From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 783 Poisonous Snake

This is the most important thing for Choga to stay in the United States, and it is also the key to giving Lahiri the final blow and escorting Big Mouth Don to the presidential throne.

Boss Qiao rushed here in a hurry after blowing up the director of Halliburton Company. He originally wanted to watch a good show, but instead he saw a show about a filthy middle-aged man being caught for whoring...

what is this?

Thompson understood what Boss Joe wanted to see. He smiled and shook his head and said: "Boss, releasing emails requires a strategy. The best way is to let the people around Lahiri leak it ourselves, rather than letting ourselves go shirtless.

The Internet in this world is very magical, but any evidence spread through the Internet will be covered up by more explosive news.

Except for people who really hate Lahiri, few ordinary people will read those cryptic emails carefully.

The literacy rate in the United States is not as high as people think, and more people suffer from dyslexia.

The American general election is actually a competition of slogans and propaganda. The two sides throw dirty water on each other, which will largely be regarded as a kind of political persecution by supporters of both sides.

This approach sometimes even has the opposite effect, because Lahiri can completely deny the origin of those emails.

Therefore, there must be official intervention to confirm that those emails are from Lahiri's hand, so that those swing votes can really be cast towards the "not so bad" guy like Big Mouth Don. "

As he spoke, Thompson looked at the weird-looking Qiao Jia and said with a smile: "Sir, you don't really think these emails can bring down Lahiri and the guys behind her, do you?

No one will allow this to happen!

Because once Lahiri falls because of the email, other people involved will also have to bear corresponding responsibilities, and they can't stand it!

Six ambassadors of the United States have donated to Zipperton's family foundation and then obtained their positions.

At the same time, Lahiri has made deals with many big names, including many politicians in Europe.

She used her position in the State Council and her strong position in the diplomatic field to help many large companies through political means, and obtained many unreasonable gains around the world.

Once Lahiri falls, those big companies will also be involved in the investigation. This situation is unacceptable to everyone. "

Of course Qiao Jia knew that Lahiri couldn't move. This old woman's identity and past coupled with her powerful husband made her a de facto important person. It was no joke that a single move could affect the whole body.

Through so many years of cooperation, Lahiri and the interest groups behind her have already formed a situation where they are too big to lose.

Denying her the chance to become president is already a victory. It is impossible to imprison her, let alone to physically eliminate her.

The president of the United States can die, but the presidential candidate cannot!

We all know that the two parties in the United States are highly competitive, but many people do not know that there is both competition and cooperation between the two parties.

They don't mind throwing dirty water on their opponents, but they will never use physical means to eliminate them, because once this Pandora's box is opened, things will be out of control.

Once Lahiri dies, the newly elected Big Mouth Don will definitely launch an investigation immediately.

Even if the real culprit cannot be found, he will pull out all the suspects and beat them to death to express his position and quell the anger of the Democratic Party.

Qiao Jia looked at Thompson, who had a slightly worried look in his eyes. He knew that this guy must have guessed that the explosion in Financial Street was related to his boss.

This guy is a real veteran. Even if he has some feelings about some things, he will never ask questions.

He is now worried that his boss will give up the past method of using political mediation to solve problems and turn to more direct and violent methods.

This approach may work elsewhere, but there is no market for it in the United States.

And it is a law that violence attracts violence and blood attracts blood!

When a person gets used to this method, he will keep escalating, and this kind of thing will never have a good result.

Giogado was a keen person. He sensed Thompson's worry, so he smiled and shook his head and said, "I just want to know, how did you expose those emails?"

Thompson shrugged his shoulders slightly and said with a smile: "Boss, you have to believe that people in this world still have a sense of justice.

The guy who was caught was the husband of Lahiri's famous female assistant, and he was also a lawyer.

This guy is a T-fetishist and likes to shoot videos and harass underage girls online.

After getting the girl's contact information, he likes to send naked photos of himself to the girl for sexual harassment.

He has faced multiple sexual harassment accusations over the past few years, but they were ultimately dismissed.

Coincidentally, this guy and his wife, Lahiri’s assistant, use the same cloud storage space.

We don’t need to take the risk of spreading the email, and unfounded ‘rumors’ are not absolutely lethal.

But we can put the email into that guy's cloud space. Guess when the police thought they caught a T-fetishist and checked his computer, they found an email in his cloud storage space marked 'Absolute Confidential'. What will they do when the folder is opened? "

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia wiped the sweat from his forehead, shook his head and said: "I will definitely open it and check...

