Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2836: Those who can benefit the world

Upon hearing this, Pang Tong's face darkened.彚

After all these years, there is still such a person among the three assistants of Chang'an?

Pang Tong had some doubts at first, but then he thought about it, the grandstander has been around for three to four hundred years, how can he not have that time?

"Who is Zhang?" What did he say he wanted to remonstrate? Pang Tong asked.

There was an officer from the Wen Department who came to report. Ma Gang was sweating a little. He glanced at Kan Ze and didn't dare to hesitate. He lowered his head and reported back: "I'm reporting to you, I only know that he is Zhang's name. He has a famous village name and a courtesy name." Zilong is from Heluo, the rest are unknown and are being traced. This man was in the Qinglong Temple and said that many things in the Western Regions were caused by the hussars, so he gathered a crowd to write a letter and wanted to give his advice! 』

In the Han Dynasty, there was no rapid personnel screening system, and there was no big data for face recognition. There were only ordinary text files and human brain memory. Therefore, when Zhang Cun appeared, Youwensi could not immediately match the relevant information about Zhang Cun. He was also a person. Very natural thing.

"People from Heluo?" ” Pang Tong frowned slightly, then began to ponder.

Kan Ze looked at Pang Tong and saw that Pang Tong had no intention of giving an order, so he directly ordered: "In accordance with your order, we will start with the Yang family file!" Then check Cao’s files! At the same time, someone was sent to inquire about Fan's family, whether there are spies coming to Chang'an in the near future! 』彽

Fan Cong was caught before, but he didn't just kill him with a knife, but still stayed in Tongguan.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were already a lot of double or even multiple spies between countries. Nowadays, having one more Fan Cong is actually not a big deal. Killing Fan Cong only made Cao Jun wary, and he sent a fresh face to say that he would not pay back. Pang Tong and Kanze need to spend more time screening...

Hearing that Si was working in Maanshan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., he left in a hurry.

Pang Tong suddenly sneered, "This is such a direct admonishment... haha, it's really..."

Even without mentioning Zhang Cun's place of origin, Pang Tong quickly judged that he was probably from the Shandong faction.

Because it is very simple. The current three assistants of Chang'an, as well as the gentry children and local squires in the Hedong area, are no longer very resistant to Fei Qian's policies, regulations, etc., and generally just lie down and enjoy...

After all, when Feiqian closes the door, he often opens the window.彚

It's better to open up the road than to block it, Fei Qian guided them.

The areas suitable for planting Zhuanghe will mainly develop the planting industry. The rest of the industries will gradually be guided by various laws and taxes, or it can be said to be forced to relocate, and then areas with different industries will be formed. This is basically equivalent to the complete destruction of the small peasant economy. The soil established the structure of the division of labor in a large society.

When the landlord class was not limited to land cultivation, natural differentiation within the landlord class also occurred.

Their respective interests no longer overlap blindly on the land, and the disputes between them have turned more into cooperation. The entire Chang'an Sanfu including the surrounding areas is developing rapidly. As long as everyone and every family find the right Your own position can benefit from it, so naturally you have no intention of competing. They are all busy making money and grabbing positions. Who will be stupid enough to jump out and go against Fei Qian?

However, as time goes by, this internal differentiation will still produce various conflicts of interest, and then high-profit industries will devour low-profit industries, just like sheep eating people in history. Obviously, these things are not uncommon for Pang Tong. After all, during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a guy had already started playing this trick, so as Fei Qian said, it is completely unnecessary. Wait until this scene is repeated before exploring the significance of the issue.

As the industry develops and expands, the scale effect will inevitably be like magnets, automatically coming together. However, magnets have two poles, and they will also have items that they repel. The more magnets come together, the stronger the repulsive force. In order to expand profits, if there are no legal restrictions, they will eventually go crazy, and these industries will continue to test the red lines of the law. For example, in capitalist countries, members of the parliament are often used to apply for bills to lower the industrial standards of certain countries. , so that your worse products can be sold smoothly to obtain more profits. After all, behind a king of a certain industry, there is usually at least one big boss supporting the waist of the industry king. This is common sense.

