Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2758 If you leave, you will leave. Father and son leave.

As soon as what Kong Rong said in prison came out, the whole world was in uproar!

"Why did Kong Wenju say this?" ! 』

"Absolutely ridiculous! 』

"The five punishments are three thousand, but there is no greater crime than unfilial piety!" 』

Almost everyone was talking about Kong Rong's remark that was almost treasonous, and even felt that Kong Rong had fallen into hopeless madness before he said such a thing.

In Xu County, Kong Rong's remarks immediately became the focus of discussion among countless gentry children.

Kong Rong himself, who had been silent, once again entered the public eye, but this time, the evaluation of Kong Rong was completely different from the last time.

Because Kong Rong's remarks once again touched upon a sensitive topic.

In the two Han Dynasties, filial piety governed the world.

There are not many Confucian classics, but among these classics, Xiao Jing has the fewest words and the shallowest content. Basically speaking, among the first few classics that many gentry children began to study, there must be the Classic of Filial Piety.

Not only that, emperors and literati of the past dynasties also highly praised the Filial Piety Classic. Throughout the dynasties, many emperors personally annotated the Filial Piety Classic. It seems that there is unparalleled charm hidden in the Filial Piety Classic, which is less than 2,000 years old.

The Xiao Jing is called "The Classic", but it is not the same as the Book of Changes, the Book of Songs, etc.

The word "经" in the latter was added because the Han people regarded Confucian works as classics. Originally, its names were "Yi", "Shi", etc., but the "经" in "The Classic of Filial Piety" originally existed. , generally represents the meaning of principles and principles.

There are different opinions on who the author of this ancient book was.

Some people say it is Confucius, some say it is Zengzi, and some people say it is written by their disciples and later scholars. However, the title and content of the "Book of Filial Piety" are clearly quoted in "Lü Shi Chun Qiu", which shows that the "Book of Filial Piety" is indeed It is a pre-Qin classic, not an ancient book forged by Han Confucians or later generations.

"Filial piety" is a very important basic social moral standard in China.

In the final analysis, it is because no matter what society or doctrine it is, the concept of "filial piety" in the family will always be the basis of social stability and the driving force for the entire society to move forward.

Because human life is very short.

Not to mention that the average age in the feudal dynasty was forty. Even if everyone could reach 100 years old, it would still be very short. At the same time, they were still underage for more than ten years. Coupled with this disease and disasters, the fragile human body Death is what you say, so overall, living in the feudal dynasty is not easy, and living longer is even more difficult.

Under such circumstances, ensuring the survival rate of human beings is the most basic social morality and national norm.

If "filial piety" is not promoted, parents don't love their children, they abandon them and play games by themselves, and they don't feel sad or care about their children when they die, what will the entire society look like? If children don't respect their parents, don't learn risk-avoiding survival skills from their parents, and just rely on themselves to fight against each other, what will be the consequences for the entire ethnic group?

Therefore, the "Book of Filial Piety" was called "The Classic" from the beginning because the principles contained in it are in line with the moral needs of human development over thousands of years and are a written embodiment of the continuity of humankind's own race.

Taking care of and helping the young and old is a beautiful manifestation of human civilization itself.

What Fei Qian targeted in Qinglong Temple's lecture and rejected was the kind of people who use the name of loyalty and filial piety to seek personal gain for themselves. Those who promote filial piety and incorruptibility for the sake of fame. Those guys who can boil their parents' corpses into bones and still not bury them are not trying to refute the "Book of Filial Piety" itself, nor are they trying to trample the so-called "loyalty and filial piety" into the ground, and then raise the flag of disloyalty and unfilial piety. It leads to self-breakthrough and expression of personality.

Not to mention Shandong, which attaches great importance to "filial piety"...

Kong Rong's remarks almost shook the foundation of the Shandong gentry!

For a time, the sound of refutation and scolding came rolling in, overwhelming.

