Thousands of Hearts

Chapter 2 Trembling 2

Chapter 2 Trembling 2

"Yangyang, what are you doing standing here alone?"

The wooden door of the side room was opened wide, and a strong old man who was about 1.9 meters walked out.

The old man's hair was thin, but his goatee was well maintained. He was wearing a loose robe that looked like a priest's robe, with a gray color and two black dragons embroidered on his sleeves and forearms.

This is his grandfather, Wang Xinlong.

Wang Xinlong is in his eighties this year, with a standard inverted triangle shape, muscular and strong spirit. A pair of piercing eyes, looking at people for a long time, will give people a sense of aggressiveness and strength.

Because of his long-term practice of boxing, his upper body is extremely muscular and his figure is out of shape.

Moreover, his left arm had been injured before, so he had been wearing a black metal armguard.

When Wang Yiyang was a child, he always thought that metal armguard was cool, because there were many beautiful patterns carved on it.

But later I realized that wearing that thing is actually very hard, especially when it is hot.

When he was young, Wang Xinlong had always been famous for his violent temper, and he would hit people if he disagreed with him.

But when he got older, he became more peaceful, and his attention was focused on teaching his disciples and children and grandchildren.

Later, his son had nothing to do and gave up, so he wanted to drag Wang Yiyang to inherit the mantle, but unfortunately Wang Yiyang refused to do it.

A twisted melon is not sweet, so Wang Xinlong has no choice but to pin his hopes on his apprentice.

"Are you in good health? You woke up so soon." Wang Xinlong laughed and patted Wang Yiyang on the shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay, there is also a gym in the company, and I often exercise with my colleagues." Wang Yiyang calmed down and replied with a smile.

He didn't know what it was that feeling just now, but vaguely, he felt that it should have something to do with senior brother Zhong Can.

Could it be that at this time, Zhong Can already had bad thoughts?

Wang Yiyang's heart trembled slightly.

At this time, he suddenly regretted that he hadn't studied grandpa's martial arts seriously since he was a child, so that now he has no strength to restrain the chicken, and is helpless.

Don't talk about fighting with martial arts, it's just a simple comparison of body size. If senior brother Zhong Can really has malicious intentions, killing him is like crushing a chicken.

He had seen bellworms transfer their strength.

He lifted the hundreds of kilograms of stone mill in the corner of the yard like lifting a piece of dried tofu, with extreme ease.

‘But now is the modern society, martial arts and so on have long been outdated. There is nothing wrong with my choice. It's just that my life plan hasn't really developed yet. ’ Wang Yiyang retorted inwardly.

"How is it? I haven't been back for so long, do you still get used to it?" Wang Xinlong walked to the side with his hands behind his back, leaning against the tree trunk and looking at the night sky.

"Fortunately, it's just that there are a lot of bugs, and it's useless to apply insect repellent water." Wang Yiyang replied honestly.

"That's because your blood type is fresh." The old man smiled, "Those mosquitoes are used to eating our blood, and they want a change. It's the same when your father comes. Every time you come, the mosquitoes will bite you."

Wang Yiyang followed with a smile. "Has Grandpa ever thought about moving to the city?"

"No. What good is there in the city? You have to fight for a place to exercise. The park is as big as a palm, and you have to pay for it if you break something. Trouble!

It's not like the countryside, it's not that delicate, but it's not that delicate either. "

"But you are alone in the country, in case you get sick or something..." Wang Yiyang persuaded.

"Aren't all my apprentices here? You, Brother Zhong Can, are also here, so why are you afraid that no one will take care of you?" Wang Xinlong laughed. "You still worry about yourself. Find me a grandson-in-law early, and give me a great-grandson for me to play with."

Wang Yiyang casually chatted with his grandfather, and he hadn't chatted with the old man like this for many years.

I am usually not busy studying, or busy working.

It was getting later and later, the moonlight shone down like a tulle, the old man stood for a while, hiccupped, seemed to be in a good mood, and started talking nonsense with his grandson in a froth.

During the chat, Wang Yiyang wanted to hint several times, but he didn't know how to speak.

After finally saying it, the old man took his words as a joke or a dream, waved his hand and passed away, not paying attention.

Wang Yiyang is also helpless.

"Let me tell you, the way you learn has no future at all. It's a shitty Internet job. It's not just a part-time job for someone. A few thousand yuan a month is worth the shit, and it's not enough for me to drink."

The old man hiccupped and continued.

"If you want me to say, you should go back to the martial arts hall for me and learn martial arts hard. Even if you don't learn well, I will still have some property for you in the future. It is better than you working outside and being exploited by others."

Wang Yiyang was upset by what he said, but it was his grandfather after all, so he had to bear it no matter what.

But his young man's temper came up, and he was scolded for a long time saying that his study and hard work were useless, and he was speechless, so he couldn't help but reply.

"Actually, I'm not as bad as you think I am outside."

He was born in a family with average conditions. His parents are travel journalists. This is a profession that has emerged in recent years. He specializes in going to tourist attractions for testing and checking, and then writing column articles.

Parents' income is not high, and they can't see people all the year round.

So he was almost brought up by his grandparents since he was a child.