Then more industries are connected upstream and downstream. Landlords look for landlords, mines look for mines, and salt sellers look for salt substitutes...

Therefore, party struggle is inevitable.

Just like the so-called Zhang family's remonstrance, isn't it also a manifestation of party struggle?

Is it possible that Zhang Shi really just expressed his personal indignation and did not mix anything else into it?

"Your Majesty, do you want someone to intercept..." Kan Ze saw that Pang Tong didn't give any instructions, then estimated the time and asked, "After all, from Qinglong Temple to Chang'an Hussar Mansion... if we enter the city within the city, It’s inevitable that there will be onlookers who do bad things..."

Pang Tong pinched his chin, "No need... Haha, I really want to see how many other people can be as stupid as the Zhang family... Also, is the Zhang family really stupid or just pretending to be stupid... 』

……(〃> dishes<)……

The official building outside the palace of the Han Hussar General is the Shangshu Terrace.彚

Xun You raised his head and was a little surprised, "Someone wants to directly admonish the lord?" 』

The clerk's head was sweating, "Yes..."

Xun You nodded and said, "Then just follow the procedure." 』

"But... Mr. Zheng..." The clerk hesitated.

"Is there anyone else in the Zhijian Courtyard?" Xun You asked calmly.

"I understand!" ” After receiving the order, the clerk also left in a hurry.

He never thought that someone would really want to rebuke him!彚

Zhijian was originally in charge of Zheng Xuan, but if anyone had any opinions, they could go to the Zhijian Academy to make a statement.

The Zhijianyuan is generally similar to the petitioning agency of later generations, but in any case, the Zhijianyuan of Chang'an Sanfu is relatively civilized, at least it will not change the code or break the legs.

Because after Zheng Xuan became seriously ill, Zhijianyuan almost had no one in charge, so it was temporarily suspended. However, he didn't have much work to do originally, so when he encountered this problem for the first time, he was a little at a loss.

Xun You frowned slightly as he watched the clerk leave.

Regarding the issue of party struggle mentioned by Fei Qian, he, like Pang Tong, suddenly understood a little more.

After all, Xun You didn't have the experience of later generations like Fei Qian, where the keyboard warrior appeared on the forum and appeared. Does the Gangjing Keyboard Warrior really not know whether the question is right or wrong? I believe that most people actually know that it is just for the sake of provocation, self-expression and other factors, and they do not really want to explore the truth and find a solution.



Never heard of this name.

Xun You was almost considered Fei Qian's great steward in Chang'an, and basically took care of various chores. If he didn't have any impression of this name, there were only two possibilities. One was that this person had no special talents and had never shown them before. This person just came to Chang'an not long ago.

Therefore, compared to the issues being addressed at this moment, isn’t this ridiculous?

The affairs of the Western Regions involve a wide range of things, not just Lu Bu, nor just one place in the Western Regions...

Xun You recalled what Fei Qian said before.

"The Han should have enemies." There are enemies to strengthen oneself. 』彽

"If you want to avoid the enemy in the world, you will not be far from death in the world." During the time of Xiaowu, there were Xiongnu, and they fought against them, so they should be strong. After Guangwu abandoned Hexi, he avoided it and was afraid of it, so he was weak. 』

"The Han Dynasty should have disputes." People fight for the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, so that they can use the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers. However, there should be laws in fighting, and the laws do not rely on the strong to bully the weak, but on protecting the weak, and they will last for a long time. 』

"The Sui people fight for fire, and its existence is the law, and they win with countless claws. They fight for a nest to live in, and spread it as the law to stabilize China. Yan and Huang fight in the wilderness, and alliances are the law to stabilize the fertile land of China..."

"Now that we are fighting over parties and discussing laws, and it is difficult to distinguish superior from inferior for a while, we can try it in foreign lands to see who is superior." For example, the experimental field method. If this is established as a rule, the disasters caused by the party's imprisonment can be eliminated, unnecessary disasters can be eliminated, and the world can benefit! 』

This idea surprised and admired Xun You. Perhaps only Hussar can get to the core of the messy problem!

