World of Immortality

Chapter 658 Bloody Fort Battle!

"The Immortal World"

In the 10-2 section of the Great Wall of Desperation, the heavy rain washed the battlefield, and the eyes of dozens of superhumans were fixed on Tao An.

"Speak!! What did Li Yan do?!" Shi Wentian roared and asked.

Tao An looked at him incredulously, and asked back in a trembling tone, "You suspect that I'm an insider?!"

"I'm giving you three seconds at the end!! Where did Li Yan go?! Who else is your accomplice!"

"I came here to work hard, and you doubt me?! Why?" Tao An excitedly pushed Shi Wentian: "Is it just because of your father's mysterious operation?! Without you Historian, can we be so passive?! Are you messing with me?”

Shi Wentian's lips twitched and his arms trembled: "I...I don't know why you wear a pair of pants with the Hezhong Alliance! But... But as a comrade who has fought side by side, I can tell you clearly that you went wrong gone."

After finishing speaking, Shi Wentian turned his head resolutely, pulled his neck and shouted: "Rabbit brigade, separate out 20 people, inject him with inhibitory fluid, send him to the inspection department, and let Commander He interrogate him personally!! Ye Zhi, Zhong Hu , follow me with the rest of your brigade, and the others return to the assembly point and stand by!"


Everyone responded in unison. After Tao An was controlled by the super body, he was still shouting loudly: "You historians are sinners!!! In terms of conspiracy and tricks, no one can handle you! You have no right to investigate should all be dragged out and shot!! "

Facing this kind of accusation and scolding, Shi Wentian could no longer afford to explain and fight back, because Li Yan had disappeared, and if he made any changes at this time point, it would definitely cause a big deal.

Don't think about it, Tao An has a problem 100%, because his reaction just now was too extreme, and if he didn't deal with it with a few words, he was already a bit anxious to jump over the wall.

Moreover, his accusations and insults against Shi Wentian obviously had the meaning of provoking the rest of the staff, which is enough to show that...his contact with the AI ​​was not a coincidence, nor was he framed by someone.


The rabbit brigade and the brigade led by Zhong Hu quickly completed their assembly. Several leading personnel met Shi Wentian near the suspension vehicle and started a quick discussion.

"The monitoring report of the camp showed that they moved to the south of Samar City. Since they sneaked away, there was no fighting. At first, my people thought they had a separate mission." Zhong Hu quickly introduced the situation : "...After leaving the camp, Li Yan's people should have turned on the satellite positioning jamming system and cut off the communication with the command center. Currently 122 people have disappeared."

Shi Wentian looked at the map on the screen with a frown, and asked softly, "Did the patrols along the way spot them?"

"No, the city is in chaos right now. There are armed and dispersed people everywhere." Zhong Hu shook his head: "I asked the patrol units in various areas, but I didn't find them."

The group of people that Li Yan took away were all super-bodied and equipped with sophisticated combat equipment, so conventional satellite positioning and communication detection were unable to work on them.

Shi Wentian licked his lips: "South side?! Where is the last place they disappeared?!"

When Zhong Hu heard the words, he immediately called up a set of video images, pointed to a street and said, "It's right here! The monitoring equipment at the construction site of the Great Wall of Despair captured images of them leaving."

Shi Wentian flicked his slippery fingers on the screen. He stared at the map and murmured: "This place is already far away from the assembly camp! Judging from the intention of moving, they will be found if they leave, so there should be no time." What kind of trickery!! The place they want to go is the south side of Sama City! But what is there...!"

Shi Wentian closed his eyes, frowning in deep thought.

At this moment, Ye Zhi, who had been listening all the time, turned his head to look to the south, and suddenly said, "They...could they be heading for "Chang'an"?"

When Shi Wentian heard this, he suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Zhi: "Chang...Chang'an?"

"Look!! Chang'an is facing the Great Wall of Desperation,

If there is a problem there... the defense force directly in front of the entire Samar City will be very dangerous. "Ye Zhi pointed to the south side and said: "If I want to do this, I will definitely go to Chang'an!" "

A week ago, the red area death cannon "Chang'an" was assembled in the south of Samar City. It is the largest kinetic energy beam fort in the world. Its direct attack range is as high as 200 kilometers, and its indirect attack range is four One hundred and fifty kilometers away.

Its attack range can just cover the defensive area on the left side of the Impassable Great Wall. If the walking corpses attack, it will be the last barrier to protect the Great Wall. And this kind of heavy weapon, the eight super regions have contributed, and they are scattered in Sama City.

After Shi Wentian was woken up by a word, he immediately roared: "Just stop them and go to Chang'an!! All members, hurry there immediately!! Call the stealth fighter to come over and take me there first, hurry up! "

As soon as the words fell, everyone immediately took action, more than two hundred super bodies, plus Shi Wentian, Ye Zhi, Zhong Hu and others, all rushed to Chang'an Fort.

On the way, Shi Wentian connected the defense units of the Chang'an Fort and told them to cheer up, they would most likely be attacked by the rebels!


