Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2779 Xiahou Man crossed the pass, and the Rangers in the pass rescued Wang Chang

Peng Yue, like Chang Fang, had been lurking in Yingchuan for a long time.

After Liu Xie arrived in Xu County, the Hussars once sent a team of troops to serve as the emperor's imperial guard. But for Cao Cao, how could he be willing to have such a big nail stuck under his nose?

Therefore, Cao Cao tried every means to remove Huang Xian, who commanded the imperial army, and then annexed these soldiers.

As Huang Xian's deputy at that time, one was Yang Wu and the other was Peng Yue.

Huang Xian died.

Yang Wu defected to Cao Cao. As for the specific reason, perhaps only Yang Wu himself knows.

Peng Yue took advantage of the chaos to escape. First, Mao changed his job as a bandit in the mountains and forests, and later contacted Fei Qian's men and lurked in Yingchuan as a backup force for Chen Bin, Chang Fang and others.

In this operation, Chang Fang died in Xinji County, and the Loli snatched from Xinji County naturally became Peng Yue's responsibility. It is a very punishing thing to snatch lolita in the later generations. After all, it only takes three years to start, but in the big man...

Come on, let's interview Mr. San.

Third Master?

Where did the third master hide?

Forget it, anyway, if you don’t come out, Third Master, everyone knows...

In the Han Dynasty or some lawless areas, robbing people, even robbing brides, was not a big deal.

The key is the identity of the person robbed.

If you have a high status, such as the third master, you may not be able to become a royal relative, but if you are ordinary people, such as the Huns and Xianbei who go south to plunder every year, how many people will be written on the green bamboo?

The big man has order, but order may not exist everywhere. Just like the area where Peng Yue is hiding now, it is actually near Bowang Slope. There are many hills and forests in this area. Although this is the only way to pass through Yuzhou and Jingzhou, and merchants are constantly coming and going, there are still many places that generally no one goes to.

Bowang Slope was stationed by Cao Jun.

Peng Yue and two or three others lay on the ridge on one side of Bowang Slope and looked down.

Generally speaking, if Peng Yue and others cross Bowang Slope alone, there will not be a big problem.

Because the location of Bowangpo was inside Cao's army's sphere of influence, there were not many troops stationed there, and normal searches were not strict.

But things are different now.

Bowangpo is already heavily guarded.

On the one hand, it is already winter, and there are relatively few merchants on the road. On the other hand, a warning has been received...

It's no wonder that Cao's army in Bowangpo is like this. In Yingchuan territory, there are suddenly more than 20 cavalry, which can go deep into the hinterland of Yingchuan. They are also very powerful. They not only invaded the county town, but also rushed out. Although it was ordinary Cao Jun didn't know what the important military situation was or what happened, but this did not prevent them from issuing orders from the street to block off the north and south of Bowang Slope and conduct a strict search.

"Head, what should I do?" I can’t get through it! Peng Yue's men asked.

I've been delayed here for two days and can't find any flaws.

Speaking of which, Huang Zhong is more or less to blame for this. If Huang Zhong hadn't gone home to visit Bowang Slope, Cao Jun wouldn't have strengthened his troops at Bowang Slope...

Of course, Cao Jun would not specifically notify Chang Fang and Peng Yue in Yingchuan when they strengthened their troops in Bowang Slope. Therefore, when Chang Fang and Peng Yue made plans, they made them according to the previous lax situation. As a result, they were stuck. here.

Now, let alone bringing Loli through, even if Peng Yue and others want to go through, it will be difficult!


Xiahou Zizang fell off his horse and felt dizzy, his back and legs ached, and he seemed to lack the strength to scream. Ever since he was a child... well, at least in the past few years, he has never suffered as much as he is now.

The Xiahou family was not very wealthy at the beginning, especially in the early days of the Cao family's rebellion. Everything they had was used as military expenses. At that time, there was really nothing. In addition, at that time, almost all the adults were worried about their future, fearing that the whole family would surrender that day, or that they would be sent as hostages to Boss Yuan. Why would they want to educate their children well?