When I find out that I have touched something so dangerous, I will find a way to let more colleagues and superiors see it.

Only when there are more than a certain number of people can I guarantee my own safety! "

Thompson listened, smiled and nodded, and said: "If I were those policemen, I would use the fact that that guy's victims are all over the United States to notify the FBI to intervene..."

As he spoke, Thompson looked at the astonished Qiao Jia and said with a smile: "Sir, you are the best boss I have ever seen who can use interests and interpersonal relationships. You really shouldn't be overly involved in high-risk matters.

Leave this kind of matter to me, that's what intelligence officers do..."

Qiao Jia nodded and shook his head, saying: "The definition of 'risk' has different standards in everyone's mind.

But I listened to your warning...

I took a plane to leave the United States for Iraq in the morning. I guess Dorian and the others are very anxious now. "

After speaking, Qiao Jia stood up and looked at Thompson and said, "That Ana is doing well. Observe her for a while, and then you can decide whether to use her."

Thompson understood Qiao Jia's hint and wanted to ensure that Anna would not spread the news that Boss Qiao deliberately destroyed the gold truck.

He smiled and nodded and said: "Don't worry, boss, we will all keep a low profile for a while.

So much has happened recently that the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and even the CIA are all busy.

Our task is basically completed. Let the people on the farm cooperate with Baiya to fulfill our contract. It doesn't matter whether I am here or not.

It just so happens that I want to go home to see my wife and children, and I will take Anna with me.

Let her know about P·B's corporate culture from the side, and it will be easy for her to choose to join us. "

In this case, showing your wife and children to Boss Qiao is to express your loyalty.

Qiao Jia pretended not to understand what Thompson meant. He patted the old man who always looked particularly tired on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Then I'll leave the affairs here to you. That guy who has a fetish for T can't survive." ,Right?"

Thompson smiled mysteriously and said, "I don't know, it depends on what his wife and his wife's boss want.

People who betray Lahiri usually end up not very good, not to mention that this guy does have some private information about Lahiri..."

Qiao Jia nodded in admiration. This guy thought about people's hearts very well.

He's using other people's personalities and professional inertia to push things in the direction he wants.

This move can be called a silent move. If Qiao Jia didn't say it herself, Lahiri would probably never know that P·B had tricked her. She would only think that there was an idiot in her camp!

At this time, Boss Qiao finally began to fully face the importance of the intelligence center led by Thompson.

Due to his personality and logical thinking, Boss Qiao used to always go around in circles to recruit people into his team, and then used the general trend to crush his opponents.

But now Qiao Jia saw another way of doing things, which was also going in circles, but Thompson was going in circles to find the opponent's weaknesses, and then pounced on him like a poisonous snake and took a bite, then pulled away instantly, and then watched the opponent slowly become poisonous.

In the past, Qiao Jia didn't bother to use underworld methods at all, because the situation was mine and he could do whatever he wanted.

But with the rapid expansion of strength, the strength of his opponents will also increase.

People like Harlot can be killed, but people like Lahiri cannot.

At this time, Thompson's role came into play. Without giving the opponent a handle, he injected venom into the opponent's body, making the opponent slowly become weak.

This is another way to win!

Qiao Jia put on big sunglasses, then touched the fake beard on his lips, smiled and hugged Thompson, and said: "Then I'll leave this to you. Remember to remind me when it's over. I should give you a salary increase..."

Thompson smiled and nodded and said, "I think so too. My children have signed up for several training classes. God knows why it costs so much money to teach children Chinese.

My youngest daughter studied for three months, and it cost me $500 for each man she met.

The eldest son is better, but it’s not cheap either…

You must know that the shooting training class I signed up for them only cost me 2,000 yuan in total. Now my son can already achieve very good results with the AR15. "

Qiao Jia laughed after hearing this and said: "Knowledge here is too expensive. You must know that children in China learn English for free.

My hometown tries to use education to provide children with as many opportunities as possible so that they will not be pulled too far away by the elite, but the United States is using education to create structural poverty.

Do you believe that once the hegemony of the United States is shaken and outstanding talents no longer come to seek refuge with their families, the decline of the United States will accelerate...

Just the fact that you let your children learn Chinese proves that you are a far-sighted father.

Of course it is impossible for P·B to reimburse you for your tuition fees, but I can provide you with a small share of P·B Bank’s internal investment, which is US$1 million, and I will help you with that.

Recently, our funds and banks will have big actions. As long as we successfully win, your children will have enough money to learn Chinese..."

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