Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 918 918: Don’t let middlemen make the difference [asking for monthly votes]

No matter how sincere Shen Tang's eyes were, if Wu Yuan believed her lies, there would really be something wrong with her. Otherwise, why should she ban tea? What is the difference between this and killing Bei Mo? One of the purposes of his coming here was to grow grain, and the other was to trade with each other, with tea and salt being the top priority.

It is better not to eat meat during the day than to not drink tea for a day.

The diet in the Northern Desert is mostly meat. Eating too much food can cause dryness and heat, make the mouth greasy, and be difficult to digest. Over time, it will be difficult to go to the toilet, and the rice will be dry and as hard as stones. The place of defecation is fragile, and blood in the stool is common. Drinking more tea can alleviate this symptom.

Of course, you can actually use vegetables instead of tea.

It’s just that in the environment of the Northern Desert, vegetables are hard to come by.

On the other hand, tea is cheap and can be stored for many years.

In comparison, tea is naturally better.

It would be okay if it was just difficult to pay tribute, and it would not be unbearable, but the people of the Northern Desert soon discovered that not drinking tea for a long time would cause even greater troubles, resulting in muscle weakness and loss of strength! This is a nightmare for the Northern Desert, which advocates force. The brave warriors were immune to the effects of tea, but ordinary tribesmen were not.


The most popular products in Shen Tang Ka Bei Mo are salt and tea.

Food is a minor issue.

Grain is different from salt tea. The latter is easy to store and will not be easily damaged during long-distance transportation. It can be stored for a long time after being purchased here in Beimo, and it can be stored for several years. The former has obvious disadvantages. Whether it is transportation or storage, it is not suitable for large-scale purchases. Apart from other things, just the cost of transporting food and cooks on the road is worth the profit of a business trip.

Although the population of the Northern Desert is small, there is also a huge food gap. Compared with the number of smuggled goods by these merchants, they are insignificant and cannot have much effect.

When the Northwest became a pot of porridge, it was true that greedy merchants purchased grain nearby, secretly smuggled it to the Northern Desert, and resold it to merchants in the Northern Desert at a high price, but the quantity was not large, and they also ran the huge risk of being looted by the forces in the process.

After Shen Tang won, these merchants also stopped.

With Shen Tang's personality, he would naturally write them all down and catch them one by one when he remembered. At the moment, I was so busy that I was hitting the back of my head with my feet, and I couldn't deal with them for a while.

Wu Yuan would not be surprised if Shen Tang bans grain trading.

But she happened to touch the tea leaves and salt!

Wu Yuan endured the swollen veins on his forehead and managed to show some kindness: "Kang's move is inappropriate. As far as Wu knows, there is not much tea in your country, and not all people like it."

Where does such a huge demand for tea come from?

Not to mention the floods in Yanzhou and Qianzhou, even if tea production is reduced by another 20%, the territory cannot fully absorb it. Over the past few hundred years, the largest trade item between the northwest countries and the Northern Desert has been tea. Wu Yuan remembered that a few decades ago, there was a small country bordering the Northern Desert. During the dozen or so years of existence of the small country, the tea trade with the Northern Desert was the largest economic source.

It is better than excessive taxes and excessive taxes!

Even small countries were destroyed because their neighbors were jealous.

Neighboring countries also wanted to trade tea with the Northern Desert, but the trade routes were controlled by small countries. Several negotiations made no progress, so they simply started a national war. There are many more examples like this.

Shen Tang clearly has tea leaves in his hands!

But they want to ban tea in the mutual trade, which is obviously a joke!

Shen Tang widened his almond-shaped eyes and said innocently: "What are you saying, messenger? Who said that Kangguo doesn't like to drink tea?"

Wu Yuan was so angry that his chest heaved violently.

He stared at Shen Tang, wanting to hear what damn reason she could come up with! Haha, don’t mention it, Shen Tang really does.

I saw her raising her hand and patting it.

Outside the tent, several sergeants came in carrying utensils that looked like pen holders. Next to the utensils were several small plates containing ingredients.

Gong Cheng lowered his eyes and looked at the ceramic utensils on the table.

Shen Tang's smiling voice penetrated his ears: "I heard that tea is good in Beimo. I wonder if there is such a tea in the country? I personally like it very much. The envoy may wish to try it and comment on it."

The tastes in Bei Mo and Guan Nei are different.

The taste of the tea that Shen Tang served was indeed unique. Judging from Wu Yuan's experience of living in Guan Nei for many years, it was indeed more in line with the tastes of the people in Guan Nei, but he didn't know the price. Wu Yuan only took a brief sip, and Gong Cheng also tasted it carefully. After taking a sip, his eyes lit up, and he drank it all in one gulp.

He was not worried that Shen Tang would poison the tea.

The other party was directly using conspiracy to trade grains with Bei Mo, so naturally he would not do such a vicious thing of poisoning and harming people. After Gong Cheng finished his drink, he asked the sergeant to get another drink. This time there is no cow drink, but to savor the taste and watch the excitement.

