This lich needs more money

Chapter 48 The Dice of Destiny Replaces the Future

The light of the magic circle lit up, and the gold coins on the high platform began to melt rapidly.

Countless lights and shadows lit up, looking like videos from various angles of the Alchemy City, and many blurry figures continued to condense and dissipate.

Harvey said excitedly: "Success! I'm connected to destiny!"

Harvey has indeed improved a lot, but it is still a bit reluctant for him to control this powerful magic circle.

After these lights and shadows appeared, he felt a huge mountain pressing on him. The huge pressure came, making Harvey's heart beat faster and his body seemed to be shaking.

Amberxiu immediately reminded: "Don't resist, you are capturing fragments of the future, not resisting fate. Don't you believe in fate? Death will come sooner or later as scheduled, it doesn't matter if it happens now or not!"

Harvey smiled bitterly. No matter how much he accepted his fate, he could never be indifferent to death. It was easier said than done.

Harvey could only try to focus his attention and try to find something he wanted from these ever-changing pictures.

"The secret of the sewer..."

Harvey thought about this silently, and the flashing images began to slow down. The images of the city began to decrease, and the dark and damp sewers began to occupy more space.

"Well done!" Amber Xiu praised.

This kid is really talented. I don’t know who his teacher is. It’s very difficult to get started in the school of prophecy. It’s rare to have such a smart student. If you don’t keep him by your side and educate him well, he will be released to serve as a consultant to the run-down little lord. Really It is a waste of natural resources.

With Harvey's efforts, the picture changed more and more slowly, and the light and shadow began to freeze, turning into a fragment of shimmering blue light.

Harvey said excitedly: "Success, this is fate!"

This fragment seems to be a small piece stolen from the long river of time, playing the same scene over and over again.

A blurry figure appeared in the sewer, holding a luminous artifact in his hand. Powerful power fell from the sky, penetrated the surface of the earth, and fell into the man. The divine personality began to condense, and the shadows of countless gods appeared. Under their blessings and In a curse, a mortal ascends to the status of a god.

It's a very detailed picture. Except for the vagueness of the person who became a god and the incomprehensible attributes of the godhead, all the other details are very real, as if it would really happen.

Harvey was about to dissipate the magic power and cancel the ritual, but Amberxiu said: "Don't relax, this is a false fate."

"False destiny?" Harvey said in surprise.

Amberxiu explained: "Yes, the madmen in the Alchemy City created a false destiny and misled all creatures with the ability to predict. I met a group of druids and a hag in the sewers before, and they were all prophesied. Seducing people into sewers.

"Prophecy is a glimpse into destiny. You can't expect every peeper to see the same scene through the same peephole, unless someone deliberately falsifies it."

Harvey really didn't expect that there was such a statement that could create a false future and deceive all the prophets? What kind of magic is this? I'm afraid it has surpassed the level of legend, right?

"What now?" Harvey asked. He couldn't even tell the truth from the prophecy, let alone find the hidden truth.

"Use your power, the power of the prophecy school! Don't tell me that you haven't prepared anything these days. Whether it's to escape from prison or to kill me, you should have prepared many futures!" Amber Xiu explain.

Harvey suddenly felt very embarrassed. It turned out that all his little actions were under Ambrose's observation.

Preparing for the future is a very mysterious statement, and it is actually very mysterious.

Mages of the prophecy school can manifest their destiny through meditation, such as turning it into a twenty-sided die.

Before the future comes, throw the die and fix the number.

Then, you can use the number of points rolled by this die to replace future results. Replace a bad future with a large number of dice and turn it into a good thing. Replace a lucky future with a small number of dice and turn it into a bad thing.

What's even more outrageous is that this dice of destiny can not only replace your own future, but can also replace other people's.

When Amber Xiu met the hag in the sewer before, he used this method to replace the future where the hag randomly teleported, so that she could be teleported to a nearby location forever and never escape.

This is the ability of the prophecy school to modify the results, just like the gods.

No one can tell clearly whether this displaced future can be regarded as a modification of destiny, or whether the act of replacement itself is destined.

Amberxiu has done many tests, but the result is that he is disoriented and does not get any answers.

And now, Umbersheu wants Harvey to replace this future with his own dice.

If this is a false prophecy, it can be smashed to pieces with the Dice of Fate.

Harvey took a deep breath and began to gather his strength.

Dice exuding the light of stars emerged one after another and began to fly around Harvey. This was him materializing his power of prophecy.

Seeing this scene, Amber Xiu was not very happy, and thought unhappily: "Tsk, only five dice... In my plan, at least seven dice can safely crush this false fate."

Harvey didn't know that Amber's opinion of him had dropped. He was now concentrating on controlling his Dice of Destiny, trying to use the power of the Dice of Destiny to modify the fragments of prophecy in front of him.

A dice flew out and fell into the debris, leaving only ripples.

The image in the fragments is still the same, and the blurry figure has become a god, as if nothing has changed.

When Harvey saw this situation, he became heartbroken and smashed the remaining four dice of destiny.

This time, the false prophecy fragments finally changed, a large number of cracks appeared, and then completely exploded.

Amberxiu sighed, and dozens of dice of destiny appeared around him, blasting all these broken futures into smaller pieces, and the entire laboratory was like a rain of light.

The endless light fragments re-condensed after disintegrating and turned into seven tiny crystals, reflecting a different future.

Amber Xiu sighed, and finally asked him to take action.

But having given up on the way of prophecy, every time he uses the power of the prophecy school, it will be more difficult for him to embark on a new path, and he will always be a parallel import legend.

But now that he had used it, he couldn't care less about his emotions. Amberxiu quickly checked the new future.

On the first fragment, Amberxiu saw a small gold mountain, and millions of gold coins appeared in his laboratory.

Very good, very good, God's will, you deserve to be rich!

But what does this have to do with sewers?

In the second fragment, there appeared a strange beauty with a noble temperament, but her skin looked like white paper. She was holding Amber Xiu's head... only the head.

The thing that Amberxiu feared most appeared.

A future that is beneficial to me is God’s will, but a future that is harmful to me, does it mean that my destiny is up to me and not God?

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