Of course, this cannot all be blamed on the adults. After all, there are children who can still grow up healthily and thrive despite adversity. It can only be said that under such an environment, multiple factors worked together to form the current character of Xiahou Zizang.

Because Xiahou Zizang escaped secretly, there was not much dry food, and most importantly, no one brought much horse food. So now, not only do people need to eat, but they also need to provide food for the horses. After all, at the moment It's freezing cold, and I don't know where to go if I want to let my war horse eat green grass.

Well, even if you nibble on greens, it can only be regarded as some snacks for the war horses. Once the war horses start to drive, if they just nibble on greens, then the consumption will be greater than the intake. Otherwise, it will start to consume the storage of the war horses in two or three days. of fat, and then you can watch the war horse lose weight before your eyes, and then gradually lose endurance and physical strength...

Xiahou Zizang's bodyguard had jumped off his horse first, helped Xiahou Zang find a drier place to sit down, and then said: "My Lord, a little further ahead is Bowang Slope. After Bowang Slope, , almost to Xiangyang..."

"Huh...yes!" ” Xiahou Zizang gritted his teeth and said, “Yes! When we get to Xiangyang, grandpa wants to eat meat! Beef and lamb shank! Fat Zhi! Lean roast! Apply a layer of Western spices... hiss..."

Xiahou Zizang said, not only himself, but also the guards around him shed tears.

"My lord..." the guard said helplessly, "ahead is Bowang Slope, the road is blocked... could this be... to stop us?" If we want to go there, we don’t have military orders on hand..."

Xiahou Zang was stunned and subconsciously asked, "Is there any other way around?" 』

The guard shook his head slowly.

Why is there Bowang Slope instead of some short board road? Isn’t it because this road is the most suitable for human travel? You don’t have to argue that you can’t take other paths, but you also have to understand that not everyone is the reincarnation of Mr. Pei.

Xiahou Zizang pondered for a moment, then beat his sore legs twice, "Is it possible to rush over?" 』

Although Xiahou Zizang said he wanted to take a detour, in fact he couldn't bear to take a detour.

The guard squatted in front of Xiahou Zizang, picked up a fallen branch and pulled it twice on the ground, "The military camp used to be here, but now not only have checkpoints been set up on the road, but also a lot of resistance horses have been added... Can't rush through it?" past……"

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Dry! Do you want a military order? ! Xiahou Zizang suddenly slapped his hands and cursed angrily, "Who is grandpa?" Grandpa is Xiahou! Mount up! Just go there! Grandpa will beat anyone who doesn't let grandpa pass! 』

After all, he escaped, so that Xiahou Zizang was somewhat limited by the thought mode of escape. Suddenly, Xiahou Zizang remembered that he had another identity, and suddenly he became majestic, shouting and getting on his horse. He mounted his horse and whistled, causing the birds in the surrounding woods to fly around in confusion...


The rapid sound of horse hooves resounded throughout the land of Heluo.

Above the official road, it is still relatively solid. Although it is mixed with mud and snow, compared with the surrounding mud fields, it can still allow war horses to gallop. Once you leave the official road, it is impossible to say that the land is mixed with mud and water, and it will sink. Go in and throw someone overboard.

Although the pursuers are now approaching, the possibility of rushing over in one go is still not small!

Although Wang Chang has the consciousness of being a bait, it is of course best if he can avoid being caught or eaten.

Everyone leaned forward to reduce wind resistance as much as possible, clinging to the horse's back, matching the ups and downs of the horse, and rushed forward along the avenue!

Fortunately, it snowed two days ago, so that most of the roads are now a mixture of mud and snow. Otherwise, just the smoke and dust would have exposed Wang Chang and his party from a distance...

Two groups of people, one big and one small, ran wildly along the road and were about to catch up!

Such an unusual situation certainly attracted the attention of the Yang family, the number one force in the Heluo area.

But pay attention, and after reporting it, you got a helpless reply, stationed in the city defense, staying behind closed doors.

In other words, just pretend you didn’t see it…

For Yang Xiu, he is like a small country sandwiched between two big countries. Big bosses from both sides can move in and out of him at will... well, enter and exit the territory without any cover, although sometimes Yang Xiu can't help it. He screamed twice, but most of the time he just endured it and remained silent.