And beneath the turbulent waves, there seemed to be some small voices, "Kong Wenju... he was in prison, and saw his child dead... maybe that's why he said such words..."

"Kong Wenju may have lost his mind and gone crazy... This white-haired man is sending a black-haired man... alas..."

But these tiny sounds were drowned out by the turbulent waves, and then they fell silent, sinking like a spiral, sinking until they reached the abyss.

Sometimes the loudest one may not be the right one.

It's like some economists in later generations advocated that the fatality rate is not high, holding up a huge sign to indicate that the value is a certain amount, with an understatement on their face, and the corners of their mouths with the ridicule of you bunch of bastards making a fuss out of a molehill. But for those families who have suffered misfortune, that seemingly innocuous value to some people is the catastrophe of the entire family and a lifetime of pain.

This seems understandable, after all, the bricks are not being burned in the crematorium where the fire is burning at twelve o'clock.

Many people also heard that Kong Rong's family was in prison and that his children died in front of them. However, after his words came out, these Shandong gentry children did not care about how much suffering Kong Rong suffered in prison. , but are Kong Rong's words round and round, rebellious or not? !

Some people even said that because Kong Rong could say such things, he deserved to be arrested and the whole family was in trouble!

Some people were so angry that they rushed to the gate of Xu County Prison and yelled at Kong Rong inside!

As for the "anger", how many people really felt that Kong Rong's remarks were unacceptable, and how many people were angry because they heard that Cao Cao had started to take action, so they used "anger" to express that they and Kong Rong were not on the same page. of……

That's really a matter of opinion.

Amidst such noise, Cheng Yu slowly walked into the Xu County Prison.

In the vestibule of the prison, Cheng Yu ignored the prison warden who nodded and bowed in obsequious manner, nor scolded the prison guard who was pale and helpless, nor did he pay attention to the warder who lowered his head on one side and looked trembling. Head, listening to the sounds outside the prison...

A voice that denounced Kong Rong.

The boiling sound spread into the prison and seemed to turn into tiny sounds.

But I can still hear it, very clearly...

Cheng Yu sneered.

How long has it been? I wonder if among these voices, there are those who previously shouted to support Kong Rong in his struggle to the end?

"You have asked yourself to be imprisoned and punished according to law!" Cheng Yu said a word to the officials around him and moved forward, his eyes becoming colder and colder.

Inside the prison, it was extremely dark.

After Cheng Yu entered it, he adjusted for a while and then saw Kong Rong's figure.

"Kong Wenju, the matter is over," Cheng Yu stood outside the cell, looking down at Kong Rong, "Why do you have to defile yourself?" 』

Cheng Yu didn't believe that Kong Rong would really feel that it was right to be unfilial.

Because Kong Rong was very sad after the death of his father, and he had placed more emphasis on filial piety for so many years. How could his attitude change so significantly in such a short period of time?

The only possibility is that Kong Rong wanted to "defile himself" through this.

But Cheng Yu really felt that, at this point, wouldn't it be too late for Kong Rong to taint himself again?

That's why Cheng Yu said to Kong Rong why it is necessary, and this is what he meant.

If you want to defile yourself, do it as soon as possible!

In recent years, you, Kong Rong, have been cherishing your feathers and cherishing your reputation, and now you suddenly say that you don’t want your reputation anymore, and made such "unfilial" remarks...

Who believes it?

Cheng Yu squinted his eyes and looked at Kong Rong.

Now that you see your child is really dead, do you feel the fear of death?

Cheng Yu can be said to be a thorough pragmatist. He doesn't care about reputation, so he looked down upon Kong Rong's original words and deeds in pursuit of fame. Now I feel that Kong Rong has made such a show in order to survive, and I look down on Kong Rong even more.

Cheng Yu's original name was Cheng Li. When he was a boy, he often dreamed of climbing Mount Tai and holding the sun in his hands. In an instant, his whole body glowed with infinite light, so he later changed his name to Cheng Yu. Perhaps when Cheng Yu was a boy, he developed a very strong sense of superiority and mission over ordinary civilians, just like he held the sun with both hands on Mount Tai.