Later, when I got older, the rebellious period came, and I fought against my grandfather every day, and then I was beaten every day.

Wang Yiyang's temper is also very hard, no matter how badly he is beaten, he will not give in.

Later, because Wang Xinlong was drunk, when he beat his grandson, he beat Wang Yiyang until he had a massive spleen hemorrhage, and almost hiccupped his fart, and was severely beaten by his grandmother on the spot.

After that, he never beat Wang Yiyang again. I no longer force my grandson to learn martial arts.

Later, Wang Yiyang became older and more sensible, and consciously began to study hard. Went to a town with a better school.

So the grandfather and grandson also gradually alienated.

It wasn't until later, when Wang Yiyang went to university and had more free time, that he slowly got in touch again.

In fact, since high school, Wang Yiyang has been taking care of everything in life by himself. Apart from sending him money every month, his parents rarely ask him about his affairs.

He is also very well-behaved and sensible, and he is never asked to be an extra parent.

Later, when he went to a university farther away, he had even fewer contacts. It is common to make a phone call once a month.

After graduating, Wang Yiyang did not continue to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but directly found a job in a corresponding profession - an Internet product appraiser.

"It's not that bad? Aren't you that product appraiser? Hehe, I've been asking for a month, at most five thousand." The old man stretched out five fingers at this moment, with a mocking expression on his face.

"..." Wang Yiyang was speechless.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly described the strange feeling to his grandfather in detail.

"That's because I was frightened by something. I was moved by God." Wang Xinlong frowned.

"What is calmness?"

"When I'm mentally strong, watching ghost and horror movies is called exercising the spirit with stimulation.

But if one's own spirit is weak, looking at these again will shake the foundation of spirit.

If the spirit is not solid, the qi will not flow smoothly, and the body will naturally be affected. If you don't move at every turn, you will be timid and fearful. "

"Understood..." Wang Yiyang nodded to express his understanding.

"Okay, okay, go back to sleep quickly. It's getting late." The old man chatted for a long time, and finally got a little tired, turned around with his hands behind his back and staggered back to the room.

Wang Yiyang watched the other party leave, with mixed feelings in his heart.



in the house.

Zhong Can stood by the window with a calm and indifferent expression.

His strong body is like a human sculpture in the dark, hard with some kind of inexplicable horror.

'Wang Yiyang seems to have noticed something. ’——Black silkworm.

He lowered his head, looked at the fluorescent lights on his phone, and quickly pressed the buttons with his fingers to send an encrypted message.

Beep, a reply came from the phone.

‘Do you want to kill him in advance? In order to avoid mistakes. ’——Dada.

'He will leave the day after tomorrow, and on the way back, he will start. ’——Black silkworm.

‘Are you coming or am I coming? ’——Dada.

'you. Wang Xinlong will notice if I do something. ’——Black silkworm.

‘Okay, just let him have a car accident. ’——Dada.

‘Okay, but if he really finds something, I will shoot directly, and you are always ready to cooperate. ’——Black silkworm.

'certainly. ’——Dada.


The phone screen cleared all the information in an instant, and then the screen turned off automatically, as if an invisible hand was cleaning up all the chat traces.

Zhong Can raised his head and looked at the crossbar on the beam in the darkness, without moving for a long time.



The night gradually deepened.

Wang Yiyang changed into pajamas and lay on his back on the bed in the room.

The sound of the nanny watering the flowers could be heard faintly from the yard outside.

The well water hit the metal bucket, making a constant splashing and crisping sound. Blending with the surrounding silent night, it is even more quiet.

Wang Yiyang was lying on a somewhat hard wooden bed, breathing in the cold air in his nostrils, and could smell a little musty smell in the room.

The quilt and quilt on the bed seemed to have been unused for a long time, and there was a slight damp feeling, moist to the touch, and a coolness that penetrated to the bone.

Wang Yiyang tugged at the quilt, but it couldn't keep him warm.

His mouth was a little dry, and he licked his lower lip with his tongue, but accidentally licked an unknown soft thing on his lips.

It seems to be the peel, and it looks like bean skin.

It was salty and a little disgusting. He quickly reached out and squeezed the soft thing, flicking it with his fingers.


The thing seemed to hit the wooden table in the room, making a very small noise.

'How to solve it...'

Looking at the blackened wooden beams, Wang Yiyang sighed inwardly.

He felt that these few days had exhausted his breath for a year.

'Judging from Zhong Can's performance today, he has barely concealed his malice. In front of grandpa, maybe he is still restrained, but in front of me...'

He recalled the previous meeting.

He didn't think it was his hallucination.

Zhong Cang's room is next door.

Maybe the two of them were no more than three meters apart at this time, separated by a wall.

Thinking of this, Wang Yiyang felt hairy and couldn't fall asleep.

Tossing and turning on the bed, it took more than half an hour before he entered a half-dream and half-awake state.

Before he knew it, he was in a daze for about an hour. He vaguely heard something outside the window, but tried to open his eyes to look, but found nothing.

After several times in a row, Wang Yiyang couldn't fall asleep anymore, so he simply woke up, got up and sat on the bed, and sat like that until dawn.

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