In the early years, Yang Xiu felt that Xiliang had no future, that is, Fei Qian was like a rabbit whose tail could not grow and could not become a leader. This kind of understanding is of course due to the Yang family's own position on the one hand, and on the other hand it is also caused by the inertial thinking of the Shanxi gentry over the past one or two hundred years. Therefore, Yang Xiu tried his best to flirt with Cao Cao at the beginning, even secretly. Will solve some minor problems for Cao Cao.

However, in the subsequent evolution, Guanzhong did not decline as originally expected by Yang Xiu, and even became stronger and stronger. This made Yang Xiu's plan completely failed, and he had to start to re-examine him and Fei Qian. The relationship between……

Salted fish, you also have dreams.

Yang Xiu's original plan was that he felt that Fei Qian's Xiliang faction and Wu Fu could not govern the country, nor could they cooperate with the Jingxiang system. The two sides would inevitably part ways and break with each other, so he had a chance to get the first-come-first-served advantage. If If Feiqian collapses, then he can rush into Guanzhong immediately and station in Chang'an to tie up the mess. He can also smoothly expand his strength and inherit the foundation of Guanzhong!

But Yang Xiu waited. The longer he waited, the more frustrated he became!

The dream is gradually shattered, and salted fish will naturally remain salted fish.

Showing off, who wouldn’t?

For some time now, Heluo has been in a state of ruin because there is no hope for the future. Anyway, the two big bosses of the East and the West can do whatever they like!

Therefore, Wang Chang fled all the way, and the Yang family paid no attention to him. Xia Houshang led his men to pursue him, but they also ignored him.

However, because the horses of Wang Chang and others were physically exhausted, they were gradually chased by Xia Houshang and others.


Xiahou Zizang was so powerful that he attacked the military checkpoint at Bowangpo.

When facing Cao Jun's ordinary military academy, Xiahou Zizang displayed 100%, no, 120% of his skills. Not only was he arrogant, but he also whipped him directly with a riding whip, which immediately caused chaos at the sentry post at the general camp.

Xiahou Zizang's roar almost resounded through the sky. If you didn't know who he was, you wouldn't think that he, like the third master, had some unique voice skills...

Xiahou Zizang did not hold an official position, but he had a private seal. Moreover, Xiahou Zizang claimed that he was going to Xiangyang to find Cao Ren. This high-ranking official wanted to find relatives. Whether this reason is sufficient or not depends on who can be more truthful?

Who dares to be more serious?

These Cao troops were nominally the Han army, but their food and pay were in the hands of the Cao clan and the Xiahou clan!

Although Xiahou Zizang did not have military orders, whether he had military orders or not did not seem to be a big deal in front of Xiahou Erzi.

The originally strict checkpoint was like paper in front of the powerful government office. This situation immediately inspired Peng Yue, who had been observing and thinking.

Why can it only be a rush and a detour?

"I have an idea!" Peng Yue suddenly had an idea, and he said to his men, "I will go there alone first, and then I will recruit reinforcements!" We can't deal with these checkpoints, but someone can! 』

"You mean...General Huang?" Peng Yue's men also brightened up.

Obviously, Cao Jun at these checkpoints is particularly sensitive to large-scale teams, otherwise he would not have been hit by Xiahou Zizang's riding whip.

"I still have Cao Jun's equipment..." Peng Yue whispered, "Obviously, the team that just passed by did not have military orders... So, this is a good opportunity..."

Obviously, even without Xiahou Zizang's loud voice and unable to hear what Xiahou Zizang shouted, just by looking at the loud commotion, he knew that these people were not following the official path. If you really want to have a general military order, just take it out and it will be over in a few moments, so why bother with it for a long time?

You know, Peng Yue was a serious imperial guard of the Han Dynasty before!

Although Peng Yue has resigned, because he has not gone through the resignation procedures, he naturally still has a complete set of equipment for the Han Forbidden Army...

Who knows whom these days? Aren’t they all doing things based on their clothes?