However, the young Cheng Yu has been wasting his time in middle age and has not waited for this "sunrise" opportunity. Cheng Yu's life has been dull for 43 years...

Finally, the Yellow Turban Rebellion came.

When the officials in the county town panicked when they encountered the Yellow Turban thieves, and even abandoned the city and fled, Cheng Yu suddenly understood that these usually aloof guys were so unbearable!

The Yellow Turban Rebellion made Cheng Yu successful.

By the time Cheng Yu rejected Liu Dai's call and turned to defect to Cao Cao, he was already over fifty.

Liu Bei once said before his death, "A man at fifty cannot be called a child." 』

In that era, the age of forty or fifty was the time of death for quite a few people. In other words, the age when Cheng Yu really made his debut was already the time of death for most people.

Standing on the shoulders of historical giants, of course we know that Cheng Yu can live for a long time, but at that time, Cheng Yu definitely didn't know how long he could live. Just like the political commissar in the anti-Japanese drama, he probably didn't know that the war of resistance against Japan was still left. Same for several years.

From his perspective, every day for him may be the day of death, and the next moment for him may be death.

Those who face death have no scruples.

When Cao Cao was short of food, it was Cheng Yu who sent "rat meat".

The meat of "Big Rat".

Or call it "rat" meat...

Now Cheng Yu squinted at Kong Rong, feeling that Kong Rong was just a "rat".

Kong Rong and Cheng Yu had nothing in common, so Kong Rong didn't explain anything to Cheng Yu and remained silent, as if by default.

When Cheng Yu saw this, he didn't say much. He ordered some food, clothing and quilts to be prepared for Kong Rong, and then ordered the Li brothers to be taken into the cell and left.

He felt that Kong Rong was dead.

If Kong Rong had realized the futility of fame earlier and was willing to be a practical person, it is impossible to say that Cheng Yu would have paid more or less attention to it. But now, especially after Prime Minister Cao has begun to raise his butcher knife, he is ready to completely wipe out When those nobles were pulling back, Kong Rong repented. What was the use?

No matter how many rebellious and unethical remarks Kong Rong said, Kong Rong would still be unable to escape death.

too late.

Just like those criminals who were arrested and brought to justice, they only expressed regret when they were put on cold handcuffs. What's the use? Is it possible that just saying a few words of regret can erase all guilt?

Cheng Yu didn't come just for Kong Rong this time.

The Li brothers were arrested, and Cheng Yu sent them to be neighbors with Kong Rong...

Regarding the fact that Kong Rong's child froze to death, Cheng Yu punished the jailer, but he didn't pay much attention to it because he thought it might be a normal phenomenon. More importantly, Cao Cao has already taken action, and a large number of nobles will be arrested and die together with Kong Rong. As the chief criminal, Kong Rong was indispensable for confiscating his family and exterminating his family, so his children were just the difference between dying early and dying late.

He was going to die sooner or later, so there was no need to worry about it.

As for the food, clothing, and quilts given to Kong Rong, they were just items that should have been provided, not special care.

Cheng Yu left, and the Li brothers came to the wooden bars of the cell and called to Kong Rong, "Brother Wenju!" Brother Wenju! 』

Kong Rong turned around and looked at the Li brothers.

"Brother Wenju!" My two brothers have admired the name Wenju for a long time! Li Pan said, "Today I can see Brother Wenju face to face. It is a blessing in my life!" 』

Kong Rong smiled slightly and cupped his hands.

Seeing Kong Rong's response, Li Pan immediately looked at each other and Li Cheng, and then whispered with some expectancy: "Brother Wenju, my younger brother is out there. He is running to rescue Brother Wenju from prison and clear his name... but he can't." Being hated by the villains of the imperial court, as for this place..."