There are different political opinions and different plans. When communication and negotiation cannot be carried out for a certain period of time, and conflicts arise that cannot be adjusted, then move out and use other people's land to experiment with changes in China...

At the same time, third-party arbitration institutions are dispatched to other areas, such as Zhiyin Yuan, Examination Office, Youwen Division, etc. If they are done well, the results will be seen within three to five years, but if they are done poorly, they may be exposed in one or two years. , just like the crops in the field, when they are finally harvested, the weight on the scale beam is the only criterion that determines the quality of this piece of land.彚

As long as there are rules.

Or called, standards.

As a descendant, Fei Qian knows that the word "standard" is extremely important.

In today's world, who is qualified to set standards?

Only the hussar general.

In this way, the core area of ​​the Central Plains of China can avoid party disputes to the greatest extent, especially various problems that arise in the implementation of immature political and economic methods. Even if there are disputes over interests, you can still try Sit down and discuss what is good and what is not good, which parts can be used, which parts can be removed...

The concept of experimental fields is actually not unfamiliar to Pang Tong and Xun You. After all, it has already been demonstrated in the farm under Zao Zhi. And this model of extending from farming and mulberry farming to the theory of state governance has always been the mainstream political attitude in China, and there is nothing difficult to understand.彚

Party struggle will inevitably result in party imprisonment, or even something more serious than party imprisonment...

But now with Fei Qian's guidance, perhaps the future will be brighter.

Xun You still remembered that when he heard Fei Qian's words, it was as if there was suddenly a light in the dark night!

Unknown things are always scary.

Although a lamp may not be able to illuminate the entire path under your feet, it can at least make it possible to see part of it clearly.

Regarding the Western Regions, Xun You boasted that he had thought a lot about it. He even imagined three kinds of Lu Bu's final fate, but Xun You still did not expect that Fei Qian would take advantage of the Western Regions to the extreme.

Can Lu Bu be the only one who can open up the Western Regions?彚

Obviously not.

If it were someone else, even Xun You himself, even if he couldn't go into battle to kill the enemy in person, he could still recover the Western Region and open up trade routes. There is no doubt about this.

But Lu Bu could only go to the Western Regions.

There is already Zhao Yun in the Northern Desert.

There are many mountains and forests in southern Xinjiang. Lu Bu's strength has always been on horseback. Without horseback, he will lose at least half of his power.

So in the end, Lu Bu had only one choice, and of course, so did Li Ru. It is even very possible that Li Ru suggested to Fei Qian that he and Lu Bu go to the Western Regions, and at the same time, he also took away those relatively unruly and stubborn elements in the Bingzhou Army and the Xiliang Army...

As a result, after Li Ru and Lu Bu, as well as the old Bingzhou Xiliang generals and military academy, left, Fei Qian could quickly take over the inheritance that originally belonged to Dong Zhuo, and there would be no friction problems that arose during the handover process.彚

The hatred generated by the Sanfu of Chang'an and the Heluo area because of the Bingzhou Army and the Xiliang Army will naturally not fall on the successor Fei Qian. The merits gained by Li Ru, Lu Bu and other people from Xiliang in the old Bingzhou Province in the process of opening up the Western Regions can also be used to offset some of their previous actions. Yes, people like Li Ru are the smartest. He never came back and died directly in the outer realm, and all his merits and demerits came to an end.

It's a pity that Lu Bu is not smart enough. Maybe Lu Bu also realizes it, but he is just afraid of death?

These were all deduced by Xun You before, and he thought he had a glimpse of Fei Qian's overall layout, but now Xun You discovered that this was actually just a small corner of the chessboard of the Western Regions.

Bigger plans and more layouts were revealed with Lu Bu's actions in the Western Regions.

Lu Bu...

What a fool.

Xun You sighed slightly.彚

Does Lu Bu really think that since he controls the Western Region, he can negotiate terms with Fei Qian?

Just like Zhang Cun now, does he really think he knows so much about the Western Regions that he can comment on the Hussars?

In fact, problems in the Western Regions may not necessarily occur in the Western Regions. They may also occur in the Northern Desert, southern Xinjiang, and places where the Han people cannot directly reach them, just like they did in Longyou, Hanzhong, and Sichuan. As with all the problems that arise, there are always some people who think that distance can help them get rid of the control of the central court and have a sweet dream of becoming a Turkish emperor.