As long as Huang Zhong comes, who can stop this small military camp?


Peng Yue found a way to break the situation, but Wang Chang fell into crisis.

Wang Chang's team is not a team that specializes in fighting. As a guard for the envoy, they only have some simple weapons and necessary equipment. Some sharper weapons and some more advanced equipment are not brought. This This resulted in that when Wang Chang and his troops were overtaken by the weakened strength of their horses, Wang Chang and others could not give Xia Houshang a strong counterattack and could only resist passively.

Although Xia Houshang himself was not very powerful in terms of force, he saw Cao Chun commanding the cavalry in the north of Youzhou. He more or less knew some methods, which was to let the cavalry on the left and right wings move forward along the road, like a net. Wang Chang and his party went up.

Cao's cavalry did not hesitate to pursue madly, and gradually approached Wang Chang on both sides, and Wang Chang and his party were parallel. This caused Wang Chang and others to begin to withstand the bow and arrow fire of Cao's cavalry.

The arrows whizzed in the wind. Although the accuracy may not always be ideal, it was like a lottery. Once they were hit, Wang Chang and others would inevitably cause damage if they were not fully equipped with armor. harm.

Someone among the guards on the outside was unfortunately shot. With a wailing sound, he fell off his horse, rolled, and then disappeared into the mud and snow.

While running wildly, Wang Chang suddenly saw something familiar to him flashing past in front of him!

Wang Chang turned his head sharply and looked at a forest far ahead.

In the woods, some bright lights flashed past, and then flashed again.

Wang Chang's heart skipped a beat. He knew what it was. It was the light reflected from the bronze mirror!

This represents a signal to ask!

As Wang Chang, who has spent some time in Shangshutai, he knows that there are actually many hussar scouts roaming around in the Heluo area. On the one hand, they maintain surveillance of Shandong's military, and on the other hand, they also train troops.

Of course, as Yang's soldiers are further degraded, using Yang's soldiers to train troops can no longer meet the needs of hussar scouts, so there are often some soldiers getting closer and closer to the Shandong area, and Chen Liu or Hanoi's Cao Jun's scouts fought.

If there are too many fights, of course there will be losses and losses. Sometimes when there are fewer people and more people, Cao Jun will bite you on the butt. Therefore, in Heluo, there are some points where you can stay for a long time. I brought some hussar scouts in case anything unexpected happened.

Although Wang Chang didn't know the specific location of these points, it didn't prevent him from interpreting the signals sent by the hussar scouts in the forest with their bronze mirrors!

It means there are hussars and horses here!

Wang Chang excitedly pulled out the copper whistle hanging around his neck, then held it in his mouth and blew a sharp whistle...

In the first few whistles, because Wang Chang was agitated, his breath was not stable and he did not play the correct rhythm. However, as he adjusted his breathing, he blew the whistle for help in accordance with the requirements of the military code.

Zhu Ling, who was in the woods in front of Wang Chang, was alarmed early by the sound of horse hooves on the official road.

As a subordinate of Tai Shici, Zhu Ling was promoted to the fifth rank general after participating in the Battle of Hanzhong, and returned to Hangu Pass to garrison.

In the past few days, Zhu Lingzheng and his subordinates not only inspected the military defenses inside and outside Hangu Pass, but also took people out of the Tongguan area and went to the Heluo area for reconnaissance and inspection.

Through the branches and trunks of fallen leaves and semi-defoliated trees, Zhu Ling squinted at the two groups of people getting closer and closer on the official road. Although the men and horses in the rear obviously looked like Cao Jun, in order to pursue stability, Zhu Ling still had people send out signals for screening.

"General!" listen! ” the guard beside Zhu Ling shouted in a low voice.

If Yang's soldiers were being chased by Cao's army, they would not know the meaning of the signal, and Zhu Ling would not pay attention to it. However, since the person being chased blew the whistle in response and identified his identity, Zhu Ling would naturally not be able to sit idly by. reason.

Zhu Ling tilted her ears slightly, confirmed it, then smiled, stood up, and said, "He is really one of ours!" Mount up! Get ready to fight! 』

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