Li Pan and Li Cheng held on to the fence tightly and stared at Kong Rong, "Now that Brother Wenju is pretending to say evil things, is there a way to escape?" 』

The implication is that my two brothers were arrested because of you. If you have a way to escape, don't forget the two younger brothers!

Different from Cheng Yu's understanding, Li Pan and Li Cheng feel that fame still plays a role in the present. People with fame should not be killed so easily, just like having an immortal body.

After all, in many rumors, it is said that even if a certain person meets an illiterate mountain bandit and says that he is so-and-so's so-and-so, he will probably survive, let alone in Xu County. ?

So what Cheng Yu said to Kong Rong, "Why do you need to defile yourself?" In the ears of the two Li brothers, it turned out that Kong Rong was trying to escape...

On the other hand, the banner of the two Li brothers was mainly based on Kong Rong's previous reputation. If Kong Rong suddenly "self-defiled", wouldn't what they did before be a joke? If Kong Rong wants to do this, why should he inform his two brothers?

Therefore, both Li Pan and Li Cheng stared at Kong Rong eagerly, hoping that Kong Rong could give them an explanation.

What could Kong Rong say?

Could he say that what he said was actually not meant for the Li brothers, nor for anyone else?

Kong Rong's words were meant for his children.

"What kind of relationship should a father have to his son?" In terms of its original intention, it is actually about lust. Does the son also ridicule his mother? It's like putting things in a can and leaving them when they come out! 』

Kong Rong had a premonition that he might really be doomed this time.

Only when many people become parents can they appreciate the hard work of their parents.

The same is true for Kong Rong.

Although he had previously preached "filial piety" and said that if children did not observe filial piety for their parents, it would be fine. But at this moment, when Kong Rong had a premonition that he was about to die, he was willing to leave the hope of life to him. own children.

Maybe it was the explosion of Kong Rong's personality, or maybe it was just the instinct of human self-continuation, but no matter what, Kong Rong hoped that his children would not stick to the "filial piety" he often said before, and not worry about "family affection". It means that the relationship between parents and children is not as close as mentioned before, and they should "leave apart"!

You're out, leave now!

leave here!


Never come back!

This may be a father's last advice to his child.

A veiled warning.

Because Kong Rong knew that if he said this, it would definitely spread, and then it might reach the ears of his children. In this way, his purpose would be achieved, and at least he could make the last effort for his children.

So what can Kong Rong say to the Li brothers?

That he was giving instructions to his children and that these things have nothing to do with you two?

Kong Rong could only remain silent.

But such silence made the two Li brothers gradually change from confusion and doubt to anger and resentment.

The Li brothers felt that they had been tricked by Kong Rong. More importantly, Kong Rong might have used a method to taint himself. In order to save his own life, he sold the Li brothers!

At first, the Li brothers just begged in a low voice, and then persuaded with kind words, hoping that Kong Rong could say something, but what they got in exchange was Kong Rong's silence...

Then the Li brothers gradually began to ridicule, and then quickly turned into insults, and the roaring voices echoed in the cell.

Kong Rong sighed and closed his eyes.

Outside the cell, Cheng Yu tilted his head, frowning slightly as he listened to the sounds inside.

This situation is inconsistent with what Lu Hong reported.

Lu Hong's crime of arresting the two Li brothers was because the Li brothers colluded with Kong Rong and wanted to do evil. But now it seems that Kong Rong and the Li brothers are not very familiar at all. Cheng Yu originally wanted to eavesdrop on the plans between Kong Rong and the Li brothers, but now it sounds...

But it didn't matter, Cheng Yu snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Even if the two Li brothers had no connection with Kong Rong, they were not in the same group before, but now they are.

As for being unjustly accused, it was not within the scope of Cheng Yu's consideration at all.

For Cheng Yu, things or people can only be divided into two categories, useful and useless.

Now since Li Pan Licheng and Kong Rong met and nothing was heard, there was no need for him to stay here for a long time.

This time, Cheng Yu really left, leaving a hustle and bustle behind him.

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