Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 366 The Pig-Headed Butcher

The most important thing is that Liu Xing now finally knows why the driver and the female tour guide turned into such ghosts. It turned out that it was because they met a pig-headed butcher in the heavy rain.

And if there is no accident, this pig-headed butcher should be related to the pig slaughterhouse in Panlong Town.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing immediately asked: "In this case, did Hu Cang say anything about the possible origin of that pig-headed butcher? After all, I can understand Hu Cang's first four ways to die, but regarding this pig-headed butcher, I knew that the driver and the female guide should have encountered it the night before yesterday."

Zhang Jingxu nodded and said with a smile: "I knew that you would ask Meteor. Hu Cang just introduced the information about this pig-headed butcher, or the legend about this pig-headed butcher, because if the legend about this pig-headed butcher is true, then this pig-headed butcher is a murderous monster who lived more than a hundred years ago, and his hands were stained with the blood of hundreds of people."

"At the end of the Qing Dynasty more than a hundred years ago, although the land of Sichuan was relatively safe, ordinary people were still living in dire straits and their lives were miserable. So for the people at that time, it was not easy to have enough food, let alone eat meat. So for many children at that time, their biggest dream was to become a pig butcher and eat free meat every day."

"And the Zhutou Butcher when I was a child was naturally the same, but at that time, the Zhutou Butcher was called Zhang San, and he was also a native of Rongcheng, but his family was poor. When he was ten years old, he lost his parents for some reason and had to live on the streets. Then because his physical fitness was still good, he was adopted by a wandering acrobatic troupe, and he learned acrobatics while doing odd jobs."

"The members of those wandering acrobatic troupes back then, besides being able to perform acrobatics, almost all of them had some kung fu. After all, it was a troubled time at that time. When these wandering acrobatic troupes traveled north and south, they would inevitably pass through some deep mountains and old forests, and encounter a few roadblocks.

"After ten years like this, Zhang San, who has good qualifications, has become the pillar of his wandering acrobatic troupe. Whether it is acrobatics or martial arts, no one can surpass him, so Zhang San was a little bit ecstatic at the time. He felt that even if he couldn't become the leader of the wandering acrobatic troupe, he should get some special treatment. So Zhang San thought about it, and brought a few friends who thought he was good to find the leader of the wandering acrobatic troupe to force the palace."

"As a result, the head of the Vagabond Acrobatic Troupe naturally couldn't agree to Zhang San, because the income of the Vagabond Acrobatic Troupe is not very good, and they can barely maintain the livelihood of the members. If Zhang San's request is to be met, the living expenses of other members must be reduced, and even the staff must be laid off. This is what the head of the Vagabond Acrobatic Troupe is unwilling to do. After all, the head of the Vagabond Acrobatic Troupe feels that in this troubled world. Abandon these regiments."

"It's not speculative, Zhang San saw that his request did not get the approval of the head of the wandering acrobatic troupe, so he chose to leave the wandering acrobatic troupe very dissatisfied, and took a few cronies with him on a hill next to Panlong Town. Relying on his already good martial arts and his daring to fight, Zhang San soon became bigger and stronger, pulling up a bandit team of 20 to 30 people, which was considered well-known around Panlong Town at that time."

"Zhang San, who occupies the mountain as king, naturally started to feel a bit inflated. He was not satisfied with robbing passing business travelers, so Zhang San went to nearby villages and towns to bully men and women, and robbed him of things he liked at will. At that time, Zhang San naturally remembered his childhood dream of becoming a butcher who could eat meat every day, so Zhang San ordered his men to bring all the pigs that could be found nearby to the cottage. He wanted to change his job to become a real butcher."

"So, from that day on, Zhang San would kill a pig with his own hands every now and then, which caused the local people to complain. After all, for the local people, the pigs that their family had worked so hard to raise for several years were just to sell them at a good price to subsidize the family. In the end, they were forcibly taken away by Zhang San. So the local people took the opportunity to jointly report the case to Rongcheng, hoping that the local officials in Rongcheng would catch Zhang San."

"At that time, Zhang San robbed a wealthy businessman passing by, and the wealthy businessman had a good relationship with the local officials in Rongcheng, so the local officials in Rongcheng followed suit and sent a team to wipe out Zhang San's cottage. As a result, the team just arrived at Zhang San's cottage, and found that Zhang San was already dead, and was killed by a pig."

"It turned out that Zhang San had a whim after drinking some wine the night before, and his little brother had just caught a big fat pig from the foot of the mountain, so Zhang San decided to kill the pig first before it was completely dark. Then Zhang San held a butcher's knife and asked a few drunken men who were also drunk to grab the pig, and then stabbed the pig into the neck with one knife. He wanted to bleed the pig."

