch Allen in front of him and give him a severe lesson. The paladin's outing experience had been planned for a long time. This kid must have changed his plan and went directly to the Alchemy City.

There is a treasure that can become a god in the sewers of the Alchemy City. This prophecy has been circulated in the Ryan Empire for a long time, but legendary strongmen like James Watson dismiss it. Logically speaking, Allen is not an ignorant person. , how could you believe the prophecy and come to the Alchemy City?

But there is no point in worrying about this now.

"Stupid! Reckless! I don't know the heights of the sky..." James Watson cursed a few times.

The author has written it very clearly. If you want Allen to survive, publish this article and reply with a comment whether you are willing to pay the ransom. The ransom is not a problem, it is just a few million gold coins, but this article has a great impact on the empire and must not be published, otherwise he will be a sinner of the empire.

After pondering for a moment, James Watson said in a sad tone: "Alan, forgive me."

James Watson stretched out his palm and pressed it on a crystal on the table. In a flash of holy light, a paladin wearing silver-white armor appeared in front of James Watson. The paladin knelt down on one knee with great respect.

"Sir Supreme Judgment, please give me your instructions."

"Select ten people from the Knights of Conviction to go to the Alchemy City to find my son Allen. If he is alive, try to rescue him. If he cannot be rescued, then completely eliminate the lich who kidnapped Allen. Be careful. If so, you may face an undead of legendary rank."

The paladin said with great confidence: "Don't worry, sir, our Knights of Conviction were established to deal with the legend. The shame of that year will never happen again."

Hearing the term "humiliation", James Watson couldn't help but think of the legend. Before he was born, the Lane Empire once sent the entire paladin army to hunt down a headless knight, but the result was very tragic, and the paladin army suffered casualties. Tragically, the headless horseman fought his way out of the empire and eventually disappeared without a trace.

This was a major historical event engraved on the empire's pillar of shame. After that shameful pursuit mission, the empire established the Knights of Conviction, specifically to target special enemies like the legendary undead. It's a pity that the Knights of Judgment have been established for many years, and the older generation of holy warriors have all returned to the Kingdom of Light before they had the chance to avenge their shame. The new generation of guilty knights gritted their teeth and practiced hard every day, just so that one day they could avenge their predecessors.

Although they may not be facing their original enemies this time, being able to deal with a legendary undead is also a challenge that the Sin Condemnation Knights dream of.

Use the soul of this undead as a sacrifice to the Lord of the Dawn, and hope that the evil soul can be purified.

James Watson stood up, clenched his fists and said, "Remember, no matter what conditions the other party proposes, never agree. The Lane Empire never accepts threats."

"As you command, Lord Supreme Advocate."

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