Robinson was furious.

She lifted the quilt, and the upper body was covered with a long T-shirt, which covered the lower body with underwear. She opened the curtains to let the sunlight into the room as much as she wanted, and then cleaned up. She threw all the sheets and dirty clothes into the washing machine, folded the clean clothes and put them away, washed the dishes, mopped the floor, and sorted the things on the table and books one by one.

It wasn't until she was done with all this that she realized that it had taken more than an hour. Not to mention that the room looked brand new, but it looked completely different than before. She usually spent more time wasting time surfing the Internet in the name of work. .

She made a cup of coffee, sat at the desk, looked at the neat table and room, and felt pretty good for the first time.

Robinie suddenly understood the mistakes she had made before.

She didn't separate life from work, making both home and work lack a sense of margin and ritual, thus messing up life and work, and finally delaying everything.


She should go out to work.

Thinking this way, Robinie opened the two largest online bookstores abroad, one of which was the online bookstore of Barnes \u0026 Noble. "84 Charing Cross Road" once despised this bookstore in the book, saying that this bookstore The bookstore is full of sloppy books that the brats have scribbled over. But this store is now the second largest online bookstore.

The physical store business is really hard to do now, and Robinie also chooses online shopping when buying books. Even with the igniting of "84 Charing Cross Road" and the leadership of various big Vs, there has recently been a wave of nostalgia and shopping for physical bookstores, but the bulk of book sales are still online bookstores.

She glanced at the list, and "84 Charing Cross Road" is unbeatable, and now it has occupied the top of the list of new products in bookstores. This is a remarkable achievement, it is the first book published by Robinie, Then get the popular book.

Although this is also the first book she handles to be published abroad.

However, even if it was translated by her, the translated books published in China have not achieved such an achievement. Occasionally, they have entered the top ten or top five. That is because the translated books are too famous, and it has nothing to do with her. Thank God that her level is not lagging behind. There are quite a lot of picky about translation level in China, and she doesn't want to be infamous.

As for "No. 84, Charing Cross Road", this book is not well-known abroad, and she has also participated in it now, let alone a Chinese book. This sense of accomplishment is really unparalleled pride and pride .

This book is also her only sunshine and hope in the bleak years since her divorce.

Now, the book rises.

Robin looked around at Ming Jing, "Maybe I should change my way of life."

She returned her gaze to the website, and now the book is at the top of the new book rankings of the two major online bookstores. The best-selling book in the book can be at the top of the new book list, which is also the reason why there are no competitors in the same period. But if you want to enter the bestseller list, you must not only be a top bestseller, but also accumulate over time.

Perhaps, after this gust of wind, "84 Charing Cross Road" will be forgotten.

Therefore, Robinie dare not think about the best-seller list.

She closed the website, opened the Chinese music website, and followed the singer Li Yu.

Robinie has recently become obsessed with Li Yu. She used to listen to English songs, and occasionally Chinese songs. She would hear one or two songs by the Great Demon King, but she was not that fascinated. The origin of her fascination with Li Yu must be "84 Charing Cross Road", when translating this book, she was restless due to various factors and couldn't get into the state. She translated it into Chinese with ease, but translated it into English, even though the book had a translation accent when it was written, but She still felt awkward.

At this time, she suddenly thought, since this book is about a big devil, let's get to know the big devil. There is very little news about Li Yu, and there has been very little since her debut. If you want to know her, you can only know her through her works, so she listened to Li Yu's songs.

The first song she listened to was "Farewell".

This song is her most popular song recently. No matter it is on the sales list, golden song list or any other list, this song is at the top of the list. It can be said that it has swept even bigger lists. Can't get around this song.

"Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass stretches to the sky; the evening wind blows the sound of willows and flutes, and the sunset outside the mountain, the end of the sky, the corner of the earth, half of the friends are scattered, and a pot of dirty wine is full of joy..." In a foreign country In this place, when she was lonely, Robinie only heard this passage, and the whole door of her heart burst open like a gate being bombed, and the tears couldn't stop coming out.

She remembers the reluctance and entanglement of her parents when they sent her away from her homeland, the hesitation they did not know where their daughter would go, and the reluctance they pretended to laugh at. The setting sun was on the mountain outside the mountain, and her heart was in the sky at that time. At that time, she wanted to see the scenery outside the mountain. At that time, she gave up everything and came here, thinking that she had obtained everything.

But now everything is gone in the blink of an eye.

That day, Robinie cried for someone in the room, and her stomach hurt from crying, but she couldn't stop crying. After the tears finally dried up, the depression in my heart slowly unraveled. It was her surprise to discover that Li Yu lived in the south like her, and all the ballads she sang when she debuted, those laughing, cursing, happy, sad, bewildered, firm, angry, and pathetic Everything about the city and the alleys that is ironic, funny, and desperate is actually everything that Robinie misses and loves now. In her singing, Robini recalls many, many, many.

Since then, she fell in love with Li Yu's songs.

Just as Luo Beini was about to play all of Li Yu's songs, she suddenly discovered that she was new.


Robinie muttered, after seeing the composition and lyrics, she ordered to buy without hesitation.

Anonymous has many meanings.

But beside the Great Demon King, Robinie believes that there is only one meaning of being anonymous.

Although she had never met Anonymous, his writing reached Robinie's heart, and his song "Farewell" sang her to tears, so she was considered a half-confidant, and it was helpful to have some support. Because she knows the people around this great devil.

Then, the first time, Robinie heard it very strange. Most of the compositions used jazz chords. She listened a lot and knew a little, but what came out was the desolate wind and sand in the Northwest, the Gobi desert, and the national flavor of lonely villages.

It's hard to hear, but it's kind of interesting.

She listened to it again, then listened to it again, then listened to it again, and finally just read the lyrics, and then she felt that no matter the big devil who sang, the anonymous who wrote the lyrics were too good.

Especially the lyrics——

It was hard for her to imagine that it was written by the same person who wrote 84 Charing Cross Road.

After repeating the song for the single, Robinie opened the mailbox and started to deal with the work at hand.

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