Then they all said it was Fei Qian's indulgence, intentional?

As for Fei Qian, he is already waiting for problems to arise in the Western Regions, just like the one in Spring and Autumn...

But who can blame this?

The Spring and Autumn Period can also be said to be the lack of friendship between brothers and the lack of affection between parents and children, which expresses a lack of friendship. However, Fei Qian and Lu Bu are neither brothers nor father and son, at most they are just It can be regarded as just friendship. Can you use this to accuse Fei Qian? Oh, my friend recommended me to an important position, and then I took the position. I didn’t thank my friend properly when I did well, but I only blamed my friend when I failed. Why did I recommend him to this position?彚

The most critical point is that Lu Bu set a very bad precedent for the generals.

Of course, this precedent was not set by the Han Dynasty, but by Fei Qian's subordinates.

This has woken up many generals.

Such as Zhang Liao.

Thinking of Zhang Liao, Xun You couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Qiusi Feiqian repeatedly emphasized that Lu Bu would not die except for great rebellion.

Everyone knows what this means!彚

Zhang Liao, Zhang Wenyuan...

After all, Zhang Liao himself was also born in Bingzhou!

Not only Zhang Liao, but also Xu Huang is half a native of Bingzhou.

There are also generals like Wei Yan, Taishi Ci, etc., who doesn't want to become a guard in the future?

Become the next Great Protector?

Something is happening in the Western Region now.

Once Lu Bu has a major problem, even Fei Qian will express his relief, but will the people on the civilian side let these generals go? The Han Dynasty has been around for three to four hundred years. Are there still few examples like this? If the status of the generals who had finally been raised again fell down again because of Lu Bu alone, would these generals sympathize with Lu Bu?彚

That’s why Zhang Liao went to the Western Regions desperately...

For Lu Bu, for Zhang Liao himself, and for other generals.

How much does this fool-like Zhang Cun know about all these aspects?

And in addition to the above, Fei Qian's use of the Western Regions is not over yet!

Every time something like Lu Bu breaks out, it is an opportunity for Fei Qian to implement new laws.

This makes people helpless and has nothing to say.

This made Xun You feel that Fei Qian was like a parent who circled a circle and let the children struggle. When the problem was solved and the children could no longer solve the problem, he would step in and spank those who deserved and wipe those who deserved. Wipe your butt...

Just like at the Chancellery, those who should be spanked and those who should be wiped are busy now.

As for the experimental field plan proposed by Fei Qian...

When Fei Qian proposed this concept, Xun You couldn't help but shudder, because he felt that this experimental field was not only targeting the Western Regions, but also Fei Qian's other areas, and also vaguely pointed to Shandong!

The Shandong nobles were staring at their own territory, but Fei Qian was looking at the whole world!

The children of the Shandong gentry are still worrying about their own land and the quality of the landholding system, but Fei Qian is already planning a long-term political form for ten, twenty, or even longer years...

What will be the future of the Han Dynasty? Who will be the leader in the future? After the serious interpretation of Qinglong Temple, it is no longer about believing in prophecies or raising rumors, but there is a new standard, which is the experimental field reiterated by Fei Qian. Planned standards!

Fei Qian took advantage of this incident in the Western Regions to clearly place this standard in front of the people of the world again!彚

Only those who can benefit the world will be the masters of the world!

Sui people have nests, Yanhuang, Dayu...

Xun You could even imagine how angry and helpless the Shandong nobles would be after such news was passed to Shandong.

This is the righteousness of the world!

The Western Region is a test field for Fei Qian, so why is Shandong another test field?

But now, it is gradually becoming clear which experimental field is good and which field is bad.

Xun You was hesitant before about writing a family letter to Xun Yu, but now he found that there was no need to write it.彚

"Those who can benefit the world..."

Xun You repeated it softly, then smiled and continued to do what he was doing. He needs to check for deficiencies, improve and realize the direction pointed by Fei Qian, and does not have much time and energy to devote to Zhang Cun...



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