Three minutes later.

Outside a huge factory compound, Li Yan led more than a hundred people, turned on all interference devices, and was observing the ground in the compound.

They all know that Chang'an's main battery is hidden underground, and what they need to do is to occupy the control room, activate the battery, and destroy the gate of the Impassable Great Wall.

After Li Yan arrived here, he immediately prepared to use the communicator system to assign tasks to his team members.


At this moment, a sharp siren sounded, and a large number of armed personnel and various defensive forts suddenly appeared in the originally quiet and camouflaged compound.

Seeing this scene, Li Yan froze in place for an instant.

"...He... They seem to have discovered it." The deputy captain on the back reminded a little nervously: "Look, the beam accumulator cannons are all deployed!"


Li Yan gritted his teeth and scolded: "It must be that the 10-2 stage AI armed forces have been cleaned up. Shi Wentian found out about our departure."


At this moment, there was an electronic sound in the helmet, followed by a middle-aged voice resounding: "Li Yan, Shi Wentian has notified Chang'an's defense unit! It is claimed that rebels will attack here! Our The intention is exposed, you immediately organize an attack, and I will support it from the inside!"

"There are only a hundred of us, enough to get in!" Li Yan responded urgently.

"All the partners in the south of the city have gathered! Look at the signal and do it!!"

"Got it!" Li Yan nodded immediately.

After the two ended the connection, everyone waited quietly.

Less than three seconds later, there was a loud sound of fireworks rising into the sky, followed by a bright beam of light shooting into the night.

Li Yan looked at the sky and stood up abruptly: "Our memory has been completely sealed!! Even if we die here, we will be reborn on this planet sooner or later!! We are immortal!! Comrades of the New World Alliance Ladies!! Attack with me!!”

"Long live the new world!!!"

More than a hundred super bodies, like members of a brainwashed MLM organization, got up excitedly and roared.

"Long live the new world!!!"

"Long live the new world!!"


At the same time, unified slogans broke out in several surrounding streets, with great momentum!



After the order was issued, more than a hundred super-bodies all lifted off into the air, and rushed to the compound where the Chang'an Fort was located.

At this moment, the New World Alliance no longer hides their identities, but uses hysterical roars to inform the entire city, and even the entire world, of their true intentions!

When the charge started, all the military defense forces of the entire compound were thrown into the counterattack.

All kinds of bright light beams, the mushroom cloud rising from the ground, the high temperature that can incinerate everything, and the rising water vapor, all ruthlessly ravaged this land and buildings.

The ground was cracked, the building collapsed, and a super body of the New World Alliance was shot down in the air, howling and dying on the battlefield.

I don't know if Li Yan has fooled them. Have everyone's memories really been preserved? ! Is this possible? Has the organization bought life insurance for them? Is there any settlement fee?

These are all unknown and uncertain, but when the era of turmoil comes, there are really many people who will die alone for a slogan.

You say that they have faith, or they are stupid, but they still rely on the obsession of moths to the flame, and in this cold world... a small sparkle.

There were about 700 or 800 super-body who participated in the attack on the Chang'an Fort, and there was also a defection incident in the courtyard. A group of defenders defected and made an opening... Li Yan and others rushed in immediately.

After about two or three minutes of bloody battle, the main building containing the turret control equipment was occupied, and Li Yan met with the commander of the internal response.

It was a man wearing a Nuwa mask. After he led the crowd in, he immediately took control of the control room.

"Hurry up, dig out the eyeballs of the supreme commander, lock the pupils, refresh the program, and directly activate the fort!!!" The man wearing the Nuwa mask shouted extremely fast.

Li Yan and the others quickly got busy, and it took less than a minute to activate the fort. After the ground was split open, the raised cannon aimed at the Great Wall of Desperation! !


Just when Li Yan was about to store energy, a family of stealth fighters came to the side of the main building!


There was a loud noise, and the building was breached by the accumulator cannon.

Shi Wentian, Zhong Hu and others rushed into the dusty command room first.

In the ruins, Shi Wentian was wearing a mecha and was about to fight when he saw a man standing up in embarrassment at the left side of the shelling gap. Nuwa's mask was cracked.

It's just a face-to-face, half a face! ! Shi Wentian instantly recognized his identity, and then froze in place.


Samar City, inside the command building.

He Wen walked quickly, and asked in a solemn tone: "Wusi Cup City, can you provide a sufficient number of aircraft?!"

"Not enough! It is a small city, and there is no way to mobilize a sufficient number of aircraft in a short period of time!"

"...Order the southern tour base to mobilize the aircraft as quickly as possible! The main task at present is to send the hint given by Zhang Yunxi to the front line!!!" He Wen said very quickly: "Without them tonight, something big will happen Son!!"


While He Wen was communicating with the military personnel, there was a sound of footsteps, and the secretary ran over in a panic and shouted, "A report has been sent from Chang'an Base, someone has attacked the main building...!"

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