Back Off, Let Me Come

Chapter 922 Chapter 922: Five Years of Yuanhuang (Part 2) [Please vote for me]

Shen Tang divided the cake almost equally in a few words.

She suddenly remembered something and added another sentence.

"Speaking of which, Yuan Liang was once my mentor and the master of the country. He deserves the title of 'Grand Master'." She added another honorary title to Qi Shan.

The Grand Master is one of the three princes.

Shen Tang generously gave it away for two reasons.

First, Qishan has so many enemies. If he doesn't give him some leverage, Shen Tang is also worried that he won't be able to hold on to the situation - although the possibility is not high, he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Secondly, from the perspective of the Gods Association, Shen Tang is a puppet king manipulated by Qi Shan, and he obeys Qi Shan's advice in everything. Now when the cake is being divided, even if Qi Yuanliang doesn't come out on top, he still deserves special treatment. No one had any objections to the Lord's decision. Qi Yuanliang's specialness had been verified many times.

What's more, Qishan can also bear these honors.

Qishan once again came out to express gratitude.

Shen Tang looked past the familiar faces in the front row and towards the less familiar faces in the back. Their eyes looked at him cautiously, respectfully and with a hint of heat. She naturally knew what these people meant, and she named seven or eight more people based on her memory.

At this time, a guard brought a cup of hot tea.

Shen Tang took a few sips of wine, with visible tiredness on her face. Gu Chi stepped forward and handed her the steps. She used the excuse of being in low spirits to end the meeting. Before she stood up and left, she added: "The chief ministers of the three provinces and the ministers of each ministry." , after you go back, each write a recommendation list for me, recommend the deputy officials you think are suitable, and give it to me tomorrow."

After that, he left in a hurry.

As soon as the front foot walks, the back foot regains its vitality.

How could he still look weak and tired just now?

The people who were left behind looked at each other in confusion, their eyes intertwined with the smell of gunpowder, while they congratulated each other hypocritically, and secretly competed with each other. Why compete? Of course it’s to rob people! Don't go all out to grab people now, will you manage an empty yamen later?

They want to rob people, and the target group being robbed also becomes more active. Let me ask, who doesn’t want to enter the institution of their choice?

Judging from today's meeting, the most deserted departments are Guanglu Temple, Zongzheng Temple, and Taipu Temple related to the royal family... There is no hope of promotion if you enter. Who wants to go to the unpopular ones when you can go to the popular ones? If you can be a minister, who wants to be a minister?

Not to mention that the minister of the Ministry of Industry is empty, and the right servant is also empty.

In order to balance the power, the Lord will most likely give these two positions to members of the aristocratic family, in order to win over the aristocratic family——

No matter how tense the disputes were before, as long as the interests of the royal family are aligned, even if they were at odds before, they will be inseparable in the future. Furthermore, Shen Tang's original manpower alone was simply not enough to establish the state of Kang, establish a court, and stabilize the local area.

The aristocratic family has a monopoly on education. No matter how she recruits talents, she can't avoid this group. It is inevitable to give some sweeteners.

Shen Tang rested in the main tent for a while.

As soon as my butt was warmed up, Gu Chi came over.

She raised her eyebrows: "Why don't you go grab someone?"

As the leader of the country, Shen Tang's decentralization of power was comparable to a flood release. He allowed the heads of the three provinces and the ministers of each ministry to choose their own teams. This was clearly telling them that they could choose a few "of their own people."

"If you promote the other party, why should the other party not be grateful?"

In the future, whether it is to establish a foothold in the court or manage one-third of an acre of land, it will be very beneficial. Of course, they can write a recommendation list, but it is Shen Tang who decides whether to allow it or not.

"My lord allows us to promote our deputies, and we must also be grateful." Gu Chi exposed Shen Tang's trick with one word. The young king in front of him showed no anger. Instead, he handed himself a glass of thirsty water with a fruity fragrance. He took it. He passed and said with a smile, "Let them grab it themselves, Yushitai will not join in the fun."

The nature of the Yushitai is special. It depends not only on ability, but also on temperament, origin, and family background. It is best to be someone with a clean background, no collusion with interests, a resolute personality, and an outspoken person. Supervisory officials should not be afraid of power. They have to say what they need to say at any time. Gu Chi is going to spend some time to find out slowly. If necessary, you can also look through the legacies of Xin and Geng to see if there are any upright and rebellious censors in the two countries!

Being able to withstand the high pressure of the royal families of the two countries and still adhere to the original intention of being an official is definitely a good candidate for Yushitai! If we can recruit a few special supervisory censors like Cui Shanxiao to firmly control local institutions, why worry about unclear politics and social disharmony?

Shen Tang said: "That's true."

The two hid here and showed off several cups of fruit tea.

Gu Chi's sharp eyes saw a book spread out in Shen Tang's hand, with densely written words on it, some of which had been altered several times. Shen Tang noticed his gaze, stretched, and rubbed his sore eyes: "This is for the Ministry of Officials, some rules about the selection of officials... Some rules must be established from the beginning to avoid being criticized in the future. People take advantage of the loopholes and become a sieve.”

