Black Dragon Code

Chapter 384 The Grip of the Empire

Kelendo stood on the roof at the top of the bridge command room, looking at the long fleet lined up behind him, his heart was surging.

Except for the huge armored flagship "Grasp of the Empire", the rest of the ships are also made of iron armor. Although these scout ships, frigates, and supply ships are only equipped with one or two sets of weapons, and their size is less than one-fifth of the flagship, but when When hundreds of ships are gathered together, they still look extremely spectacular.

Amidst the low whimpers that sounded from time to time, the white smoke from the chimney stretched into pieces, and the sea water also swung to both sides because of this huge fleet. Slightly more, quite a kind of momentum from before.

As the flagship, the "Grip of the Empire" is definitely the most eye-catching existence in the fleet. Its top hangs high the black-winged flag that symbolizes the Northern Empire. The towering bridge and slender body make it different from ordinary bright Ships and ironclad ships, the towering turret at the front of the hull and the super main gun with a caliber of up to 406mm, this main gun will fire 2,700 pounds of super-heavy armor-piercing shells, and dozens of DúLì artillery and machine guns can attack without dead ends Enemies from any direction, but even equipped with such a complicated weapon system, the high-pressure steam engine that has been processed by magic and the power of the propeller allow it to sail at high speed without losing speed when it is astonishingly strong.

In today's era, "Grip of the Empire" and its two companions "Breath of the Holy Dragon" and "Dawn of the North" are definitely well-deserved sea supremacy even if their opponents are magical warships.


Krondo looked up at the body of the giant dragon hovering above the fleet, then lowered his head and sighed. The Black Wing Empire was capable of building such a powerful warship, but was held back by personnel and talent factors. At this stage, the Northland is still unable to provide navigators, gunners and other sailors in large quantities.

After all, even as the captain of the Empire's Grip, he now has several jobs, and he has to go to various colleges to teach from time to time. It is conceivable that there is a shortage of talents in the Northland.

This is also the reason why only one armored fleet of the Empire's Grip went there in this ocean-going project. The personnel on "Sacred Dragon's Breath" and "Northern Dawn" are still in the training and running-in stage.

"I hope that the development of the Ocean Project will encourage more people to join this industry." Kelendo thought: "After all, the sea is the romance of men."

The destination of the Imperial Grip armored fleet is Veloster, another continent that does not belong to Elradia.

A thousand years ago, that continent was already called this name. As early as that time, the ocean-going fleet of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets had set foot on that land, but for some reason, the southerners gave up on Veloster. The exploration and expansion of the current relatively reliable statement is that the element reactions in Veloster are not active,

It can even be said to be lifeless, which makes it difficult for spellcasters and magical products to function there; the local indigenous people are primitive and ignorant, difficult to communicate, but their physique is far superior to that of the Elradians. They have extreme hatred for outsiders. There will be war. After evaluation, the Empire on which the sun never sets judged that Veloster was worthless and suspended further plans.

Later, the trading city-state also arrived in Veloster, and the historical materials left behind confirmed this statement from the side.

Klondor went with an expedition caravan at the beginning, and they successfully arrived at that continent. Although they didn't dare to go too deep, they managed to leave a chart and a map of a small area of ​​Veloster. When he joined the army, he dedicated it to the Black Dragon Emperor.

After the Black Dragon Emperor got the chart, he just glanced at it and signaled that he could leave, and he didn't show any interest in the new continent. This disappointed Kelendo, and he was depressed for a while. But now, the Black Wing Empire, this emerging huge country, has finally turned its eyes to the depths of the ocean, the other side of the ocean, and the vast new world beyond Elradia.

There are several difficulties in sailing across the sea, such as self-supply, catastrophic weather, and sea monster attacks. Among them, the changeable climate on the sea and the powerful sea monsters in the deep sea are the most worrying problems, but the more you worry about something, the more you will encounter it. When he received an urgent summons from the command room, Krondor realized there was work to be done.

The weather on the sea changed suddenly. The weather that was supposed to be clear at first, with a dazzling white light piercing the sky, thunder and thunder exploded, and the sky was filled with dark clouds immediately, and the rain quickly poured down.

"My lord, there is a message from the scout ship. There is a situation ahead. Something is approaching us. The number... is quite a lot."

In fact, needless to say, Krondo himself can see through the magic survey system carried by the Grip of the Empire that countless black shadows under the sea are approaching the fleet at a very fast speed. These things are coming from all directions, like It's a shark that smells blood.

"Notify everyone to prepare."

Krondo said in a deep voice that he had already been mentally prepared for unexpected situations long before leaving the port, and the fleet was not a soft persimmon, and everyone on it had more than one experience in combat training and exercises.

Before the two sides came into contact, the giant dragon hovering above rushed into the sea first. When it rushed out of the water again, it was already holding a huge strange fish in its mouth.

"Dark Double Star" Blacksia, the sister of the Black Dragon Emperor, her mission is to accompany the ocean fleet to search for a new continent and provide the empire with detailed information about Veloster.


Blackia swallowed the strange fish in one gulp, her slender neck twitched for a while, and then she let out a scream of excitement. The body, which had grown to sixteen meters, turned upside down in the sky and rushed into the sea again.

The enemy is approaching. On the sea in front of the fleet, the dorsal fins of strange fish have surfaced. At the same time, thick and strong tentacles covered with fleshy suckers protrude from the sea. These tentacles hold a ship After the reconnaissance ship pushed away, it danced wildly, trying to catch the roaring black dragon in the sky.


Krondo's expression became serious. He never expected that he would encounter such an opponent when he led the Northern Fleet out to sea for the first time. The word "Prodolk" originated from the ancient orc language, and was later inherited by Human Language and Common Language, meaning A powerful octopus sea monster.

The length of this octopus can reach up to 100 meters, and it has more than 24 tentacles. Its unique physiological system allows it to fully float its body out of the sea when needed. Its most remarkable regeneration ability and deadly entanglement attack At the same time, this kind of sea monster can emit a sound wave that land creatures cannot receive, and enslaves all fish that come into contact. According to the records in the "Monster Illustrated Book", the most powerful of this kind of octopus can even hunt adult sea dragons , is one of the most terrifying monsters in the deep sea.

Some fishermen, pirates and other people who lived by the sea even worshiped Prodolke as a god and prayed all night before going to sea.

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