"The pig who knew that he was about to die naturally fought hard, so the drunk men didn't hold down the pig for a while, and the pig raised its head and roared. It may be because it came up in one breath, and the butcher's knife stuck in the pig's neck was sprayed out, directly across Zhang San's neck, the entire carotid artery and larynx were completely cut open, and the bones were deeply visible. It didn't take long for Zhang San to lose too much blood and died."

"As for Zhang San's subordinates, after seeing Zhang San being killed by a pig inexplicably, their first reaction was not to collect Zhang San's body, but to fight for the control of the cottage. In order to ensure their own prestige, the new head of the cottage selected finally ordered people to throw Zhang San's body directly down the back mountain. So when the officers and soldiers from Rongcheng found Zhang San's body, they found that Zhang San's body had been separated, and perhaps because the head fell first, half of Zhang San's head was smashed gone."

"Although you have to take Zhang San's body back to report, but because Zhang San's head is really bad, the officers and soldiers in Rongcheng came up with a bad idea. Since you Zhang San and pigs are so destined, then give Zhang San a pig's head, so Zhang San's head was stuffed into a pig's head, then sewn together with the corpse, sent back to Rongcheng, and finally discarded in the mass grave next to Rongcheng."

"However, within two days, there was a thunderstorm in Rongcheng, which lasted for three days and three nights, causing a landslide, and Zhang San's body was washed away with the mudslide, and he has never been seen again. However, near Rongcheng, there began to be rumors that a pig-headed butcher went around killing people with a pig-killing knife in a rainy night, and this pig-headed butcher was considered to be the dead Zhang San."

After listening to Zhang Jingxu's story, Liu Xing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He didn't expect the story of the pig-headed butcher to be so dramatic. A bandit leader who killed people like hemp, and also killed pigs like hemp, was killed by a pig in the end, and a pig's head was sewn on in the end.

But this also made Liu Xing very sure that Zhang San must have had a lot of resentment after his death, and then he was revived because his corpse was exposed in a mass grave and was struck by lightning in a thunderstorm, so he became a pig-headed butcher.

Therefore, Liu Xing believes that the essence of the pig-headed butcher should be a zombie.

But when he thinks of zombies, Liu Xing feels a bit of a toothache. After all, according to the settings in Chinese folklore, mythical creatures like zombies can be strong or weak.

The strongest level of zombies must be the legendary Zombie King General. However, it is worth mentioning that the general is not recorded in ancient legends. It should be a mythical creature invented by modern people. However, because of its relatively complete setting and the promotion of some movies and TV shows, the general has become a representative of zombies.

Because according to relevant settings, the general is the ancestor of the vampire zombie, which was transformed from the body of the ancient mythical beast J, and the ancient mythical beast is a terrifying existence as famous as Nuwa Fuxi. This shows how powerful the general is, and because the general has no soul and no soul, he is not among the five elements and jumps out of the three realms. Ordinary means cannot deal with the general at all.

Therefore, the zombies of the descendants of the generals have inherited some of the characteristics of the generals, which are reflected in the Cthulhu running game, that is, they will not be affected by mental attacks, and will not have emotions such as panic and fear. The damage caused by certain attacks will be reduced or even returned to zero.

As for the lower limit of zombies, it should be like the Qing Dynasty zombies in some funny horror movies, they can only bounce around in the dark, and they can be damaged by using glutinous rice or black dog blood.

However, judging from the legend of the pig-headed butcher, he can't be the offspring of the zombie king general, but it doesn't look like an ordinary zombie, so Liu Xing still has some guesses about the pig-headed butcher's ability.

At this time, Shi Chuanling suddenly said: "In this way, this pig-headed butcher is a legendary zombie, but this pig-headed butcher should not be a blood-sucking zombie like General Chen, right? After all, this pig-headed butcher has moved his head."

Hearing Ishi Chuanling mention "General", Liu Xing recalled the memory of "Watanabe Meteor", and was surprised to find that in this parallel world, the title "Zombie King General" was handed down from ancient legends, not invented by modern people.

That is to say, in this parallel world, there really are zombie kings and generals.

Liu Xing suddenly had a premonition that he would encounter the zombie king and general in all likelihood in the future.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, the pig-headed butcher should be an ordinary zombie who was affected by lightning and turned into a dead body. However, because the pig-headed butcher had a lot of resentment before he died, and his physical fitness was already good, so the pig-headed butcher should be regarded as an elite-level zombie. In addition, judging from the fact that the pig-headed butcher used a pig-killing knife as a weapon, the pig-headed butcher has probably recovered a certain degree of sanity, which is higher than those zombies who only know how to act on instinct." Zhang Jingxu said seriously.

At this moment, kp Xuefeng stood up and said: "Since all the players already know the pig-headed butcher so well, a new side mission has been triggered now - Eliminate the evil. The goal of the mission is to kill the pig-headed butcher Zhang San again. This side mission will have a total of 100 'truth' points and 1,000 points rewards, which will be distributed according to the performance of the players participating in this side mission. If some players don't work hard, then they will not get any rewards at all."