The decay of anything does not happen overnight.

It often starts quietly from an unnoticed corner, and the same is true for a huge country. It may be decaying from top to bottom, or it may be spreading from bottom to top. No matter how good the government orders are, they will not be able to sustain the local grassroots level. Similarly, if something goes wrong at the top, the effect of the top and bottom will also affect the bottom.

All Shen Tang can do is pay close attention to every detail.

Watch them fall into place.

For example, restrictions on the appointment of officials.

One is to avoid relatives.

For example, the two parties cannot be subordinate to the same organization, and the positions of the two parties cannot be related. A typical example is if a relative comes to take the exam. The person in charge of the exam must avoid it if he has any relationship with the candidate. Concealing, not reporting, or avoiding is a serious crime.

As for father and son/female couples, Shen Tang allows it.

Who becomes an official not for his family and future?

Avoidance is to make politics clearer rather than muddy.

If one person in the court is an official, it would cut off other members of the clan's relatives from the opportunity to advance. This is enmity.

Not only the clan members who serve as officials will be cursed and hated, but even Shen Tang, the leader of the country, will be overthrown by them. For example, two families, A and B, have a feud, and family A has a talented heir. In order to cut off family A's future, family B bribes the gangsters of family A, appoints them as minor officials, and lets people occupy the manhole without shit, completely preventing family A from entering the court. hope. Is this reasonable? Not reasonable at all.

Furthermore, Shen Tang also has many relatives under his tent.

For example, father and daughter Zhao Feng, brother Yun Ce, master and apprentice Chu Yao, father and son Xun Zhen... we can't tear them all apart, right?

Nowadays, the aristocratic family has become docile, partly because they place their hopes on the next generation. Kill other people's hopes, don't blame them for fighting for you! Shen Tang naturally had to be cautious about this.

In addition to avoiding relatives, you also need to avoid your place of origin.

Officials cannot hold office in the state, county or county where their ancestral home is; before the expiration of their term, they are not allowed to change their place of office unless there are reasons such as demotion; immediate family members who commit crimes are not allowed to take merit tests...

Shen Tang glanced at Gu Chi and felt blessed: "As soon as you came, I suddenly remembered another thing - the censors at the censorship station should avoid their ancestral home or the place where they used to serve..."

Gu Chi picked up the spread letters with Shen Tang's permission.

After a cursory look, I found that there is no restriction on origin.

He asked: "No restrictions on household registration?"

If you are a merchant, once you have an official position, there will be endless troubles if you collude with money and power. You must know that on the surface, officials and their immediate family members are not allowed to engage in industrial activities. Even if there are policies and countermeasures from the top, those in power can only turn a blind eye. On the surface, people still abide by the rules.

If a merchant becomes an official...

How does this count?

Shen Tang shook his head: "After thinking about it, there is no restriction. A merchant can also become an official. However, after becoming an official, he must abide by the official restrictions and stop operating. Whether it is a transfer or a cessation of operations, and - in this case, restrictions will bigger."

There was a hint of cunning in her eyes.

Gu Chi asked: "How big is it?"

Shen Tang smiled and said: "When merchants enter the officialdom, those who are prohibited from doing business are not the three direct generations but the three clans... What do you think?"

Gu Chi thought over these words carefully.

He couldn't help but said: "What a conspiracy."

This move does not restrict merchants from becoming officials, and can also take advantage of this policy to increase business taxes - after all, compared with previous dynasties that prohibited merchants from becoming officials, this move of my lord can be regarded as tolerant and generous. Is there anything unacceptable about raising business taxes?

Compared with one’s birth and status, what is money?

However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that there is a big hole inside. The three tribes are prohibited from doing business. How many families will be implicated?

This transformed the contradiction into a contradiction within the three tribes.

This move would also allow businessmen who entered officialdom to cut ties with their families, trigger conflicts, and reduce the possibility of collusion between officials and businessmen in the future.

Shen Tang shook his head: "Actually, it's not perfect."

Still the same sentence——

There are policies and measures to counter.

Which official can support a large family and a group of servants with his salary? Either by taking bribes, or by taking advantage of official connections or positions to allow the family to have children to do business for profit, perfectly bypassing the ban on business by officials.

Strictly speaking, there is really nothing we can do about this situation.

Shen Tang rubbed his forehead, not thinking about these things for the time being.

Starting from today, she would have to hold meetings for a long time to improve various aspects of the system. Some of them could be copied, while others needed to be modified based on the basics. Just thinking about it gave her a headache. So, I drank another cup of fruit tea and thirsty water.

The official system adopts three provinces and six ministries.

The military system also needs to keep up.

Shen Tang was lost in thought about all the details when he heard Gu Chi ask himself: "How does the Lord plan to arrange the Ministry of Works? Judging from the opinions of everyone today, they are all leaning towards..."

She said: "Think I will keep it for the noble family?"

Gu Chi nodded: "Yes."