Shen Tang calculated the accounts for Wu Yuan with his fingers.

How many such restaurants are there in Longwu, how many cups are shipped every day, how much tea is needed for a cup... And her current territory is not just Longwu County. Based on the scale of Longwu County, she roughly estimates the consumption in other places, and then deducts the annual With a fixed consumption of tea leaves, Kang State’s tea harvest this year is indeed tight.

The most important thing is that Shen Tang also plans to expand the tea business and open franchise stores or brands after establishing diplomacy with neighboring countries. Of course Wu Yuan couldn't understand these words. He only needed to know that Shen Tang wanted this business to flourish everywhere.

After saying that, she spread her hands.

Helpless: "Look, messenger, I really didn't mean to make things difficult for Bei Mo. The floods this year have had too great an impact."

Wu Yuan was so blocked that he couldn't say a single word.

Shen Tang's words were reasonable and well-founded. As a country leader, she didn't even need to explain it so clearly to herself. But she also explained it, which shows her sincerity. The ban on tea trading in each other was purely coincidental, rather than a deliberate trap targeting the Northern Desert.

He thought of a roundabout way.

"Since the supply of tea in Kang State is insufficient, Lord Kang might as well allow merchants from other countries to bring tea for trade?" Merchants from Kang State are not allowed to sell tea to Beimo, so merchants from other countries are headquartered, right? There is no way other countries should also experience a sharp decline in tea!

Unexpectedly, Shen Tang shook his head with sincere almond eyes.

"Messenger, this is not possible either."

Wu Yuan felt that his self-cultivation was about to be broken.

Secretly gnashing his teeth: "Why not?"

Shen Tang said matter-of-factly: "I know that the Northern Desert needs tea. I have also seen many accounts of tea trade in previous years. Why should such a profitable and good business be given to other countries? Previously, it was only said that private merchants were banned, but there was no such thing. They said that official merchants in Kang State are prohibited. Kang State is short of tea, so naturally it will send people to buy tea elsewhere and sell it to you——"

Wu Yuan: "..."

Shen Tang smiled and said: "Anyway, the price of purchasing tea in Beimo is the same, so who makes the difference in price?"

Gong Cheng almost choked on the tea that he had not yet swallowed.

It was only because of his profound strength that he did not lose his composure.

He knew that politicians were shameless, and it was normal to be skinless and shameless, but he didn't expect that Shen Tang wouldn't even use the fig leaf, and directly wrote the words "Desperate for money" on his face. Tell Beimo clearly that anyone who does business will be slaughtered. Who is slaughtered and who is not slaughtered?

she! want! alone! swallow!

Private businessmen are prohibited from getting involved in this profitable business.

However, Gong Cheng was also keenly aware of other unspoken problems - the tea business could only be handled by the government, so how much tea was available for trading and what the quality of the tea was, wasn't Shen Tang the one who had the final say? There is also a big pit here.

He looked at Wu Yuan with a gloomy expression from the corner of his eye.

You can see it yourself, so Wu Yuan, the person involved, will naturally not make any mistakes. As a messenger, he thinks more comprehensively.

From beginning to end, this was a conspiracy.

Conspiracy, knowing it is a scheme but having to take the bait.

Shen Tang smiled again and said, "Does the envoy have any doubts?"

Wu Yuan also asked simply: "Wu knows what Lord Kang means. Since it is a win-win situation, the winners are naturally you and me, and we cannot let the third party step in and take advantage. But there is still one thing that is not sure - Lord Kang How much tea can we collect from other countries? Can we ensure that the quantity of tea is the same as in previous years?"

It is not impossible to make a fuss about the number.

If we don’t understand these things clearly, Beimo will suffer the consequences of being dumb.

Shen Tang's replies were all informative: "I don't know, I have to send someone out to check the market to find out."

There was no conversation at all. I just answered whatever I asked.

Wu Yuan asked again: "What's the delivery time?"

"When will you receive it, when will you sell it!" Shen Tang's answers were more willful than the last, and he taught Wu Yuan like an elder, "Hey, why is the envoy so anxious? He can't eat hot tofu in a hurry! Tea is a daily necessity in the Northern Desert. Necessities, I know this, and I also know that every year merchants resell more tea to the Northern Desert than is consumed in a year, in other words - every household has a reserve of tea, and they can't run out of tea for a while."

Tea is a strategic commodity.

Who wouldn’t take the time to stock up on a batch?

If Bei Mo hadn't taken advantage of the Dragon Slaying Bureau's melee in recent years to secretly stock up on tea and other necessities, her name would have been written upside down! Wu Yuan now put on a posture of "If there is no supply of tea, we will stop tea tomorrow." Did he think he was fooling someone?

"Messenger, you can rest assured. I, Shen Youli, have stood upright in my life and have never harmed my allies. I can't do the things you worry about." Shen Tang doesn't need to read minds and spirits to know what Wu Yuan is talking about, but it's just a matter of words. They are all in the Yin Yang Northern Desert.

Wu Yuan was not ashamed when he was told that he was thinking about it.