This is a typical task where more workers get more, and it prevents some paddling players from working without effort.

But to be honest, Liu Xing didn't really want to complete this side mission. After all, according to the description of this side mission, he had to forcibly kill a mythical creature of at least an elite level. For Liu Xing, who was now unarmed and had only five combat powers, the danger factor of this side mission was too great.

Therefore, Liu Xing felt that he should be counseled, and he should not gamble his life on luck.

So, Liu Xing said, "If that's the case, then it's better for us not to have too much contact with that pig-headed butcher, so as to avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Anyway, as long as we don't act in the heavy rain, we won't meet that pig-headed butcher."

But as soon as Liu Xing finished speaking, Ishi Chuanling stood up and started to make trouble, "Actually, I think we need to get rid of that pig-headed butcher. After all, as you said, Meteor, that pig-headed butcher will only act in heavy rain, so I suspect that this pig-headed butcher is very likely to be specially summoned by the old ruler to take down the place. Therefore, although killing that pig-headed butcher may not completely solve the problem of space-time disorder, it should be helpful. Besides, Mr. Zhang Jingxu specializes in restraining zombies." Taoist."

Zhang Jingxu frowned, and said helplessly: "No, no, Shi Chuanling, you may have watched too many zombie movies. Not all Taoist priests have the ability to deal with zombies. After all, Taoist priests have many branches, such as those who specialize in dealing with zombies and other undead creatures. For an elite-level zombie like the pig-headed butcher, then I can only say that you should be smarter."

"However, I still agree with you, Shi Chuanling, that this pig-headed butcher is most likely brought by the old ruler to watch the door. After all, this pig-headed butcher will only act in heavy rain, which means that there is something in the heavy rain that needs to be guarded by the pig-headed butcher to prevent it from being discovered by us. Therefore, it is still necessary for us to meet the pig-headed butcher for a while, but we can't go to the pig-headed butcher in the heavy rain, because it is asking for death."

Liu Xing nodded. Since both Shi Chuanling and Zhang Jingxu wanted to complete this side mission, he had no choice but to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman. After all, Liu Xing didn't want to be alone.

Therefore, Liu Xing said: "If this is the case, then we can find an opportunity to go to the pig slaughterhouse during the day. After all, the most likely place where pig-headed butchers exist is the pig slaughterhouse, and according to the settings of zombies, even elite-level zombies will have a sharp drop in combat effectiveness during the day."

Zhang Jingxu nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, it really is that the heroes see the same thing, I think so too, and the elite-level zombies will also be in a dormant state during the day, we can definitely fight first. Now that Meteor and you all agree to get rid of the pig-headed butcher, then I will discuss with Li Dian and the others how to do it first."

After speaking, Zhang Jingxu chatted with Li Dian and the others.

After a while, Zhang Jingxu happily turned around and said, "It's done, Li Dian and Wan Zhongshan are willing to attack that pig-headed butcher. After all, if we do nothing, we won't be able to get out of this time-distorted Panlong Town, and Hu Cang also provided us with a clue. For more information about the pig-headed butcher, we can go to Zhong Rensan, the director of the Panlong Town Health Center, because Zhong Rensan's grandfather once saw the pig-headed butcher with his own eyes."

At this moment, Xiao Mochen walked into the clinic suddenly, first looked at Liu Xing and the others with some doubts, and then said something to Hu Cang nervously.

Obviously, Xiao Mochen at this point in time didn't know Liu Xing and others, and Liu Xing even observed Xiao Mochen specifically, and found that Xiao Mochen at this point in time still had an Adam's apple.

Therefore, at this point in time, Xiao Mochen has not been turned into a woman by Hu Li.

Thinking of this, Liu Xing couldn't help looking at Xiao Mochen with pity. The poor kid didn't know that he was about to be forced to change his gender. . .

"Xiao Mochen is now here to invite Hu Cang to attend his and Hu Li's wedding. Hu Cang has already agreed this time, and Xiao Mochen also said that he would invite us to go together, and Zhong Rensan will also be there. We can go to Zhong Rensan to have a good chat then." Zhang Jingxu said.

Liu Xing nodded and said with a smile: "That's great, but then again, do we have any gifts for the couple? After all, if we go to Xiao Mochen and Hu Li's wedding without a gift, it would be really rude."

Zhang Jingxu's smile gradually disappeared.

As Liu Xing said, Liu Xing and his party were originally looking for the ancients, so they only brought some clothes with them. Although Li Dian and Wan Chongshan were tourists, Liu Xing felt that as players, they should have nothing on them that could be used as gifts.

After Xiao Mochen said a few more words to Hu Cang, he turned and left. After all, Xiao Mochen is the groom's official, and he still has a lot to do today.

PS: Start trying to write 5000 words a day. . .

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