Shen Tang leaned forward and rummaged through the messy pile of letters. He pulled out a very thick volume of letters from the corner, opened it and took a look. Gu Chi was very familiar with this volume. It contained the relationship between various aristocratic families, which family was close to whom, and which family had a feud with whom. Shen Tang chatted: "Actually, they are right. After slapping someone so many times, beating and killing them, they should be given two sweet dates. However, the minister of the Ministry of Industry has a special status, and it is not easy to grant it. Going out..."

She pointed out two houses above.

Gu Chi took a look and thought, Oh, he has a grudge.

They are relatively high among aristocratic families.

Shen Tang: "Do they have a suitable person in their family?"

Gu Chi shook his head and sighed: "After all, we are from an aristocratic family with a deep foundation. Even if the talent is mediocre, after ten or decades of hard work, you can still look like a fool. Your ability is acceptable."

The majors may not be very relevant, but they can barely hold their own.

Shen Tang said: "Each two families select one person to serve as the Minister of Industry. Whoever performs better may be promoted."

Gu Chi: "..."

My lord still likes to draw cakes as always.

What does "possible promotion" mean?

Doesn’t this mean that it is possible to fail in promotion?

The ultimate goal is to keep the two families in check, while also giving the family a taste of sweet dates. In addition, the three provinces and six departments have to select personnel, and many members of the aristocratic family have been selected. Even if their grades are not high, they still show signs of friendship, and it is even less likely that the aristocratic family will cause trouble again. Wait until the master's wings are full...

By then——

Shen Tang rolled his eyes at him: "Not that much."

Don't think that she doesn't know what Gu Chi is thinking.

Doesn't it mean that she is killing the donkey and killing the noble family? This is really not a big deal. At most, it will cause them to lose their vitality and gain some wool. If you want to slaughter the sheep, you have to wait until she wants to eat the mutton. Now the sheep are slaughtered, and the mutton is white and rotten.

Gu Chi could only scratch his nose.

Qi Shan and others are very capable of action.

When the news spread, everyone was excited.

Shen Tang currently lives in the main camp, and the capital is not far from the main camp. The person who had previously submitted a resume to Shen Tang and was accepted lived in a county or town near the capital. As soon as the news of the day came back, everyone's hearts were in turmoil. Those without background could only sit at home and worry, waiting for orders to be issued, while those with connections began to move around. That night, many people stayed up all night.

In the afternoon of the second day, Shen Tang received recommendation lists one after another.

"The positions are not even full..."

Everyone knows Shen Tang's temperament, and he prefers to be deficient rather than excessive.

Everyone's list is not full, ranging from twenty to thirty to thirty-five. The names of the recommended people are followed by the reasons for their recommendation. At a cursory glance, there is no selfishness in the whole thing. Of course, there cannot be much selfishness.

Except for a few, the others are all alone.

As a lonely person, it is natural for business to take care of business.

Choose the one that does the best job!

"Why aren't there Ji Shou and Tunan?"

The guard said: "It hasn't been sent yet."

Shen Tang joked: "It seems that these two were the busiest in the house last night. The Kang family and the Ning family also have many in-laws."

She thought that the list of recommendations for these two people would be postponed until the evening or tomorrow, but it turned out that Cao Cao, Cao Cao arrived, and soon a sergeant sent two lists. Surprisingly consistent, they all come from poor families. The two lists also have overlapping names...

The corners of Shen Tang's mouth twitched.

"There's no need to go so far to avoid suspicion."

It is certainly beneficial to promote people from poor families, but they are from a lower background and suddenly reach a high position, and it is easy for them to change their minds, so they still need to hone and temper them carefully. Shen Tang thought for a moment, then crossed out a few names and added a few more that he liked.

They are all from relatively small aristocratic families, with good talents and conduct, and they are full of passion. These people can go through numerous screenings by Gu Chi, Luan Xin and others, and are barely trustworthy.

The other lists were also checked carefully.

Basically no problem.

People like Chu Yao are very thoughtful.

The tacit and unanimous choice to vacate the deputy position should be based on preparation and review, and whoever performs outstandingly will be promoted.

She and Chu Yao checked the final list again and again.

Chu Yao, Qi Shan, and Ning Yan are the heads of the three provinces, plus Gu Chi, the imperial censor with special abilities. The five people discussed the list from day to night before stopping.

From time to time, you can still hear a few conversations.

Shen Tang: "Do you want to give you another title?"

"Need not."

"Can the treasury pay so much salary?"


Several candles were replaced.

Until several small blackboards in the camp were filled with names.

"Okay, that's about it..."

She stretched.

Seeing that it was getting late, Chu Yao and others were ready to leave.

Shen Tang asked Chu Yao to stay in court.

After the others left, she asked: "Wu Hui, the official system has been solved, but the military system has not yet - our side has always been partial to science, and there are many more literary scholars than brave warriors. I counted them, and there are still a few under the account. There’s really not much that can be done.”

Chu Yao looked at her tenderly.

"Everything depends on the Lord."

Shen Tang said: "Then I have to worry about your mood, Chu Jie or Wei Shou, which one do you prefer?"


The title is really not enough.

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