Little did he know that Shen Tang silently added a note——

[Bei Mo is an enemy, not an ally. 】

Hahaha, she is not lying now.

Seeing that the tea issue was no longer improving, Wu Yuan could only hold back his anger and asked Shen Tang why he wanted to ban salt. There are good and valid reasons for banning tea, but salt production cannot be reduced because of floods, right?

Shen Tang blinked and said, "Of course this is because salt is an official business. I have long banned private smuggling. Even if there is a mutual trade between the two places, private merchants cannot sell it."

This policy has been implemented for several years.

Only merchants with business licenses can sell them, and they are still sold in a small area and cannot go outside the business scope.

Wu Yuan: "..."

Shen Tang smiled and said: "If the envoy doesn't believe it, he can inquire when passing through Longwu and other places. It can be more than three years ago..."

The necessities related to people's daily life naturally require stable prices and sufficient supply so that most people can afford them. Leave it to private businessmen? Who knows what kind of situation they will cause, it is safest for the official to come forward to price and sell.

the most important is--

No one can compete with her for business!

To steal her business is to steal her money!

After two riots, Wu Yuan's morale suffered a severe setback, and he lost interest in getting to the bottom of other banned commodities. Judging from Shen Tang's two responses, the other party was well prepared. If you try to catch up on your own, you will fall into the trap of the other party.

Overall, the results of this negotiation are quite gratifying.

Wu Yuan took the deed back to discuss with his staff. After reaching an agreement, he would contact Shen Tang for adjustments. It was just some innocuous regulations, and Shen Tang did not make things difficult for the Northern Desert Mission. In other words, these are the flaws she deliberately left behind.

Bei Mo is suffering one after another, so people have to find some space.

It's not good to drive customers away if you don't give in.

From Gong Cheng's point of view, the confrontation between the two sides was full of hidden agendas.

Wu Yuan looked at the signed deed, feeling a little suffocated in his heart. He murmured in a low voice: "Well, if Yunchi is willing to help, with the help of the power of the Gods Association, maybe..."

Even if he couldn't get a big advantage, he wouldn't be stuck by Shen Tang. Wu Yuan's life these days was even more uncomfortable than being a hostage.

Gong Cheng said: "This won't work."

Although he inherited the token, the person who gave him the token also said that he should not get too involved with the Council of Gods unless absolutely necessary. Gong Cheng didn't know much about the Society of Gods, but he also knew that the organization that had been hiding in secret for so many years was not a good man or woman...

It can be seen that the gods will take the initiative to give Beimo the national seal.

This ghost is just afraid that the world will not be in chaos.

Support Bei Mo, who will you fight against?

Gong Cheng's eyes fell in the direction of the main tent where Shen Tang was.

Wu Yuan: "Just talking, no need to be so serious."

He looked stern and fearful of Gong Cheng.

Just out of fear, he would not be stupid enough to push Gong Cheng out. Because he knows better that he is the one who needs Gong Cheng, and he has always tried to balance the two sides. Even if Gong Cheng was unwilling to do more for him, Wu Yuan would not force it.

Gong Cheng closed his eyes and continued to guard outside the camp.

Lin Feng worked overtime and finally came up with the special grain species in the Northern Desert that Shen Tang needed. They were drought-resistant, cold-resistant, frost-resistant and pest-resistant. The key was that they had strong skin and were easy to feed. Shen Tang squatted on the edge of the secret experimental field, curious: "It looks the same as the previous grain seeds. How do you ensure that it will not be passed on to the next generation?"

Grain security is a difficult problem.

The grains used by the people in Longwu County are all optimized.

No matter how strict her inspection was, she could prevent the Northern Desert but not other countries within the Pass. The geography and climate of the Northern Desert were very different from those within the Pass, and most of the grains would be acclimatized. Unlike the neighboring countries in Guan, the climate span is not large. In theory, they can plant high-yielding grain varieties with stable genetics without being discovered.

By the time Shen Tang found out, it was already a done deal.

Lin Feng pointed to the sky.

Shen Tang didn't understand what he meant and looked up.

"There is nothing in the sky..."

Lin Feng stood behind Shen Tang, also squatting down and looking at the experimental field, and said: "It was Luan Hu Cao who reminded me that the improvement of grain varieties relies on literary spirit, and the filthy air existing between heaven and earth will pollute them and make them It continues to degrade..."

They made double guarantees.

The first is the natural degradation of grain crops.

The first is to artificially enhance the instability of traits.

Lin Feng has experienced various types of grains, ranging from dozens to hundreds to hundreds and thousands of iterations. With his rich experience and Luan Xin's ability to see various auras of heaven and earth, he unexpectedly discovered that the reason for the stable inheritance of traits was There is a lot of literary spirit left in the grain.

If you do the opposite, you will achieve your goal.


Alas, I received an obituary notice in the backstage today. Things are really unpredictable. A few days ago, Shiitake's physical examination revealed severe fatty liver disease and high blood lipids. No wonder my heart has been feeling uncomfortable since this year... Fortunately, my blood sugar is normal (I have this hereditary in my family)

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